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#celebratethevictories #DefeatTheVirus
🔆Crónica de una victoria “atípica”

Ella es mi nonna, se las presento. La mujer más increíble que conozco.
Le dieron su alta médica después de derrotar a este terrible virus.
Tiene 99 años y está historia #Covid
Todo empezó con una visita al médico para tratar un tumor de piel en la nariz.
Fue un miércoles, fuimos con todas las precauciones posibles.Esto fue por allá del 18 de marzo
4 días después de la nada,fiebre ligera y tos.Pensamos que podía ser una infección urinaria ¿pero la tos?
⛔️Al día siguiente, el lunes 23 mucha tos y mucha fiebre. La llevamos con mucha angustia a consulta con un excelente Dr. Neumologo
Los rayos x mostraban una neumonía complicada, con infiltraciones bien definidas.
TODOS los síntomas clínicos coinciden con #SARSCoV2 #Covid19
Read 25 tweets
Mwanasayansi mwenye ubobezi wa kimataifa kwenye maswala ya vitendanishi na vipimo (Diagnostics), Dr. Ally Mahadhy, aliandika haya kwenye ukurasa wake wa facebook, ni vyema wadau humu wakayapata ili kuongeza uelewa @Udadisi
@MariaSTsehai @fatma_karume
Uzi 👇🏽
"Kutakucha tu!

Tukiwa tupo kwenye taharuki juu ya kipimo cha corona (covid-19) hapa nchini, baada kutoa majibu ya positive kwa mbuzi na papai, naomba nitoe maoni yangu kama mdau katika tansia hii ya vitendanishi vya maabara (diagnostics). ..." /1
Nianze kwa kutangaza maslahi yangu binafsi kwenye mada husika. Mimi ni mtafiti kwenye eneo hili la vitendanishi (Medical and clinical diagnostics). Tasnifu (thesis) yangu ya umahiri (MSc in Biotechnolgy) iljikita kwenye kutengeneza njia (method) ya kutambua kwa haraka na wepesi/2
Read 61 tweets
If you hear anyone claim “we know the virus didn’t come from a lab”, don’t buy it — it may well have. Labs around the globe have been creating synthetic viruses for years:…

#covid19 #sars-cov-2 #cov2 #ncov #virology #gainoffunction #gof #wuhan #wiv
Read 5 tweets
Brilliant talk by Phill James @Grounded_circus on #SARSCoV2 genome sequencing using @nanopore sequencing. Giving humanity hope in these dark times. Here I will share some information from the talk. Thread.👇
Why #Nanopore for Sars-Cov2 genome sequencing? @nanopore sequencing allows us to do real-time sequencing cost-effectively and with low instrument cost. In the #COVID19 context, it can help us monitor the #coronavirus spread and vaccine efficacy.
.@nanopore was used before for monitoring other viral outbreaks, such as #Ebola:… and #Zika:…
Read 11 tweets
There as been a lot of talk on whether spring will stop #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 (probably not). We (me, @robert_dyrdak Valentin D, @firefoxx66, @Jan_Albert_) used data on endemic CoVs to estimate seasonal forcing and its impact on a potential pandemic. [1/9]…
CoVs causing common cold show a pronounced seasonality in Sweden with about 10-fold higher fraction of positive tests in winter than in summer (similar to influenza and CoV data reported for other countries.) [2/9]
These data constrain the parameters of SIR models but different combinations of forcing and migration rates are compatible with the data. We believe a scenario with rapid exchange of viruses between regions and strong seasonal forcing is more plausible. [3/9]
Read 9 tweets
Il y a eu des modifications (à la baisse) dans les chiffres, je vais republier une mise à jour...
#Chine Mise à jour #Coronavirus #COVID19 :
- 64 273 cas confirmés au monde (63 749 Chine + 524 l'étranger dont #Taiwan)
- 1 489 morts
- 10 608 sérieux/critiques
- 6 884 guéris
- 13 435 suspects
- 26 pays touchés
- 2,32 % décès
#Wuhan #2019_nCov #Pneumonia #WuhanOutbreak #China
Afin d'éviter toute confusion, j'ai supprimé un précédent tweet de statistiques qui prenait en compte des données qui ont été révisées à la baisse en raison de l'ajustement des méthodes de comptage des cas confirmés de #Coronavirus #COVID19
Read 513 tweets
由於港澳疫情持續升溫,中央流行疫情指揮中心今天下午宣布,港澳人士、學生自2月11日起全面暫緩入境,衝擊7千多名港澳生。教育部表示,將啟動「安心就學方案」,大學以視訊、線上課程方式,輔導港澳生完成課業。 #武漢肺炎疫情 Image
#鑽石公主號 新增60確診,有無台灣人還需查證】
停靠在日本的「鑽石公主號」,先前已經確認70個案例,今天再新增60例,總案例來到130例,疾管署副署長莊人祥表示,之前確診的70例中有一個是台灣人,今天新增的60例是否還有台灣人,要再跟日方了解。 #nCoV
Read 3 tweets
In times of uncertainty, there is bound to be large amounts of volatility and many conflicting headlines will hit the newswires. In this age of social media and fake news, be sure to have credible news sources that you can rely on. It is crucial not to.. Image
blindly react to price action and give in to #FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

