ACOG Action Profile picture
@ACOG is a leading voice in support of policies that help people get the obstetric and gynecologic care they need, when they need it.
Sep 13, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
Today, @EnergyCommerce is considering the #BuildBackBetter Act, legislation that makes historic investments in #maternalhealth including some of @ACOG’s top priorities and #CLC asks. @ACOG enthusiastically supports the following policies within the bill. 1/ The legislation includes @RepRobinKelly #MOMMAsAct mandate that states extend postpartum #Medicaid coverage to 1 year after the end of pregnancy, as recommended by @ACOG & other maternal health experts. The data are clear that this policy will improve outcomes & save lives. 2 /
Apr 13, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Thanks to years of #obgyn advocacy and decades of safe use of medication abortion, as of today, many patients will no longer need to risk unnecessary exposure to #COVID19 as a condition of using #mifepristone for abortion care. 1/ From our statement: "Requiring the medicine to be dispensed in person, then taken elsewhere at the patients’ discretion, is arbitrary and does nothing to bolster the safety of an already-safe medicine." 2/
Apr 10, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
.@POTUS’ FY 22 discretionary budget proposal demonstrates a great step in the right direction with investments in critical programs that impact our members and their patients’ health. @acog is encouraged to see: 1/ - Over $200M to help address #maternalmortality and morbidity w/ a focus on addressing race-based inequities in maternal health outcomes through investments in rural areas, #MMRCs, training to improve culturally congruent care & more 2/
Apr 18, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
.@ACOG hosted a virtual briefing on Thursday, where experts from ACOG, @MarchofDimes, and @ACNMmidwives briefed Congress about the unique challenges facing pregnant women in the #COVID19 pandemic. Watch the recorded briefing: Here are some highlights: @acog @MarchofDimes @ACNMmidwives The expert panel acknowledged #BlackMaternalHealthWeek, urging Congress to mitigate the impacts of #COVID19 on communities of color, improve data collection, extend #Medicaid coverage to 12 months postpartum, and include pregnant women in #COVID19 research. 2/