World Health Organization @WHO in the Western #Pacific Region, 🏠 to 1.9B in #Asia & #Oceania. See our tweets for health advice.
Dec 31, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This #HolidaySeason, celebrate safely by following these tips to help protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19, #flu or any respiratory illness. 🧵
🪟 Open windows when possible to allow fresh air to circulate.
🤧 Cover coughs and sneezes with a bent elbow or a tissue. Dispose of the used tissue in a closed bin.
😷 If you are in a crowded or poorly ventilated area, wear a mask to help you #StaySafe from respiratory illnesses.
👐 Clean your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 40-60 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Jun 11, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
#COVID19 confirmed cases and deaths reported by countries and areas in the @who Western Pacific Region over the past 24 hours.
For more info on #coronavirus cases in the Region, go to our dashboard:
UPDATES: 12 cases previously included in the total number of cases reported for Taiwan, China have been removed. The total number of cases for 10 June 2021 have been corrected to 11,956.
Jun 10, 2021 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
Evidence shows that #COVID19 does not pose a high risk to children & schools are not drivers of transmission.
We know how to reduce risks to children, teachers & families.
Joint OpEd from @WHO & @UNICEF argues for urgently working toward reopening schools.
School attendance is critical for children’s education &
prospects. Long-term costs of closures—for children & societies—are too large to justify on a continuing basis. @takeshi_kasai & @karin_hulshof say evidence points to the need for schools to reopen.
Jun 10, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
#COVID19 confirmed cases and deaths reported by countries and areas in the @WHO Western Pacific Region over the past 24 hours.
For more info on #coronavirus cases in the Region, go to our dashboard:
UPDATES: One case previously included in the total number of cases reported for Taiwan, China has been removed. The total number of cases for 9 June 2021 have been corrected to 11,693.
Jun 9, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
#COVID19 confirmed cases and deaths reported by countries and areas in the @WHO Western Pacific Region over the past 24 hours.
For more info on #coronavirus cases in the Region, go to our dashboard:
UPDATES: 16 cases previously included in the total number of cases reported for Taiwan, China have been removed. The total number of cases for 8 June 2021 have been corrected to 11,475.
Aug 27, 2020 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
Are you organizing a small gathering or event such as a:
👰🏾💒 wedding,
⚽️ a friendly sports match
🎉 party?
Check out this thread 👇 to learn about precautions you should take to prevent the spread of #COVID19 among guests.
Organizing a small gathering or event, take precautions to prevent the spread of #COVID19:
✔️ Brief guests about precaution before the event starts
✔️ Remind them of these during the event.
#PhysicalDistancing helps limit the spread of #COVID19 – this means we keep a distance of at least 1m from each other and avoid spending time in crowded places or in groups.
Protect yourself and others. #BreakTheChain of transmission.
That’s why it’s important to #StayHome and practice #PhysicalDistancing. If we must go out, e.g. to buy groceries or for medical reasons, we should stay at least 1m away from others.
🔻Cover your👃and 👄 when coughing or sneezing🤧
🔻Always wash your hands👋
🔻Discard single-use masks😷properly after use
🔻If you become sick, inform crew and seek medical care!
🔻Share your travel history with your health care provider. @WHOPhilippines@WHO_Mongolia@MITTFJ@TourismFiji@TourismPHL@dfat@JapanTravelAdv@ChinaairlinesEN@FijiAirways@CebuPacificAir Stay healthy while travelling!
🔻Avoid close contact with people who suffer from fever and cough 🥵🤒😷
🔻Frequently clean 👋 by using alcohol-based hand rub or 🧼 and 🚿
🔻Avoid touching 👁️👃👄
Japan has reported 2019-nCOV in a man in his 30s in Japan who travelled to Wuhan.
Japanese officials report that he did not visit the Huanan seafood market which has been linked to many of the people with #nCOV in Wuhan.
The patient has been discharged from hospital in Japan.
It is not surprising that there are cases outside of China, and it is possible that there will be cases in other countries in the future.
@WHO encourages all countries to continue preparedness activities.
We have issued interim guidance on how to do this.
Jun 25, 2018 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Your behavior impacts your heart health.
The effects of behavioural risk factors like an unhealthy diet may show up as:
-raised blood pressure
-raised blood glucose (blood sugar)
-raised blood lipids (fatty acids and cholesterol)
-being overweight or obese #BeatNCDs
Simple ways to increase you food and vegetable intake:
🥦Always include vegetables in your meals
🍎Eat fresh fruits and raw vegetables as snacks
🥑Eat fresh fruits and vegetables in season
🥗Eat a variety of choices of fruits and vegetables
It’s World Immunization Week! Vaccinations save over 2-3 million lives every year around the world. Doing your part makes sure you, your family and your community stay disease-free. Protected Together, #VaccinesWork
Vaccine-preventable diseases include:
Cervical cancer
Hep B
Japanese encephalitis
Yellow Fever
Here are 5 facts on vaccines you need to know #VaccinesWork!