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Antisemitism hunter. #TrojanWarriors Anti-Zionism=#antisemitism. #ThePalestinianLie. End #PaytoSlay. 🇮🇱 Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱
Aug 23, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Leftist non-religious Jewish peaceniks. Complete ignorant.

Who've been murdered by Palestinians in kibbutzim next to Gaza?

Peaceniks who thought coexistence was possible. Slaughtered by people they've helped.

web.archive.org/web/2023101013… 2/4 For Palestinian Arabs there is only one rule.

A Jew is a Jew. No matter what.

Oct 30, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Pro-Gaza protests - Jew hatred.

Any country called out for ethnic cleansing, genocide, indiscriminate bombing of civilians and to cancel itself but Israel? NO.

✅Worldwide protests
✅Genocide/Ethnic cleansing calls
✅Jews attacked worldwide

#HamasisISIS 2/6 Pro-Gaza protests - Jew hatred.

Syria. Appr. 300k civilian deaths. (OHCHR 2023)
❌Worldwide protests
❌Genocide/Ethnic cleansing calls
❌Syrians attacked worldwide


Aug 6, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
1/7 @AOC What can we say. Less is more. That’s for sure. Let’s analyze her latest “essay”.

Original email screenshot & source:

Image 2/7 @AOC @AIPAC funneling "dark money".

Is this a reference to too much power and wealth for a certain unnamed minority? "It's all about the Benjamins"? Image
Jul 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/5 Aharon Barak's secret 1995 judicial revolution.

Overtaken power of Knesset in every single case. Singling out opponents and objecting any criticism.

If we're talking about dictatorship the Israeli Supreme Court is a living example.

mida.org.il/2016/05/15/452… 2/5 Barak’s words "The law is in all" means that ANYTHING will be judged by the Supreme Court.

Israeli Supreme Court judges are indeed superheroes.

They claim to have knowledge of every single subject of society.

Jul 12, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
1/10 Lot of memes with fake/fabricated quotes are running around.

All to show that Jews are evil and their goal is to delete the "white race".

One of them is this one. Will tear it into pieces. 2/10 Tim Wise. Jewish activist? With a paternal Jewish grandfather? Only in Nazi Germany.

He was talking about the White Right. Not the "white race".

Quote: Fabricated.

Full text here.


Mar 28, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1/4 @amnesty The mother of all Chutzpah's. Blaming Western countries for hypocrisy.
Too much focus on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and ignoring other mayhem.

Amnesty hypocritical? No way... 🤡🤡

amnesty.org/en/documents/p… 2/4 @amnesty Yearly report 2022/23. Preface - Double Standards (ain't that a funny one).
Countries are mixed together in a paragraph. War in Syria (11 yrs) mentioned as a mere footnote.

Except Israel. 61 words on Israel alone.

Amnesty hypocritical? No way... 🤡🤡
Dec 4, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/7 Sometimes a title is a great trigger.

Reading this word salad, it states numerous conflicts:
"Jewish-Arab","Arab-Zionist","Zionist-Palestinian", "Israeli-Palestinian" but Jews & Arabs coexisted in peace pre-1948?

What is it? Any, all? Mind boggling.

academia.edu/30602211/Local… 2/7 2nd "...Palestinian Arabs aimed to prevent Zionism implementing its colonial project, fearing that at its end they become alienated in their own country..."

“colonial project”. There’s a major trigger. Let’s check the professor’s interests and history.
Aug 9, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
1/11 Israel was never expected to survive after 1948. A thread.

Prologue: San Remo 1920 assigned current Israel and Jordan territories to the Jewish home land. San Remo 1922 stripped (Trans-) Jordan completely from this plan and gave it to a Hashemite offspring. 2/11 1947: UN res 181, confirmation of San Remo 1922 outcome. Extra trick; the remaining of Israel should be partitioned into a Jewish & Arab state. Another piece removed from the Jewish homeland.
Feb 9, 2022 17 tweets 20 min read
1/15 It’s impossible to read the #shamnesty @Amnesty report and not see the main intention. Demonizing #Israel for being a #Jewish state. The half-truths, hearsay, intensive usage of anti-Israel sources & promoting #ThePalestinianLie is mind boggling. I’ll give it a try. 2/15 Refs made in #shamnesty @Amnesty report should be an eye-opener. Information gathered from external (anti-#Israel) sources is huge. Not a word about state funded terrorism of PA or Hamas. Ergo, Palestinians are good, #Jews are bad.

Feb 6, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
1/5 The explanation of anti-Zionist #Jews behavior looks simple.

#Israel is since 1948 in the spotlights. Jews with self-determination that’s not what the world really want. And that reflects on Jews worldwide. 2/5 By opposing #Israel’s existence, anti-Zionist #Jews shows the world that they don’t like it either.

That there are Jews who call to dismantle the only #Jewish state. That there are Jews who believe #Israel is the worst country ever.
Jan 16, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
1/13 Thread on CAIR. Not too complicated. CAIR is dangerous for western society.

From FDD.org: CAIR is an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), an Egyptian organization founded in 1928 that today boasts divisions throughout the world. 2/13 MB has been operating in the United States since the 1960s in a manner fully consistent with its motto: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
Aug 18, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
1/10 Peeps using the pic below to proof #Israel's Apartheid should do some proper investigation.

President Carter - used the term "Apartheid" to gain interest... 2/10 Russell Tribunal of Palestine (RToP). This will be lenghty.

Pro-Palestinian only. More precise, the most are anti-#Israel audience all together.

Addameer, CODEPINK, Jewish Voice for Peace to name but a few.

Aug 8, 2021 13 tweets 8 min read
1/11 [Jewish studies, you have failed]

A comprehensive list of academics all over the world are signing letters. Letters condemning #Israel and #Israel alone. For the worst atrocities committed to mankind ever.

Ethnic cleansing, settler-colonialism, human rights violations, 2/11 [Jewish studies, you have failed]

occupation, land-theft.... All the favorite woke leftists words used.

Let start with a recent statement at israelpalestinejs.weebly.com and check the signatures.

Let's say, a lot of self-haters, #Israel bashers and the standard #Jew haters.
Mar 25, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
1/8 Hell yeah, let’s redefine #antisemitism in such a way that everything not mentioning explicit #Jews or compares #Israel with the worlds worst atrocities is NOT #antisemitic.

Ripping The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA) apart.

jerusalemdeclaration.org 2/8 -12: Criticizing or opposing Zionism as a form of nationalism. Sure. Where is the bond between #Judaism & #Zionism? Forgotten and completely whipped of the table. I even suspect that the eternal bond between #Jews and #Israel is completely ignored.
Feb 20, 2021 17 tweets 15 min read
1/15 Self-loathing (self-hating) #Jews and the existence of #Israel. After WW2 a lot of #Jewish survivors denied their #Jewishness all together. Converted to Protestantism, became hardcore socialists or even communists. Pretending to by one of the many, instead one of the few. 2/15 Examples in my little family. Another hiding place was to marry non-Jews. Male Jew & non-Jewish woman broke the bloodline. Female #Jew & non-Jewish male was a reason to not follow Jewish traditions. No Brit Milah, no Bar/Bat Mitswah, nada. Also examples in my little family.