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https://t.co/rn0ADorvlK Director / Co-host of @IndoPacPodcast #osint #southchinasea #grayzone #podcast
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Mar 22 6 tweets 3 min read
"What are these ships doing? We don't know" said @mercoglianos on dark fleets for @IndoPacPodcast (below). Meanwhile 2 mystery cargo ships have loitered by 🇹🇼#Taiwan's Penghu Islands for months--*not* carrying cargo anywhere. What do we know about these suspicious ships? [🧵1/5]Image First, @mercoglianos's point about dark fleets' risk to subsea cables is highly relevant to these mystery ships' activity, since 🇹🇼#Taiwan's Penghu Islands were a recent target of cable sabotage & also connect the Kinmen Islands to the main island. [🧵2/5]Image
Mar 6 8 tweets 3 min read
1/Another suspicious ship loitering off 🇹🇼#Taiwan's SW coast is the 🇨🇲#Cameroon-flagged Da Li. Like others we've tracked (some of which have been involved in subsea cable sabotage), this is a "cargo" ship that clearly doesn't transport cargo. So what exactly is it doing? [🧵1/8]Image 2/The Da Li is registered to 🇰🇭#Cambodia company "PHEAR S", which owns/operates only this one ship. In other words, if PHEAR S is a cargo shipping company, its only vessel does not ship cargo. [🧵2/8]Image
Feb 6 10 tweets 4 min read
1/Suspicious ship update: Just 1 month after the 🇹🇼#Taiwan Coast Guard reported driving away 🇲🇳#Mongolia-flagged, 🇭🇰#HongKong-registered Bao Shun from around its subsea cables, the ship is again loitering off Taiwan's coast, now near Qimei Island. So what is this ship? [🧵1/10]Image 2/As reported by @keverington in @TaiwanNewsEN, on 6 Jan the Bao Shun "was spotted taking an erratic course in the same area of subsea cables, sparking further national security concerns after a 🇨🇳Chinese ship allegedly damaged a subsea cable." [🧵2/10]
Jan 13 6 tweets 3 min read
🚨🤔Why has the cargo vessel VASILIY SHUKSHIN been aimlessly criss-crossing the area near 🇹🇼#Taiwan's Fangshan cable landing station () for 3+ weeks⁉️👀
Some curious facts about this ship in the thread below. [🧵1/6] @submarinecablemap.com/landing-point/…Image The VASILIY SHUKSHIN left 🇷🇺#Russia's Vostochnyy port 8 Dec, stopped briefly in 🇰🇷#SouthKorea & then began trolling off 🇹🇼#Taiwan's SW coast on 19 Dec. According to self-reporting it was to have reached Qui Nhon 🇻🇳#Vietnam on 27 Dec.
It's still off Fangshan. [🧵2/6]Image
Aug 18, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
1/🚨Flashpoint Sabina Shoal: 🇨🇳PRC ships now deploying south of Sabina Shoal this past 6 hours.
Over past week #China has been messaging intent to aggressively contest any 🇵🇭#Philippines missions to Sabina, where the BRP Teresa Magbanua has been posted since mid-April. [🧵1/x]Image 2/While no 🇵🇭#Philippines ships are openly broadcasting on AIS () approaching Sabina Shoal, 🇨🇳#China's deployments are clearly intended to cut off approaches from/via the 🇵🇭@coastguardph's base at Buliluyan Port at the southern tip of Palawan. [🧵2/x] sealight.live/posts/what-is-…
Aug 11, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1/🇨🇳"The Monster" has likely been replaced at 🇵🇭Sabina Shoal. On 11 August, 🇨🇳#China Coast Guard 5303 arrived at Sabina Shoal & is now stationed opposite 🇵🇭@coastguardph's BRP Teresa Magbanua, which has been posted there since mid-April. [Thread 🧵1/7]Image 2/Six 🇨🇳Qiong Sansha Yu militia ships also surround the 🇵🇭#Philippines' ship (see above), while 4-5 smaller militia known as Spratly Backbone Vessels can be seen "rafted" together () in this 🛰️@sentinel_hub image of the southern part of the shoal. [🧵2/7]sealight.live/posts/gray-zon…Image
Mar 4, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/x-🇵🇭#Philippines' resupply to 2nd Thomas Shoal now underway. 🇨🇳#China's maritime militia has established blockade positions & appears ready to contest (unlike last month's mission). 15 militia ships visible on AIS, likely others (including China Coast Guard) running "dark". Image 🧵2/x-@coastguardph's BRP Cabra & BRP Sindangan providing escort to 🇵🇭#Philippines' resupply boats. As noted yesterday👇, at least 1-2 large 🇨🇳#China Coast Guard spotted in area (running dark) & likely involved in blockade. History suggests probably more.
Dec 9, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1/BREAKING: 30-meter 🇵🇭#Philippines Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel BRP Datu Bankaw is now at Scarborough Shoal, and has been closely engaged with 99m 🇨🇳#China Coast Guard ship 3302 & at least 4 maritime ~60m militia ships for the past 3 hours. [🧵1/x] Image 2/News reports that CCG 3302 has deployed a water cannon in the direction of the BFAR vessel.

Dec 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/Dec 3, 2023: 125 ships belonging to 🇨🇳#China’s infamous distant-water fishing fleet crowd the Arabian Sea between 🇮🇳#India & 🇴🇲#Oman. Most are from the Fu Yuan Yu fleet, which has been tied to illegal fishing practices and human rights abuses: [🧵1/4] iuuriskintelligence.com/fu-yuan-yu-fle…
Image 2/⛴️123 ships of 🇨🇳#China’s Fu Yuan Yu fleet—together with their parent company, Pingtan Marine Enterprise, Ltd.—were placed under @USTreasury
Magnitsky Act sanction in Dec 2022 for serious #humanrights abuses:
Nov 9, 2023 26 tweets 9 min read
1/🚨BREAKING: The 🇵🇭#Philippines is sending another resupply mission toward 2nd Thomas (Ayungin) Shoal today. @coastguardph's 44m BRP Sindangan is escorting, accompanied by 97m BRP Melchora Aquino across Sabina Shoal, while 44m BRP Cabra approaches from the SE. [🧵1/x] Image 2/🇨🇳#China's blockading force includes 15 militia ships + 2 back near Mischief Reef + 3 en route.
