Moonbeam Network Profile picture
Moonbeam is advancing integrated web3 for builders and users of decentralized applications. EVM-compatible, cross-chain interoperable, secured by @Polkadot
Hakan Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 22, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ Moonbeam how-to: fetching price data w/ Chainlink Price Feeds.

@chainlink's decentralized oracle network contains real-time price data continuously updated by operators in a smart contract for other smart contracts (DApps) to fetch & consume.


🧵👇… 2/ There are 2️⃣ main architectures: Price Feeds and Basic Request Model. This guide will show how to fetch the latest price data using Price Feeds on Moonbeam, @MoonriverNW, or Moonbase Alpha Testnet.

⚠️ The info presented herein is for informational purposes only. Always DYOR.
Oct 6, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ We get it- there’s a lot to digest with the latest grant program changes 📚

💆‍♂️ Here’s a TLDR on the Grants Committee implemented as part of the recent Interim Grants Program & the role they play in accepting/rejecting grants ⬇️ 2/ 👥 For starters, The Community Grants Committee is a group of five individuals charged with reviewing incoming grant applications and evaluating their merit, contributions to the ecosystem, and value to the network as a whole.
Oct 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ 💫 Creating cross-chain transfers in #Dotsama just got easier!

➡️ Enter XCM SDK by Moonbeam to simplify XCM transfers & provide a smoother experience for builders on Moonbeam, @MoonriverNW, as well as other parachains

Details 🧵👇… 2/ This new software development kit enables builders to easily create transactions that deposit & withdraw assets to Moonbeam or Moonriver from the Relay Chain & other parachains✨
Aug 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ 🍨 Documentation on using @gelatonetwork, the decentralized smart contract automation network, has been added to the Moonbeam docs site
🔗… 2/ Gelato enables developers & end-users to automate & relay arbitrary smart contract executions on/across #Moonbeam, @MoonriverNW, & EVM-based compatible blockchains
Aug 28, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ 🛠 #ConnectedContracts Hackathon workshops are now available on the Moonbeam YouTube channel✨

Learn more about building #DApps with XCM + GMP technology, getting started with @axelarcore, or replay the hackathon kickoff & hear from the sponsors ⏯… 2/ Workshop # 1️⃣ - Building Connected Contracts with XCM & Axelar's GMP…
Aug 18, 2022 20 tweets 3 min read
1/ We are aware that many Moonbeam community members remain deeply impacted by the Nomad bridge hack two weeks ago. It’s hard not to be affected by an incident of this size, and the reverberations have been felt across the entire ecosystem. 2/ We know people are hurting & we feel for everyone directly or indirectly affected. This incident has been a tremendous hit to our community & has impacted some individuals more than others. Especially for those of you more directly impacted, know that we are grieving with you.
Aug 16, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
1/ Two weeks ago Moonbeam introduced the first proof-of-concept for EVM access through XCM via Runtime 1701- a big step forward in unifying functionality cross-chain #connectedcontracts

What does this mean?

A thread 🧵 2/ Although still in its testing phase, XCM-to-EVM call functionality will allow devs on other parachains to trigger function calls on Moonbeam’s EVM…
Aug 15, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ 👨‍💻👩‍💻 Thrilled to announce that Moonbeam’s Connected Contracts Hackathon is now open to submissions

➡️ Starting today until September 26th, participants can build apps that further the cross-chain ecosystem to compete for bounty prizes✨

Learn more: Image 2/ Big thanks to @arringtonXRPcap, @axelarcore, and The Moonbeam Foundation for co-sponsoring this event 🙌
Aug 1, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
1/ 🚀 Builders, degens, & crypto enthusiasts- Moonbeam events are happening each week for you!✨

Whether you’re here to learn or an active member of the community, our events are catered to each of our audiences!

Check out August's lineup & tag a friend who'd be interested👇 2/ Moonbuilders Workshop: a series of technical presentations for developers to showcase how to use Moonbeam & Moonriver's smart contract platforms in #dotsama.

🗓 Wed. August 3 ⏰ 13:00 hrs UTC

🗓 Wed. August 17 ⏰ 16:00 hrs UTC Image
Jun 5, 2022 12 tweets 12 min read
1/ 📩 The Moonbeam Monthly Dispatch for May is HERE!

This month brought big news including new cross-chain capabilities on Moonbeam, the launch of the first Polkadot cross-chain connection, integrations, & much more!

