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Redefining ZK Hardware Acceleration from Software to Silicon 🧊🔥 // Curious about ZaKi or ICICLE? Talk to us at
Jerome Ku Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 13, 2023 12 tweets 9 min read
How #Zeroknowledge will Change Gaming Forever

New blogpost by @godstar28


#ZKP can be implemented in #gaming in two key ways:

1. Multiplayer gaming architecture
2. Gameplay

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Incorporating ZKP to gaming results in:

- Lowered costs
- Increased privacy protection
- Effective anti-cheat methods
- Enhanced scalability

Nov 3, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
1/ We've been working on Exactly that, for some time now. While the general idea is nice and correct...

Leveraging existing GPU mining infra to do ZK is in fact FAR from straight forward.

Time for a thread!🧵👇 2/ GPU mining was dominated by #Ethereum mining which is now, post merge, no longer possible.

So we came up with the idea of helping the community repurpose their GPUs for ZK compute a few weeks ago...

Sep 5, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
1/ Introducing Cloud-ZK: A Toolkit for Developing Zero Knowledge Proof Acceleration in the Cloud 🥳


Today we #opensource a new way to accelerate ZK. Using #FPGA. In #AWS cloud. Easy. Accessible. Cheap.

Read on, or check out the blog
Thread 🧵👇… Image 2/
Zero Knowledge (ZK) technology is a fundamental building block for decentralized computing.

Its two main applications are privacy-preserving computation and verifiable computation.

Jul 21, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, @0xPolygon announced their Polygon #zkEVM , an EVM-equivalent ZK L2.

With the news, we see an opportunity to share some interesting data points on zkEVM.

Here are a few data points you might find interesting…🧵⬇️

Polygon’s zkEVM has a few modules:

- Proof of Efficiency Consensus Mechanism
- zkNode Software
- zkProver
- LX-to-LY Bridge
- Sequencers
- Aggregators