FinalSayForAll #BrexitIsPersonal #The5Million Profile picture
We are committed to fighting for a 2nd referendum including the right to vote for all UK citizens in the EU and all EU27 citizens resident in the UK
Nov 24, 2019 11 tweets 10 min read
1.On 12th Oct, a group of campaigners organised #R4OR to highlight the risk of Brexit to our rights. This is the 2nd part of all the speeches from that day.

We @FinalSayForAll work hard to show how #BrexitIsPersonal. If you wish to help, please donate at 2. Annelies @Liesebieke speaks about how limited the access to the NHS is for people with disabilities & how so many of them are paying for treatment themselves. Brexit will only make this worse for her, even make it life-threatening. #ROAR
Sep 29, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
“When are you going back to Barcelona?” asked one of Aranza's work colleagues on a number of occasions after the referendum.

An all too familiar story for EU citizens who chose to make their home in what used to be a welcoming country. /1
#BrexitIsPersonal @InLimboBrexit You’ll find Aranza’s story on our YouTube channel, along with >150 #BrexitIsPersonal stories filmed up & down the country.

Please take a look & help us to share them with those who can influence events. Make their rights matter. /2
Sep 10, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
As Parliament in the UK has been silenced, we thought we'd fill the void tonight with @EllieChownsMEP, Green MEP for the W. Midlands, talking about why she became involved in politics.
It was a delight to welcome her to our #FSFABeehive event in Hereford. #BrexitIsPersonal /1 Watch the rest of Ellie’s film to hear why #BrexitIsPersonal for her.
If you are proud, like Ellie, to be both British and European, stand up with us and demand to be represented in BOTH Parliaments. /2
Sep 5, 2019 5 tweets 5 min read
Mark @ItRecks joined us at the #FSFABeehive in Hereford with @HerefordshireEU. He may be more familiar to you as the 8ft dinosaur, T-Rexit.
In this clip he talks about the severe impacts of a no-deal Brexit: “We’ve been lied to all the way through this.” #BrexitIsPersonal /1 Watch the rest of Mark's film to hear why #BrexitIsPersonal for him.
If you’re just as angry & frustrated at all the lies people have been sold, then stand up with millions of us to demand a #FinalSayForAll or better still, #RevokeA50. /2
Aug 29, 2019 5 tweets 5 min read
Eddie was far too young to vote in the 2016 referendum. He’s still too young to vote now, but he knows how damaging #Brexit will be for others. That’s why he’s joined the protest against Brexit because “other people will suffer if I don’t do anything.” #BrexitIsPersonal /1 Watch the rest of Eddie’s short film. If you feel proud of him for standing up for his generation’s future, stand up with him and millions of others in demanding a #FinalSayForAll, or better still #RevokeA50.
#BrexitIsPersonal /2
Aug 27, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
Julia suffers from epilepsy and it’s taken 10 years for her to get the right medication to enable her to work and have a life. Now she’s terrified that Brexit will put her medication at risk and she’ll be back to square one. #BrexitIsPersonal 1/ Watch Julia’s full film to hear more about why #BrexitIsPersonal for her.
Why should people’s lives be needlessly put at risk for Brexit? If you are angry too, stand with us & millions of others to demand a #FinalSayForAll, or better still #RevokeA50. /2
Feb 6, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
"Since the referendum, Giulia @GiuliaSavini1 has felt scared when walking through the town she's made her home. She's even been called a ""another f***ing immigrant"". #BrexitIsPersonal /1" If that is not the sort of country you'd like the UK to be, it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalsayForAll Watch Giulia's full film and see why, for her, #BrexitIsPersonal /2
Feb 5, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
Howard talks about his Dutch brother-in-law who’s lived & worked in the UK for 35 yrs and feels the referendum has removed his identity. Howard has seen the huge emotional impact this has had on him, and also on a friend who’s lived here for over 40 yrs. #BrexitIsPersonal /1 If you agree with Howard that this is wrong, it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalsayForAll Watch Howard's full film and see why, for him, #BrexitIsPersonal /2
Jan 12, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
John @john196201 explains how Brexit's already had an impact on his dental practice. Working ethically, along with the fall in the pound, means he's already taken a huge financial hit. He fears far worse is to come, as vital medical supplies become scarcer. #BrexitIsPersonal /1 If this worries you too, it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalsayForAll
Watch John's full film and see why, for him, #BrexitIsPersonal /2
Jan 9, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
David voted to leave the EU but now regrets it. #BrexitIsPersonal for him because he's had to reassess his beliefs. He’s always felt politics should be about looking after individuals, but feels that the whole Brexit process has not done that. He now wants a #FinalSayForAll /1 If you agree with David, it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalsayForAll
Watch David's full film and see why, for him, #BrexitIsPersonal /2
Dec 24, 2018 89 tweets 14 min read
Merry Christmas one and all!! 🎄


A Brexmas Carol - Act 1 Cameron was gone, to begin with.

There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his flounce was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it.

Old Cameron was dead as a doornail.
Dec 4, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
Please take the time to watch Stephanie's @Dukespoint film. It's heartbreaking to hear her speak of her life in limbo. She's supported her UK military husband throughout his career and now may not be eligible for settled status. Is this what anyone voted for? #BrexitIsPersonal /1 It's wrong to treat people like Stephanie this way, but it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalSayForAll
Please watch Stephanie's film and see why, for her #BrexitIsPersonal /2
Sep 27, 2018 5 tweets 5 min read
@FinalSayForAll will be hosting 2 more #FSFABeehive events this w/end in Warrington & Birmingham! See tweets below for info.
If you can’t attend but would like to support our campaigns, please visit or our crowdfunder below.… 2/
We’ll be in Warrington this Saturday 29th Sept. Do come along to The Volstead from 3pm for our #FSFABeehive. Meet @nickynoo007, @Dimigaza & @mcccanntb, who invite you for a drink & a chat. Share your #BrexitIsPersonal stories in a friendly atmosphere.…
Aug 14, 2018 9 tweets 5 min read
For those denied a vote in the EU referendum, #BrexitIsPersonal. We will continue to give a voice to those denied a say in their futures, and already affected by Brexit. Any future votes must include a #FinalSayForAll, and an #OptionToStay. Here’s how we hope to achieve this. FinalSayForAll was founded by Bloke From Barnsley @Nickynoo007, John Ling @grrrahh and Michael Moss @MintyTeaboy, three British citizens who were concerned about the 5 million citizens both in the UK and the EU who were denied a vote in the EU referendum of 2016.
Jul 31, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear Friends,
You will be aware that FSFA have been promoting and fundraising for the EUnique rally in Brussels to be held on September 5th, 2018.
We have expended much time and effort in providing advice and practical help to Samit and his team. Unfortunately, mainly due to our need to prioritise and focus on events closer to home with the fast approaching final deal and possible People’s Vote in mind, we are having to withdraw as of now from assisting with the planning, promotion and operation of the event.
May 16, 2018 46 tweets 10 min read
*Quick start guide: Welcome to #BrexitandDragons. Here's a quick guide.

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Follow @finalsayforall
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Vote in the polls! You have 15 minutes for a regular poll, and 10 minutes each during a BOSS BATTLE.
Have fun!
Please donate!
May 15, 2018 44 tweets 10 min read
*Quick start guide: Welcome to #BrexitandDragons. Here's a quick guide to this evenings event.

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Make sure your phone is charged
Follow @finalsayforall
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Follow the numbered tweets
Hote in the polls! You will have 15 minutes.
Have fun!
Please donate!