4 coast guard ships also blocking but not broadcasting AIS are 21551 & 21555. CCG 21556 seen earlier.
Zhouyu-class cutter Hai Jing 3303 in shadowing position near BRP Cabra. [🧵2/x] Image
Oct 21, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
🚨1/NOW: 🇵🇭#Philippine Coast Guard BRP Cabra & Sindangan escorting resupply to outpost aboard BRP Sierra Madre at 2nd Thomas Shoal. 🇨🇳#China Coast Guard 4301 shadowing & 12 Qiong Sansha Yu maritime militia ships in blockade positions. However … [🧵1/x] Image 2/CCG ships 21551 & 21556, logged by the 🇵🇭PCG during the 8 Sep resupply mission, have not been visible on AIS (poss. broadcasting weaker Class B signals). Seems likely that they are still in the area. CCG 5305 mid-Sep & if there was a replacement it’s running AIS-dark. [🧵2/x]
Sep 7, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
🚨1/BREAKING: 🇵🇭#Philippines' 3rd resupply mission to outpost on BRP Sierra Madre at 2nd Thomas (Ayungin) Shoal in past 5 weeks. @coastguardph escorts BRP Cabra & Sindangan are escorting resupply boats past gauntlet of at least 1 🇨🇳 #China Coast Guard & 8 militia ships. [🧵1/n] Image 2/Previous resupply missions encountered "dark" 🇨🇳#China Coast Guard ships (not broadcasting automatic information system, or AIS). Unclear if dark ships present today, but forward deployment of so many militia ships suggests fewer CCG than before. [🧵2/n]
May 8, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
1/Yesterday a flotilla of #China maritime militia ships moving SE executed an unusual 90deg turn, spread out & began moving SW—on a course that would intriguingly lead them directly into the #ASEAN-#India Maritime Exercise group headed NE from Singapore.
But wait… [🧵1/5] Image 2/What I didn’t see then was the militia ships were escorting survey ship Xiang Yang Hong 10. While seeing #China’s survey ships in #Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone isn’t new, it’s odd to see them escorted by so many militia.
Wait, there’s more… [2/5]
Mar 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/My comments in this article mostly focused on the #Philippines' newly increased leverage in negotiations with #China. My full comments (including those left out of the article) follow: [1/6]

bworldonline.com/the-nation/202… 2/"Diplomacy is always important, especially in the face of increased tensions. However, reducing tensions should never be the sole objective in pursuing dialogue with China, which often uses bilateral talks to intimidate countries it sees as weak and easy to push around."
Mar 11, 2023 9 tweets 8 min read
1/ANATOMY OF A SWARM: How #China sent its ships to swarm & intimidate the #Phlippines’ largest outpost in the West Philippine Sea, then scattered after its tactics were made public, 3-11 March 2023.
By 5 March the swarm of Pag-Asa Island was well underway. (1/9)
#SouthChinaSea 2/However, by 10 March—perhaps due to the #Philippines’ new transparency initiative—#China had apparently recalculated & decided that swarming was no longer in its interest. Only 10 ships remained in the Pag-Asa Cays. Where did the rest go?
(Hint: not very far) (2/9)
Mar 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/[Quote] While fewer Chinese vessel seen in Philippine waters may seem to indicate an effort by the Chinese to deescalate tension, “looks can be deceiving,” according to an international maritime expert. (1/4) 2/“Where did they all go? The answer is most are probably still in the area … they’ve just made themselves less visible,” said retired US Air Force Col. Raymond Powell in a series of tweets on Friday. (2/4)
Mar 5, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
1/#China Coast Guard 5203 less than 3nm from Pag-Asa (Thitu) this morning with 3 militia ships (those visible on AIS). This is even closer than noted by @coastguardph yesterday, but not unusual. #China rejects the #Philippines’ right to a 12nm territorial sea around Pag-Asa (1/5) 2/The 2016 @UN Arbitral Tribunal case ruled that Pag-Asa carries the legal status of a “rock” under int’l law, meaning it’s always above water but can’t organically support human habitation. This affirmed its right to a legal 12nm territorial sea. (2/5)
Feb 6, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
1/The preponderance of the evidence suggests that on 6 Feb #China Coast Guard ship 5205 stopped, harassed and followed #Philippines Coast Guard BRP Malapascua near Sabina Shoal for 8+ hours, preventing it from returning to Palawan. Let me explain my reasoning. [Thread 1/7] 2/BRP Malapascua (@coastguardph MRRV-4403) left Pag-Asa (Thitu) Island moving SE on 5 Feb/0930 PHT after anchoring overnight. Its companion for that night, BRP Teresa Magbanua (MRRV-9701), would move off to the NE 14 hours later. [2/7]
Feb 4, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
1/What exactly happened between #China and the #Philippines last week in the W. Philippine Sea? Why are these two PH Coast Guard ships now sitting off the coast of Pag-Asa (Thitu) Island? And how does it all relate to the strange journey of the BRP Andres Bonifacio? [Thread 1/14] 2/First some background: PH Coast Guard ship BRP Teresa Magbanua (MRRV-9701) was acquired from #Japan in 2021. It was recently deployed in support of Philippine fishermen near Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal after reports of PRC harassment there. [2/14]