Lukas Lehner Profile picture
Assistant Prof @EdinburghUni | Econ & social policy: labor, (un)employment, inequality | | Let's move to:
May 6, 2022 26 tweets 10 min read
Today we are burying my grandpa. He was 96, active and cheerful until his death.

He went through dreadful experiences of unemployment and poverty that resulted in fascism and WWII. It convinced him that fighting unemployment needs to be the top priority. This is his story.👇🧵1/ 1) Johann (Hans) Riegler was born in 1926 in a small town in Burgenland – just 5 years after the state changed from Hungary to Austria as a consequence of the WWI peace treaty of Saint-Germain. They lived in poor conditions.
Oct 25, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Ok, I've spent a weekend putting together my academic website.

Here's a short summary of lessons learnt in case you are planning to set up your own academic website any time soon. #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter

1/.. 2/ Github pages combined with Jekyll make it very easy to set up a neat, static website.
Jul 12, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
📢 New @DSPI_Oxford #Supertracker release 📣

We (@B_Ebbinghaus, @GunnyKunLee & I) have just launched a major update. Over 200 policy trackers were created since the start of the pandemic documenting measures in nearly all policy domains. An overview👇1/..… Image 2/ Most datasets cover social and employment policy, health and care policy, and non-pharmaceutical interventions. With the new update, the directory also covers areas such as environmental policy, housing, and agricultural policy.
Apr 8, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
In the new editorial of #MomentumQuarterly, we (@leonidobusch @astridmager Stefanie Wöhl & I) look back on 10 years of #MomentumQuarterly. To mark the anniversary, we introduce two novel prizes: the Best Paper Award and the Impact Award.

1/6 1. The #MomentumQuarterly Best Paper Award 2021 goes to Heinar Heiland (@TUDarmstadt) and Simon Schaupp (@UniBasel_en @UniBasel) for their article "Digital atomisation or new labour struggles? Resistant solidarity cultures in platform-mediated courier work".
Nov 17, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
Yesterday, I presented on the #COVID19 employment crisis and trade union involvement in tackling the effects at the @ETUI_org to participants from Spain (@UGT_Comunica), Italy (@CislNazionale) & Slovenia(@z_s_s_s). Thanks for the invitation @ValericadD!
My key points 1/.. Employment composition matters for vulnerability to the #COVID19 crisis.

Countries with a higher share of jobs concentrated in industries stronger affected and with a higher share of non-standard employment are generally more vulnerable.…
Oct 5, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
In this week’s @DSPI_Oxford #Supertracker Newsletter, @eliasnau introduces four of the largest #COVID19 survey that have collected data of tens of thousands of respondents around the globe. All four rely on snowball sampling & two provide open access to the individual level data. 1. The COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey by @lieberothdk covers the period between March 26 and May 30 and provides information of more than 120,000 respondents from 178 countries. 25 countries have more than 1,000 respondents. The individual level data is available online (open access)
Sep 7, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
Did you know that the Oxford #Supertracker is not only a directory of policy trackers but also collects surveys worldwide related to the #Corona crisis? Our survey editor @eliasnau has documented relevant sources. Today's update doubles the number of surveys covered to 64. 1/.. Image Data are structured by sampling method (probability sampling, quota sampling, snowball sampling). You can filter by country coverage, time coverage, interval of data collection, microdata from pre-COVID etc. Image
Mar 27, 2020 127 tweets 116 min read
The amount of #COVID19 related research being produced within the last days is impressive and it’s hard to keep track. Several projects at OECD, WBG, Oxford, ETUC are tracking policy responses across countries. This thread collects various sources. Please add any other! 👇👇1/.. -) #OECD on policy responses covering all 37 OECD & G20 countries by @AGarnero @sebkoenigs @OECD_Social @OECDeconomy…

-) #WorldBank #ILO on social protection covering 84 countries by @Ugentilini @mohamed_almenfi