How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App but that never happened! In fact hysteria continues to be central in psychiatry & psychosomatic med. I knew this, but I did not know that those in MH care are actually uninformed abt the damage hysteria does to women's healthcare here & now... I have no overarching monocausal theory about LC. I’ve consistently contended that symptoms are likely propagated by different mechanisms/mediators in different patients. Yes I’ve said that psychosocial processes could be a contributing factor for some. True for many illnesse’s damaging to the cause for you to publicly engage in unscientific speculation. Second, for you @doctorasadkhan and @gezmedinger to concede high prevalence of trauma & type A in LC patients is for you to openly sanction the psychosomatic approach to LC…2/ Start with the duty that defines your profession @strauss_matt - to ensure that every patient with a need for med care (medical testing, treatment, or support) receives it when she seeks it from you. Mistaken psychosomatic dx violates that duty in every case where it occurs.