The Rotund Dungeon Master #BLM Profile picture
He/Him. The Internet's Dungeon Master. Bi, Disabled, ADHD. Just a Round Man in a Square World Making Space at the Table For Everyone Except Bigots.
Aug 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Apparently the first ever study on period products using blood to test absorbency instead of water just came out this Monday.

And guess what? Absolutely NONE of the period products on the market absorb anywhere CLOSE to what they say on the fucking packaging. So this means two things

1. Doctors have never been able to diagnose heavy bleeding. Ever.

2. If you have felt like your tampons and pads were dog shit, now you have proof.

I am fucking angry.
Jun 21, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Apparently one of the people on the sub is a 19 year old kid. And there is a lot of shaming going around for people having a knee jerk reaction to a bunch of rich people dying on a sub because of that.

And the narrative would be different if but for a few changes. If he were poor and in the back seat of his best friends car as it crashed into a lake going 90 miles an hour here in rural Indiana, it would be tragic but he would be "a grown ass man that should have known better than to get in that car."
Jun 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Ok, let me expand on this cause it was late last night and I didn't have the spoons.

I'm pretty sure that they're dead. With every passing moment they are gone I'm more and more sure of that fact. It sucks. It's not good. This is actually my literal nightmare scenario. Either it filled with water or they are stuck in the bottom, in the dark, in just a pocket of air knowing that help isn't coming. It gave me a panic attack as a kid, it gives me a panic attack now. I don't wish that on anyone.
Apr 30, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
TW: Sexism, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Suicide

Bouncing off this great thread, MRAs using statistics as a cudgel to beat feminists over the head are part of the reason that those issues are not taken seriously for us. Seriously, how can that be if the only reason they are brought up is whataboutisms to say that these issues aren't really issues because "men have it worse" with no solutions? How are they taken seriously if the only voice for them are a bunch of internet clowns that hate women?
Apr 30, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
So this thing that looks like Bruce Wayne's garage door opener is the TV-B-Gone™. It's sold as a prank device, and comes in some 1950s style packaging that extols the virtues of a life with-out TV.

Ultimately it's pranking folks into thinking their TV is malfunctioning. A picture small, black, squ... Now I did not get this for such pranking activities. I ultimately got it for work. Why?

I have #ADHD which means that the more steps there are to something, the harder it is to do or remember to do them all. I've also got arthritis which makes repetitive long trips a real pain.
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Jacob's Arcane Door
6th Level (conjuration)
Casting time: 1 action
Duration: One Round
Components: V,S,M ( one unlocked Door)
Effect: Teleportation. This spell creates a magical link between one unlocked, bon magical door, and another door on the same plane of existence. You must have opened and walked through the door at least once. You must be welcome in the place you are trying to travel to.
Apr 26, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I no longer care about possible government waste when it comes to public goods and services. If a library is open 24 hours a day, and the only person that uses said library is a little old lady who reads "Pride and Prejudice" from 3:15-4:45 on Tuesday, that is not waste. If a free public bus is running at 2:00 AM and absolutely no one is on it untill 6:00 AM, that is not waste.

If there are 5 EMS vehicles run by the county on a continuous route in a rural area, but only 3 are ever occupied at any given time, the other two are not waste.
Apr 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
White people: Where did the lost colony of Roanoke go?

Indigenous people: They joined us. They were hungry, they were starving, and we took them in

WP: The only clue was this mysterious word carved in a tree

IP: Yeah that's us. They left you a note.

WP: It's a mystery! Oh hey, this blew up.

Don't give money to me, go find an indigenous person and dump money into their cash app. I'm just a mediocre white guy shit posing on the internet. It's their story.
Apr 23, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I think one of the biggest innovations that Red Dead Redemption 2 did that doesn't get nearly enough coverage is how much side missions either comment on, or help develop the themes of the story. I've yet to find a single one that feels like it's out of place. I'd even go as far as to say that they are an interactive Greek chorus...

And now that I'm typing it out the time traveler is the only outlier that doesn't seem to have any real commentary on the rest of the story, which makes sense because he's not supposed to be there.
Nov 18, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
So abortion is healthcare and a human right no matter the reason. I wanted to highlight this. TW: Miscarriage, Forced Birth, Loss of reproductive ability… This woman almost lost her life because she didn't have access to an abortion. She miscarried. Her water broke at 14 weeks, and the doctors told her she will develop a life threatening infection, but because Texas is so vague with it's fucking law they couldn't provide abortion.
Nov 17, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
#KerbalSpaceProgram has taught me to appreciate what a huge achievement @NASA getting to the moon was. You think you know. You go "Yeah, it's the moon, we went a bunch of times. We played golf on the moon. So what?"