With such volatility, there will be many trading opportunities as prices tend to get out of whack as fear and greed dominate the thinking of the average investor. Focus on the facts, and what are..
the high probability or even, inevitable outcomes.

For example, the initial cases of the virus infection overseas are mostly tourists from Wuhan or visitors to Wuhan who returned home. We are now seeing cases of locals who are exposed to these patients before they showed up at..
Read 5 tweets
This will be a long/deep tweet serie, but it's very important, not only for traders.
First, I'll explain why stocks in Europa and US are going up, almost ignoring 2019-nCoV, and second I'll explain what the investors are missing. (1/9)
.. All market research firms are following the #Coronavirus very closely and many of them are expecting the #Coronavirus to slow down. They do this by studying the actual reported numbers (just like I'm doing here), rather than going by R0-models:…
.. As discussed before: this is very good IMO, because using Basic Reproduction Numbers (the R0) has turned out to be unreliable (the actual transmission numbers are due to many other factors: R0 isn't a good indicator) for predicting the future numbers of #nCoV-infections. (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
Here are my latest graphs of #nCov case and fatality counts from globalcitizen's aggregated data. The doubling time of case counts has increased to about 6 days. But be aware that labs might reach testing capacity limits in the most affected areas. [1/6]
We don't see a similarly pronounced deceleration in the number of fatalities. Fatalities are expected to lag behind case counts, so this is not unexpected. [2/6]
The number of exported show a pronounced drop in their growth rate late January around that time we expect international air traffic from China to have dropped substantially. [3/6]
Read 6 tweets
China tech's response to #nCoV continues to be fascinating. (thread)

After years of developing online-to-offline services, it's amazing how much software is available to help manage an epidemic.

Here's Tencent Health's mini-program from #WeChat:
The Health app had a little red dot this morning, letting me know there were updates

I didn't download the Health app.

It's one of several default mini-programs in WeChat Wallet. Basically everyone in China has WeChat, so everyone has the Health app.
Universal adoption of WeChat means everyone is familiar using the software, so there's little education barrier in an emergency like this.

The amount of data-sharing is likely reassuring for people not used to this much transparency from their government.
Read 6 tweets
Senate Committee on Health set to begin hearing on Philippines’ preparedness vs 2019 novel #coronavirus. At least a dozen Cabinet secretaries expected to attend the inquiry chaired by President Rodrigo Duterte’s former aide Sen. Bong Go. #nCoV | via @_katrinadomingo
@_katrinadomingo Sen. Bong Go: Despite criticisms, the President believes that this govt acted swiftly and has made timely and informed decisions to protect our country. #coronavirus
@_katrinadomingo Go: We cannot please everybody. The WHO did not declare an outbreak immediately; and did not even recommend a travel ban. #coronavirus
Read 72 tweets
Lots of Twitter chatter across globe about “suspect cases” or “confirmed case” in [insert] country, and Tweets being released about “confirmed case in [insert country],” then retracted.
Please consider….