Read this thread for a full recap👇… 2/ 🚀 Moonbeam added cross-chain capabilities, introducing $xcDOT, an XC-20 representation of $DOT on its parachain. DOT token holders can now deposit their tokens for use in #DeFi on Moonbeam.…
Mar 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ A new proposal for changes to staking on Moonbeam and @MoonriverNW will be put forward for democratic vote. 🗳

The proposal is to remove staking rewards for tokens unbonded by delegators during the unbonding process.… 2/ Moonbeam’s current staking implementation allows delegators to receive staking rewards for tokens that are being unbonded. This new proposal will disincentivize this behavior by no longer providing staking rewards during the unbonding period.
Mar 3, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
1/ The #Moonbeam monthly dispatch is here!🔥 February was a short month but we made the most of it. Read on for new integrations & features on the network, events from throughout the month, and more! 🗓… 2/ On February 20th, the Moonbeam Foundation distributed $GLMR rewards to Take Flight participants who supported the recent Moonbeam launch to @Polkadot! ✨
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ Moonbeam staking isn’t complicated, but that doesn't mean you can’t learn something new!

Dive into this 🧵 thread of short clips that cover how to choose a collator, tips for staking large amounts of $GLMR, and tracking your delegations. #Moonbeamstaking 2/ 🧐 Did you know delegators receive rewards based on their percentage of contributions towards a collator's total amount staked?

For larger delegations, staking with multiple collators can help manage revoke requests and optimize rewards.
Feb 23, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
1/ 🗓 We have multiple live events going on this week within the #Moonbeam ecosystem! Don't miss our technical workshop, one-on-one interview, or live Twitter Space!

Read on to see everything that's happening and how to attend! 🔥 2/ 🔴 This week on Multi-Chain Sessions @exiledracers, @igniteyourgames, @seascapenetwork, and @MoonsamaNFT will be joining us to talk about #Play2Earn and unlocking the potential of blockchain gaming with multi-chain scalability!

Set a reminder 👇…
Feb 22, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
1/ Our team just got back from @EthereumDenver! The event was a huge success thanks to the overwhelming turnout from the entire blockchain community! 🎉

Read this 🧵 thread for a recap of Moonbeam at #ETHDenver, including talks and participation! 👇 2/🔗 @KevinKNeilson & Stephen hosted a workshop: Enabling Cross-Chain Assets on Moonbeam with XCM! 🔥

There, they demonstrated how to interact with XC-20s and build #dApps enabled by XCM.
Feb 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Great news!​ The Moonbeam Foundation has completed the distribution of $GLMR rewards to Take Flight participants. ✅

$GLMR tokens were sent to the rewards address specified in the Token Purchase Agreement (TPA). 2/ Moonbeam ($GLMR) token holders can use their tokens to interact with the network by:
✨​ Staking with collators & earn rewards
🌐 Using live integrations in the ecosystem
Feb 17, 2022 8 tweets 9 min read
1/ We are dedicating the #Moonbeam Twitter account to the collators in our community for helping support and maintain the network for the entire ecosystem! 🍻 #MoonbeamStaking

🧵 Check out this thread and meet a few of our amazing collators! 👇 2/
☑️ CertHum Inc. | @CertHum
☑️ | @masternode24
☑️Pathrocknetwork | @pathrock2
☑️ SendIt | @SenditStaking
☑️ TrueStaking | @truestaking
Jan 11, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
1/ 🚀​ Moonbeam is LIVE on @Polkadot! 🔥 We are excited to announce that Moonbeam is the first fully operational parachain on Polkadot. Moonbeam will bring many new integrations, activity & users to light up Polkadot’s ecosystem. ⚡ #MoonbeamLightsUp… 2/ Moonbeam has completed its launch process to @Polkadot. During the last launch phase, the 🔑 super user key (Sudo) was removed, ⛓️↔️⛓️ EVM & 🔄​ balance transfers were enabled, and the active set of collators was increased to 48.

Launch process info 👇…
Sep 9, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
1/ Fantastic news 🔥​ Moonbeam & @LidoFinance collaborate to bring liquid staking to @Polkadot & @kusamanetwork! 🤝 This integration will allow users to stake & get liquidity for $DOT on Polkadot and $KSM on @MoonriverNW.

Read more here 👇​… 2/ We are very excited to welcome the @LidoFinance team to Moonbeam's ecosystem! 🤝 Lido is the largest liquid staking derivatives protocol, and it's currently deployed to #Ethereum & Terra.

Lido will come to @Polkadot via Moonbeam. 🚀
Aug 13, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ It's almost time to TAKE FLIGHT🚀Finally, the news the Moonbeam community has been waiting for is here!

Today, the Moonbeam Foundation announced more details about #MoonbeamTakeFlight, a Community Token Event.

Learn more in this thread & by visiting👇… 2/ #MoonbeamTakeFlight is a Token Event created to thank our core community members who have helped us make Moonbeam a reality. 💜

Some highlights:
🪙 80,000,000 GLMR will be allocated for the event
⭐ The event will be divided into three sequential rounds