But you don't. So in this game I have sandbox mode on, which means I don't have to worry about any extras. I can just play with all the toys because that is what I really want to do. Don't have to worry about funding or research. Just space.
Nov 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Gen X: You know, it kind of sucks out here. It would be great if it sucked a little bit less.

Boomers: You are Lazy and Entitled and too young to make a difference. You want college for free, go serve in operation desert storm and get some boot straps to pull your self up with Millennials: Wow, things are even more fucked up than they were for our Gen X. Can we get universal healthcare and college

Boomers: YOU ARE LAZY AND ENTITLED. You want healthcare and college? Go fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm going to go spend your inheritance on bingo
Oct 31, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I've got some new followers. Some that may have misconstrued what I was talking about with ND masquing the other day.

So here is a break down of whom you are following. If you don't like it, you know where the block button is. Black, Brown, and Trans Lives fucking matter and we stand against bigotry.

The pandemic is not over, especially for the immunocompromised, so wear your fucking mask and vaccinate.

Science is real.

Folks deserve to be able to worship freely, or not, however they choose.
Oct 31, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Halloween Story 2022: Do We Have A Deal?

TW: Cancer, Religious Images, Blood, Death, Implied childhood terminal illness. Frank sat staring down at his Tomato Soup and grilled cheese. Technically he wasn't supposed to have anything red prior to the test, and he probably wasn't going to now. It was his comfort food as a kid and sounded amazing on paper, but when the smell hit him....
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I feel like all #neurodivergent people came out of the pandemic with no ability to mask anymore, no desire to, and if someone asks us to mask we just look at them like, "I'm sorry, am I living in an 1880s opera house terrorizing folks? No? Well then we shan't be masking" Hey, so I could have chosen better language for this post. I mean neurotypical masking. Masking behaviors that would out us as ADHD or Autistic.

I still support the wearing of physical masks to protect others. If you are an antimasker, go fuck yourself.
Dec 21, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
#dnd5e another homebrew idea- orcs are vikings.

Yeah, you heard me.

Most of your forgotten realms folks are terrified of orcs because they've only met orc raiding parties. They don't get that orcs are fucking fantastic navigators and sailors. They don't see how Uber clean and fashion forward orcs are. They don't see how the women of the orc clans have the most power in relationships. They don't see how whole villages help raise children. They don't see the beautiful, intricate carvings and art of the halls and temples
Dec 21, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
It is my firm #TTRPG head cannon and homebrew staple that goblins are an entire group of people who are predisposed to #ADHD , and have it to an extreme degree. It is untreated because no one has stopped to study it.

They do not lack intelligence, they lack impulse control. A goblin is hyperactive and always in search of the next bit of dopamine to keep them going. It's why they can come up with creative solutions, but it always seems super dangerous.

Going specifically into #DnD5e you can see a decent example of a few #ADHD types.
Dec 19, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Once upon a time there were two creatures, an ant, whose family had always worked in the Hopper & Son's mine, and a Grasshopper whose family had always owned said mine. The grasshoppers never wanted for everything. They could afford the best tutors & schools. They never knew what it was like to be hungry, and they never ran out of money. None of them ever worked.

The ants, on the other hand, knew nothing but toil. All of them had been born into poverty. They lived in the Hopper & Son's company town.
Sep 9, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
How to do the mentally unstable, unreliable narrator trope without being ableist.

1. The protagonist is not evil

2. The people around them are trying to help them

3. Their doctors are not on some big pharma kick and actually care about their patients. 4. The character cannot tell what is real or hallucination. They are aware, and that is why they are seeking help.

5. The protagonist is not a danger to others, may be a danger to themselves, but are a capable adult just dealing with a sickness no different than cancer
Sep 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Out there is (or at least was) a variant of Odin who showed all three children the love and affection that they needed.

He valued Hel for her tactical brilliance, and raised her not to be a butcher but a leader. Thor got to be the lovable himbo middle child who got two really awesome best friends.... Even if he doesn't realize his own strength and why they both get super annoyed with him sometimes
Sep 9, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
I just saw a post by a high schooler who was talking about the environmental impact of obesity. They brought up the notion that it costs more water to grow more cotton to create a shirt for someone my size. They state, emphatically, that we should not make larger sizes. My guy, I'm just trying to go to work and keep my job. I gotta have clothing. It's a necessity. I gotta have stuff that fits so I can go out and work out so I can lose my weight.

All I'm trying to do is live.