(1/5) #coronavirus #nCoV
Not all of those being quarantined &/or tested meet @WHO definition of suspect case. Some countries quarantining & testing (as is their right) anyone w/history of exposure. Better to talk about ‘# people being tested,’ rather than ‘X suspect cases.’

(2/5) #coronavirus #nCoV
Public does not have a right to the identifying details of everyone tested. Right to confidentiality should only be broken if absolutely no other way to protect health, e.g., confirmed infection & no way to identify contacts w/o public identification.

(3/5) #coronavirus #nCoV
Read 5 tweets
THREAD: A brief review of Catch-22 when it comes to #Coronavirus and need for more diagnostic screening capability. Hospitals can roll out RT-PCR based test CDC developed. They all have Roche systems to run these tests. The technology is fairly straightforward. Here’s the rub 1/9
Hospitals could advance these tests as Laboratory Developed Tests or LDTs, meaning they develop them in house. But since HHS declared a public health emergency related to #Coronavirus, hospitals are now expected to get FDA permission to use their own tests…
Following the public health emergency declaration, HHS is expected to issue a declaration justifying Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to facilitate the development of diagnostics and therapeutics for #Coronavirus…
Read 10 tweets
.@NEJM just published a letter on a cluster in Germany that appears to have originated with transmission of #coronavirus before a patient became symptomatic. If asymptomatic transmission of #nCoV is common, major implications for control strategies. Image
NOTE: most diagnosed outside of China have had mild illness. This suggests there may be many mild and unrecognized infections in China. We understand more each hour and need to keep learning so we can best protect people.
If #nCoV spreads commonly from presymptomatic or asymptomatic people, it likely has and will continue to spread widely, but may not commonly cause severe illness. #PreventEpidemics
Read 3 tweets
THREAD. This story in NEJM (although lacking some detail) about a German cluster of 2019-nCoV cases raises further concerns about transmission from cases both before and after symptoms and from asymptomatic or subclinical cases…. #nCoV #NARD 1/
Everyone is now familiar with the R_0 (if not, see this excellent tweetorial ). The R_0 is estimated from the current spread in a naive population and is meant to show the potential for spread. It's not an intrinsic property of the virus. 2/
The R_0 is determined by the infectiousness (mostly determined by properties of the virus itself, i.e. biology), by contact rates (sociology, demography) and by duration of infectiousness (interaction between virus and our defences). 3/
Read 9 tweets
Going through the numbers released by @WHO (in turn are numbers released by China) from Jan 20th to Jan 27th.

Based on the released numbers, I did a simple analysis on the day-by-day increase in # of confirmed cases and # of dead owing to #coronavirus Image
The findings:(day2day)

1. The # of infected ⬆️ by an average factor of 1.49 ⬇️ to 1.4 *

2. The # of dead ⬆️ by an average factor of 1.68 ⬇️ to 1.6 *

3. The Death:Infected ratio is currently around 2.7 (# of deaths/100 infections)

* ⬇️ owing to conservative estimates + factors
Based on above trends:

1. The # of infected & the # of dead may reach a significant figure as early as Feb 6th *

2. The "Death:Infected Ratio" may ⬆️ sharply after Feb 2nd *

* Not posting my numbers here.

3. #nCoV is faster in it's infection rates compared to #SARS

Read 173 tweets
Should I be alarmed that there is a 'suspected' 2019 #nCoV case in a hospital near me?

Short answer: Be aware, but stay calm. It may or may not be 2019-nCoV.

