Alberta Fact Checker 🌈 Profile picture
Father, Husband, Reader, Gamer, Cook, Tech. Just because I clicked like, doesn't mean I liked it. Moving to
Oct 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Wife and I have been watching "See" and enjoy the show a lot. I was curious though about how realistic a language or counting system of tied knots would be. Turns out, it's not only realistic, it's been done already, and we're still trying to figure out just how complex it was. Image This is really well written article on the specialists of history and recorded languages, and the work they've done on this project.

We thought the Incas couldn't write. These knots change everything…
Jul 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Uhhh sorry what?! #abpoli #cdnpoli

1 million Bitcoin mining rigs being moved from China to Canada… So, let me get this straight. The province with the largest carbon footprint in the country, wants to increase that carbon footprint by hosting ONE MILLION bitcoin mining machines?! Using gas plants to power them?!
Jan 27, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
Here's an idea. No company can ship another barrel of bitumen, until they've cleaned up their tailings ponds. No company can ship another drop of oil until they've cleaned up all of their abandoned or idle wells. #abpoli #ableg How fast do you think solution will be found?
Jan 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Nov 7, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
Ok. No more Trump. NOW, time to deal with this little asshole we have fucking up Alberta. #abpoli How do we do that? Step one, don't let them fucking lie to you and get away with it. Feel free to refer to the list curated by @bailrs.… #abpoli #ableg
Nov 7, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Fucking delusional. He's behind in EC votes by 50, and 4.3 million citizen votes. While Bidens lead in the states they haven't called yet, of which Biden only needs one to be declared the winner, just gets larger.
Nov 6, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm sorry, what? Why do they even have the ability to turn that off?! #abpoli #ableg #yeg Let me put this into perspective. When you're drunk and cold you're at a greatly increased risk of hypothermia. Your skin flushes when drinking which cools down your core temp.
Nov 5, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Watching Trump rapidly lose a half a million vote lead over Biden in PA, has been pretty cathartic. Image Dropped below 100k, just a waiting game now. Image
Nov 18, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
This wasn't an isolated occurrence. Everywhere workers tried to unionize and bargain, there were violent reprisals. Unions fought a bitter war to get many of the rights we have today and still are under fire. #cdnpoli #abpoli #bcpoli
BC coal mining, including in the Comox Valley in Cumberland and Union Bay fought the same things.…
Oct 18, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
I think it's about time we compiled a list of Andrew Scheer lies. Let's start with this one. He's just claimed that the Liberal government is going to raise the GST. Literally no one has said, this. It's a flat out lie. #cdnpoli What's your favorite #ScheerLies ? He's also in the last week lied about how our parliamentary system works.… #ScheerLies
Feb 5, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
It's time to talk about the right wing NDP shaming I see in Alberta. The NDP government took power after 44 years of PC's, and had their work cut out for them. They took power in the middle of a major recession, and were stuck with decades of infrastructure and health shell games The PC's played hide the debt extremely well. Defer costs here, avoid upgrades there, freeze spending in another place. Shift costs to contracts instead of employees to make it look like labour spending was lower than it was. It takes money to fix that sort of mismanagement.