Scott Hamilton Profile picture
Author, researcher & policy advisor. Adjunct A/Prof @MonashUni Renewable Energy | Water | Green H₂ | Climate Change | Politics #bipartisanship #SoldDownTheRiver
May 19, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
#FactCheck #AusVotes2022

Scott Morrison & Josh Frydenberg have consistently lied during the campaign saying #ElectrictyPrices are going down. A blatant LIE.

#auspol #KooyongVotes #CostsOfLiving #abc730 #FactCheck These are the OUTDATED sources which Scott Morrison & Josh Frydenberg might be using to falsely claim prices are reducing. Both incorrectly show wholesale prices decreasing. Clearly WRONG. #ausvotes #auspol @ABCFactCheck
Apr 20, 2021 15 tweets 18 min read
Great to be listening to ⁦@AlboMP⁩ sharing his commitment to making AUS a renewable energy exporting superpower. Also committing to mfr of electric vehicles in AUS 👏👏👏 #CleanTechJobsSunmit@Bowenchris⁩ ⁦@SmartEnergyCncl#auspol @AlboMP also committing to electrification if the entire Gov fleet. #ClimateAction #CleanTechJobsSummit @SmartEnergyCncl #auspol
Apr 23, 2020 43 tweets 44 min read
@ArthurRorris @edhusic @KKeneally @AdamBandt @WilkieMP @zalisteggall @adamkams @Sydney_Uni @jason_om @abc730 23 Apr: #RubyPrincess leaves AUS today - with captain and few hundred crew.

NSW Special Inquiry continues. No show by ship captain - sends hotel manager.

Senate Select Committee on Covid19 - first hearing today. @ArthurRorris @edhusic @KKeneally @AdamBandt @WilkieMP @zalisteggall @adamkams @Sydney_Uni @jason_om @abc730 23 Apr: CMO: pandemic cruise ship exercise - May last year! #RubyPrincess
‘we do planning exercises all the time’ & ‘those [drills a decade ago] were 'very massive exercises'

5 global public health emerg. since 2008. Didn’t rate a ‘massive pandemic drill’?
#Insiders @KKeneally
Apr 20, 2020 41 tweets 48 min read
@ArthurRorris @edhusic @KKeneally @AdamBandt @WilkieMP @zalisteggall #RubyPrincess crew (~1000) wait for approval to *fly* home.

Interesting who’s in charge of what:
‘NSW Health..advising Australian Border Force and NSW Police on..the crew, disembark.."they need the approval of the NSW Police Commissioner" @ArthurRorris @edhusic @KKeneally @AdamBandt @WilkieMP @zalisteggall BREAKING: Last AUS pandemic drill was in 2008.

Since then WHO declared 5 global health public emergencies:
Swine flu, 2009
Polio, 2014 
Zika, 2016
Ebola, 2014 & 2019

“some of these errors [eg. #RubyPrincess] may not have occurred." @adamkams @Sydney_Uni
Mar 27, 2020 11 tweets 11 min read
'The example of the Ruby Princess — where a decision to let 2,700 people disembark from the ship in Sydney two weeks ago, despite cases of COVID-19 on board, led to almost 200 cases *across the country* — is considered a textbook example of how not to handle this situation.’ 15 Mar: AUS orders all arrivals to self-isolate

19 Mar: #RubyPrincess docks in Sydney - 2700 passengers disembark

20 Mar: AUS PM advises: “the risk of being on a plane is very low, it is very low.”

27 Mar: AUS orders 'mandatory self-isolation before...return to their home.'
Feb 13, 2020 11 tweets 17 min read
Quango directors need to speak out - an interview with Andrew Wilkie

I co-authored this article (feat. @WilkieMP) with @StuartKells published today @TheMandarinAU

#sportsrorts #auspol @AICDirectors #governance #integrity #YesMinister @WilkieMP @StuartKells @TheMandarinAU @AICDirectors For those watching: Senate Select Committee on Administration of Sports Grants will hear from @sportaustralia on 27 Feb #sportrorts #auspol

@CorpGovResearch @lynlinking @Jodie3735 @jommy_tee @RonniSalt @paulwkennedy Image