SamTheLongCovidUnicorn Covid Is Airborne Profile picture
#LongCovid #POTS #Disabled #ActuallyAutistic #LGBTQIA friendly. on PIP writes for @TheCanaryUK Arsenal fan 🦄
Dec 27, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Hey, #LongCovid community, it's time to tell you a story about Death: my death.
In lots of measurable ways, I died on March 15th 2020: The Ides Of March.
My life since then actually makes more sense as a posthumous fantasy. 1/ Has anyone seen The Sixth Sense, with Bruce Willis in it?
At the beginning of the film, Bruce has a brush with death when he gets stabbed by Donnie Wahlburg.
You then get to see a series of strained scenes between Bruce and his wife, played by Olivia Williams. 2/
Dec 7, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
I think that Long Covid is a lot more common than people are prepared to admit.
Here are some of my most common symptoms. Do these ring a bell with you?
1. Breathlessness
2. Tinnitus
3. Crushing fatigue after minimum effort.
4. Racing heart rate
5. A feeling of being poisoned.
6. Terrible joint pains.
7. Muscle spasms.
7. Feeling confused and constantly forgetting things.
8. Feeling as if you have dementia, especially after exertion.
9. Feeling hot when it's cold and cold when it's hot.
10. Extreme Clumsiness. 11. Forgetting other #LongCovid symptoms.
There must be many thousands of undiagnosed Long Covid sufferers out there in need of support, care, and empathy.
If you identify with these symptoms, you may have #LongCovid.
Don't suffer in silence.
There are fantastic charities and doctors here to help.
@LCAIreland @LCawarenessInt @LCNMUK @LongCovidAdvoc @LCKScotland @long_covid @LongCovidKids @LongCOVIDPhysio @LongCovidSOS All these groups are populated with #LongCovid survivors.
@Sunny_Rae1 @drclairetaylor @elisaperego78 @BinitaKane @SGriffin_Lab @dgurdasani1 @DavidJoffe64 and others are very generous with their time and expertise.
Jul 29, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
@LucyGoBag Hi Lucy, I am finding your book really helpful. Especially the bit about the flooding.
I strongly feel that with the ongoing Covid Pandemic, we have been robbed of the ability to enter the Recovery phase of the Disaster.
We haven't been allowed to grieve. 1/ We have been overwritten.
The Covid Inquiry has declared the pandemic over.
There's no surveillance of the current Covid wave.
We are being continually gaslighted at the highest level, but all the trauma is real and getting worse! 2/
Dec 6, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
#LongCovid has an incredibly severe and debilitating symptom: brain inflammation. A thread. Please read.
9 days ago, I went into Exeter on my own for the first time in a few years. By the time I got home, I was more ill than I usually am. A thread. 1/ Image Long Covid fatigue worsens brain inflammation. For the past 9 days, I've been increasingly unwell, making my brain inflammation worse. I am too ill to walk my dogs, currently. Poor dogs. I am struggling. Cooking dinner is a mammoth effort, as is tidying the house. 2/
Nov 10, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
I want to talk about having a Date Night if you have #LongCovid a thread 1/ it was dinner and a movie, and both were great, however, I had to travel into Exeter on the bus.
I cannot describe the pain in my spine from sitting on a rickety bus for an hour. 2/
Sep 11, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
Hi. My name is Sam. I am 50. I have had Long Covid since March 15th 2020. The Ides Of March. I am autistic, and I have POTS. I am a person of colour, who has experienced a lifetime of discrimination. My life is actually pretty bleak. 1/ Sometimes, people ask me why I am critical towards those scientists, doctors and experts who USED to say useful things about Covid and Long Covid but no longer do. A thread.
A little theory. Every time there is any kind of revolution, there is a counter-revolution. 2/
Sep 9, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Hi, my name is Sam. I am 50. I have been disabled with Long Covid for 3 and a half years. I am also autistic and I have POTS. My life is fucked. I don't talk about Long Covid for me because my life is fucked. I do it for all of You, so you don't end up like me. 1/ But not enough of you are listening.
And I am too cowardly to set myself in fire, so I try to amplify my message by reaching out to others.
Too many of you have swallowed the Post-Covid Lie. That it's all over.
That's total bollocks. I don't want 5 or 10 million people with LC 2/ Image
Aug 25, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
#LongCovid #DisabilityTwitter
Okay, So I want to do a thread about Brain Fog in Long Covid to try to get across to the able-bodied, what it is actually like to experience. Firstly, the phrase, it does not work for me. Brain Fucked feels more appropriate.
I know others embrace the phrase, and find it useful. I do not. What I would love is for this to be a community thread, with others adding their feelings to it, and they don't have to have Long Covid to do so. 2/
Jun 21, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
1. "They should not allow topless sunbathing on the beach. It was very distracting for my husband who just wanted to relax." 2. "On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don't like spicy food."

3. "We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish."
Dec 13, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
To exist with #LongCovid is to be in a state of constant terror. I pace myself. I conserve my energy by spreading out minute tasks. I drag myself to health settings, to see a doctor or a pharmacist. It's full of risk 1/ Others don't see it. I have to risk whether to have a booster jab because the last one made me ill. Am I worse without it? So, I mostly stay home, and hope for the best and fear the worst. 2/
Dec 11, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
As it's both #SocialistSunday and the season of goodwill to all men, let's talk about #PrinceAndrew.
He is a good representation of our Little Britain, isn't he? 1/ #PrinceAndrew went on television and doubled-down on his contempt for the law- abiding people of the United Kingdom. In favour of a paedophile billionaire. 2/
Oct 26, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
Austerity has led to excess deaths through poverty. Austerity has led to David Cameron’s Big Society Actually meaning #FoodBankBritain. And it’s not just the unemployed using food banks. Wages for hard working people is so poor, and inflation so high that teachers and nurses are using them to feed their families too. #FoodBankTories
The #Tories have run down schools and run down the #NHS. Schools aren’t properly supported or ventilated. Staff turnover is ridiculously high. Burnout is commonplace.
Oct 24, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
It's another #LongCovid thread. I am a man with #LongCovid. I have had it for 31 months. I regularly see my GP and talk about it. I have a Long Covid doctor I see online. I also have POTS so I have a POTS doctor. Why am I telling you this? 1/ I am a man but one with more feminine priorities. I have been a stay at home parent since my daughter was born. I remember birthdays and book the holidays. I talk about my feelings. And, I try to look after my health. It didn't stop me Pushing Through to get #LongCovid but 2/