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Long Covid 3/22--BS Biology-Lawyer RETWEET not endorsement--I'm gathering/reviewing evidence of Causation and Facts re #LongCovid and Pandemic
Jul 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Did you know that completely eradicating Hepatitis C from the body w/ antivirals resulted in almost 90% remission of vasculitis in patients? Guess what other virus infects blood vessels and has been shown to be chronic? Do you know what RAAS Dysregulation is connected to? POTS & MECFS & LONG COVIDImage .mdpi.com/2077-0383/12/6…
May 25, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Worlds first study following #LongCovid patients over time (longitudinal)--finds Viral Persistence is significantly linked to symptoms, including fatigue. Notably, this study used tissue samples like @microbeminded2 talks about as the best way... wsws.org/en/articles/20… to track viral persistence(VP). Although dozens of tissues were tracked, Viral RNA (+subgenomic) was distributed across ten different types of solid tissues, including liver, kidney, stomach, intestine, brain, blood vessel, lung, breast, skin, and thyroid. The scientists tracked the RNA over four months and found it associated with persistent symptoms. The HIGHER the viral load, the HIGHER the likelihood of Long Covid.
Feb 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
These opinion papers are alarming. Prion disease associations found in viral infection/spike vaccine production that may lead to Amyloidosis, Long Term Neurodegeneration, and Fatality. These issues present URGENT need to solve #LongCovid/#vaccineinjuries asap. 🧵👋🧵 Major effects of prion disease include:

1) Neurological: Prion diseases are characterized by progressive degeneration of the brain/nervous system. Symptoms include dementia, memory loss, behavioral changes, movement disorders, & complete loss of cognitive/motor function.
Jan 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
#LongCovid is correlated with the #SpikeProtein protein. #Diagnosis

In this study, SPIKE antigen detected most often in 60% of the PASC patients and in > 70% of patients who reported ongoing cardiovascular, systemic, head-eye-ear-nose-throat, and musculoskeletal symptoms. If viral reservoirs persist in the body of PASC patients, why do we not also detect N in more patients? Active viral reservoirs could cause PASC symptoms, but circulating spike may also give rise to symptoms.
Jan 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Serum Amyloid A has been found in Spike Protein produced #microclots. SAA amyloidosis has a 10 year median survival rate. It has not been established that Spike amyloids only affect some people. Indeed, it may be a ticking time bomb of #diedsuddenly in billions. #teamclots If untreated, AA amyloidosis is a serious disease with a significant mortality due to end-stage kidney disease, infection, heart failure, bowel perforation, or gastrointestinal bleeding [3-5].