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Long Covid 3/22--BS Biology-Lawyer RETWEET not endorsement--I'm gathering/reviewing evidence of Causation and Facts re #LongCovid and Pandemic
Feb 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
These opinion papers are alarming. Prion disease associations found in viral infection/spike vaccine production that may lead to Amyloidosis, Long Term Neurodegeneration, and Fatality. These issues present URGENT need to solve #LongCovid/#vaccineinjuries asap. 🧵👋🧵 Major effects of prion disease include:

1) Neurological: Prion diseases are characterized by progressive degeneration of the brain/nervous system. Symptoms include dementia, memory loss, behavioral changes, movement disorders, & complete loss of cognitive/motor function.
Jan 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
#LongCovid is correlated with the #SpikeProtein protein. #Diagnosis

In this study, SPIKE antigen detected most often in 60% of the PASC patients and in > 70% of patients who reported ongoing cardiovascular, systemic, head-eye-ear-nose-throat, and musculoskeletal symptoms. If viral reservoirs persist in the body of PASC patients, why do we not also detect N in more patients? Active viral reservoirs could cause PASC symptoms, but circulating spike may also give rise to symptoms.
Jan 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Serum Amyloid A has been found in Spike Protein produced #microclots. SAA amyloidosis has a 10 year median survival rate. It has not been established that Spike amyloids only affect some people. Indeed, it may be a ticking time bomb of #diedsuddenly in billions. #teamclots If untreated, AA amyloidosis is a serious disease with a significant mortality due to end-stage kidney disease, infection, heart failure, bowel perforation, or gastrointestinal bleeding [3-5].