Iva Vukusic also over @vukusiciva.bsky.social Profile picture
Assistant Prof in Int History @UniUtrecht / Visiting Research Fellow @WarStudies / Co-editing Perpetrator Series @CEUPress https://t.co/zYaquBbtev / Loves dogs.
Apr 6, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
There’s been discussions about #time and #accountability lately, and I’ve gotten questions about it. “When could trials begin?” “Could #Putin be prosecuted? When? Where” I’ll leave the “where” aside now but here’s a short 🧵on time. #Russia #Ukraine #Justice There is, naturally, a sense of urgency when we see injustice and victims like those in #Bucha, #Mariupol, etc. People want justice and they want it now. But time can be a friend of justice, not always an enemy, especially in leadership cases. Let me tell you how.
Apr 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Yes we are. But there is an unprecedented documentation and verification of evidence effort going on, by institutions, media and civil society so there is evidence available for anyone who wishes to know. Same as Srebrenica. At the ICTY, it's been reconstructed hour per hour. In the case of Srebrenica, that denial is actually influenced by the trials and the evidence so that, much like the Holocaust, only the very margins of political discourse argue it did not happen. The space for denial is shrunk by evidence.