How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App against Brett Kavanaugh… , or allowing things like misconstruing one’s future actions (as might be predicted by past legal opinions and rulings), say declaring that Roe is established law to then overturn it… )—suppose following, GOP’s endgame might be getting rich by allowing Trump to infiltrate the entire apparatus of US security to sell it to Putin, in exchange for enough money to take him like a fat annoying Snowden. Donald’s endgame, aside from pocketing a chunk of all donations below $8K for #TraitorInChief come Hell or high water, did NOT insert judges on USC whose main qualification was being right-wing zealots, did NOT condone conspiracy theories pushed by WH on all media leading to hatred & violence, did NOT block Muller Investigation & the appoint Barr to @Nebula_GOTG_17 @NCLRights @lesbiantech @DCRobMan @yasssqueentrump @EJLandwehr @actupny @iGayRobot @SnowBiAuthor @Dax_x98 @wondermann5 @LgbtResistance @queerresistance @portersure @wvjoe911 @muffinpuss1 @NoMoreMrNiceGa1 @janetmock @PeterTatchell @Lavernecox