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Aug 8th 2021
1/11 [Jewish studies, you have failed]

A comprehensive list of academics all over the world are signing letters. Letters condemning #Israel and #Israel alone. For the worst atrocities committed to mankind ever.

Ethnic cleansing, settler-colonialism, human rights violations,
2/11 [Jewish studies, you have failed]

occupation, land-theft.... All the favorite woke leftists words used.

Let start with a recent statement at and check the signatures.

Let's say, a lot of self-haters, #Israel bashers and the standard #Jew haters.
3/11 [Jewish studies, you have failed]

David Abraham, Professor of Law, University of Miamiโ€ฆ
Holocaust survivor family. Family active in orthodox and Zionist circles while advocating progressive social policy.

Denying #Jewish self-determination.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 20th 2021
1/15 Self-loathing (self-hating) #Jews and the existence of #Israel. After WW2 a lot of #Jewish survivors denied their #Jewishness all together. Converted to Protestantism, became hardcore socialists or even communists. Pretending to by one of the many, instead one of the few.
2/15 Examples in my little family. Another hiding place was to marry non-Jews. Male Jew & non-Jewish woman broke the bloodline. Female #Jew & non-Jewish male was a reason to not follow Jewish traditions. No Brit Milah, no Bar/Bat Mitswah, nada. Also examples in my little family.
3/15 Remember this was in the early 1950/60โ€™s and the man of the house decided most. The deeper thought, no, the huge fear that something like the #Holocaust could happen again was the reason for this. Donโ€™t show the outside world youโ€™re a #Jew, you could be round up next time.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 19th 2019
Here is a thread from my Covenant & Conversation essay on #Balak called "Not Reckoned Among the Nations". You can read it in full here: and download the accompanying Family Edition here: #ShabbatShalom Image
There are nations with many religions: #multicultural #Britain is one among many. There are religions governing many nations: #Christianity and #Islam are obvious examples. Only in the case of #Judaism is there a one-to-one correlation between #religion and #nationhood.
Without #Judaism there would be nothing (except #antisemitism) to connect #Jews across the world. And without the #Jewish nation Judaism would cease to be what it has always been, the #faith of a people bound by a bond of collective #responsibility to one another and to #God.
Read 8 tweets

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