Trudo Lemmens Profile picture
Law & Bioethics Prof @UTLaw; health (law), bioethics, disability rights, human rights etc... Persistant 🚴‍♂️🧏‍♂️ Alumnus @LawMcGill @KULeuvenLawCrim
Trudo Lemmens Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 12 8 tweets 2 min read
I somehow missed that a group of MAiD-enthusiastic experts issues new 2023 guidelines for #OrganDonation post #MAiD #euthanasia. No wonder Canada is now also world champion on that macabre front. New recommendation is to approach all people for donation once MAiD is approved It includes people not remotely dying, w years/decades of life left, who may be struggling w challenges of serious illness/disability, even when (inappropriately short) 90-day assessment period, intended to at least explore all other options, is not finished. Put that in context:
Mar 25 5 tweets 1 min read
Considering the zeal by which some MAID providers glorify MAiD as a universal solution for 'suffering', we ought to be deeply deeply concerned by this judgment #euthanasia #maid… Here is an example of the morbid fetishing of self-determination: "M.V.'s dignity and right to self-determination outweighs the important matters raised by W.V. and the harm that he will suffer in losing M.V." What about harm to M.V? 'Choice' outweighs harm from being killed...
Nov 30, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Sign of growing discomfort with media exposure of serious problems w Canada's #MAID law/practice: @picardonhealth, MAID expansionist day 1, goes on all-out editorial defence MAID & government approach, with frankly extraordinary denial of any potential problem... 1/ 2/ Some examples 1: Expert Panel on MAID Mental Illness, widely criticized for failing to impose any additional safeguards #mentalhealth (contrary to B & Nl, other liberal regimes), had 2 members resign in protest-- Picard: panel made “19 thoughtful recommendations”
Nov 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Two remarkable admissions David Lametti re #MAID: 1."suicide generally is available to people. 2. [MAID helps people] who, for physical reasons and possibly mental reasons, can’t make that choice themselves & do it themselves" @althiaraj @TorontoStar… 2/ Let that sink it: fed justice minister recognizes that choice is always there. BUT: government wants to facilitate suicide of those who would otherwise be saved by the fact that, fortunately, they often doubt and there is often a barrier to end one's own life...
Jan 21, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Gov commissioned report shows serious challenges pandemic for p w #Disability "some people told her they were being encouraged to explore #MAID #euthanasia." And this was not going to happen w #BillC7, MPs & senators & DwD advocates claimed... 1/… 2/ Full report:…
Dec 8, 2020 31 tweets 8 min read
L'association des medecins psychiatres de Quebec publishes paper “Access to medical assistance in dying for people with mental disorders”. Complex issue cannot be discussed fully. But timing no coincidence, so let's look at some deeply troubling issues (1) (2) Authors clearly know they feed into a process of Bill C-7 & endorse inclusion of MH; but Bill’s provisions DO NOT provide a reliable, safe basis for what even they recommend as minimal standards under which MAID for MD could be practiced
Apr 10, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Excellent paper @aneeman re equality for people w #disability in context of #COVID19Pandemic triage: it requires more than rejecting irrational prejudice & more than focusing only on short-term survival @aodaalliance @CACL_ACIC @ARCHDisability… (2) "Should people with disabilities be penalized for impairments that may mean they require more resources to achieve the same result? Should hospitals be able to consider long-term survival? And if we accept short-term survival, do existing instruments need modifications...?"
Apr 8, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
@CMA_Docs comes out with utilitarian "Framework for Ethical Decisionmaking During the Coronavirus Pandemic" embracing considerations of 'length of life' remaining, seemingly deprioritizing elderly & people w disabilities or chronic illness (1)… (2) As excuse for largely taking over recommendations & text NEJM article, @CMA_Docs suggests it looked at "documents, reports and policies produced by our Italian colleagues and ethicists and physicians from Canada & around the world, as well as provincial level frameworks"
Apr 1, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
(2) Call for attention to 'equity' & proper concern for already disadvantaged laudable: But there appears a troubling disconnect in this article between emphasis on 'equity' and attention for "people facing poverty, discrimination, language barriers and historical trauma" and ... (3) suggestion that 'palliative care thus becomes the compassionate option to counterbalance this inequity". Palliative care should be available as matter of principle to all. Not as a token to substitute for care provided in priority to others when ...
Mar 30, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Draft @ONThealth triage doc re COVID-19 claims to embrace utility, proportionality & fairness as guiding principles @jyangstar reports. But what notion of 'fairness' remains illusive, so I point out. @UTLaw @UofT_dlsph (1)… (2) v Important to have practical & transparent basis for triage decision making, so positive to have guidance document. But ethical principles should not be used to back up decisions which are presented as clinical & value neutral when they are not