(a thread - 1 of 10)
Health workers follow a protocol to care for patients who may have 2019-nCoV. There are three labels: suspect, probable, and confirmed case. Health workers have to carefully find out which one they are dealing with. It may or may not be 2019-nCoV. (2/10)
Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing. (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
BREAKING: Experts from China’s CDC in Guangdong now published a Jan 25th report that new #coronavirus has “higher pandemic risk than SARS”!!! They based it on R0 analysis from new data vs SARS. This is quite alarming if true.…
2) Here is China’s Guangdong CDC’s graph directly comparing R0 of the new 2019-nCoV with SARS during initial outbreak (using two approaches). “R values of 2019-nCoV were 2.90 & 2.92... while the corresponding R values of SARS-CoV were 1.77 & 1.85” (from…)
3) How is SARS most different from the new #coronavirus? SARS was never contagious when someone had no symptoms. But the new #WuhanCoronavirus **can be transmitted** even when no symptoms! The former US FDA Commissioner Dr Scott Gottlieb confirms it.
Read 14 tweets

Debéis haber recibido el correo electrónico con la contraseña para acceder al artículo

¿Es el #coronavirus una nueva pandemia global desencadenante de bruscos cambios económicos y sociales?…
¡Muchas gracias!

Sí, muy extraño el suceso del destacado epidemiólogo australiano Dr. Peter Salama...

Podría ser el desencadenante y la excusa, no son incompatibles entre sí
Pero estoy de acuerdo en lo demás

Ya están apareciendo noticias al respecto

"Cómo el #coronavirus está comenzando a afectar la economía de China"

Read 156 tweets
[THREAD] China Coronavirus Outbreak
A deadly virus is spreading from Asia, affecting hundreds of people and resulting in dozens of deaths, in what may become a gloabal health epidemic. This thread contains news about the outbreak.
#Coronavirus #WuhanOutbreak #ChinaVirus #WarWatch
On Dec 30, 2019, Chinese authorities confirmed cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A team of national experts was sent to carry out detection tests. Patients at a local seafood market were put in quarantine.
#Coronavirus #WuhanOutbreak #ChinaVirus
Liu Youning, a professor of epidemiology and respiratory medicine, told the Global Times that the #coronavirus found in #Wuhan appears to be far less serious than the virus that caused the severe acute respiratory syndrome (#SARS) or the Middle East respiratory syndrome (#MERS).
Read 53 tweets
There's a lot of misinformation on the twittersphere regarding #nCoV (novel coronavirus).
Below is a link regarding today's statement from the World Health Organization (@WHO):…
The WHO does NOT recommend, at this time, declaring a public health emergency of international concern, but will continue monitoring spread of the virus, severity of the cases, and containment measures.
Preliminary R0 for #nCoV is 1.4-2.5. An R0 is an estimate for how many individuals an infected patient is likely to transmit the illness.
For reference, R0 of:
Flu = 0.9-2.1
Ebolavirus = 1.5-2.0
HIV = 2.5-4.6
Varicella (chickenpox) = 10-12
Pertussis = 5-17
Measles = 12-18
Read 3 tweets
We are sharing our initial analysis of the new #Wuhan #coronavirus (with @robertson_lab): #nCoV’s relationship to bat coronaviruses & recombination signals. Full analysis is here on virological:… @MackayIM @FluTrackers @HelenBranswell @Laurie_Garrett
@robertson_lab @MackayIM @FluTrackers @HelenBranswell @Laurie_Garrett Focus of our analysis is on the Wuhan-Hu-1 virus (accession no. MN908947, released on GenBank by Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center and School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China) as all nCoV cluster together so will share the same evolutionary ancestry. 1/n
@robertson_lab @MackayIM @FluTrackers @HelenBranswell @Laurie_Garrett It’s clear from phylogenetic analysis the new human virus is most closely related to bat coronaviruses in the Betacoronaviruses genera. 2/n
Read 16 tweets
Strong, effective public-private partnership will be needed for response to #nCoV challenges in time ahead. Priorities for these partnerships should include these which come out of recent EVENT 201 exercise w/ @WEF & @gatesfoundation… (1/3) @RyanMorhard
@wef @gatesfoundation @RyanMorhard Private sector leadership, expertise, infrastructure will be needed to deal with the #ncoV related challenges to travel and trade; med countermeasure development+distribution; accurate, rapid information dissemination to public; financial needs and consequences, and more.(2/3)
@wef @gatesfoundation @RyanMorhard Private sector will need mechanism for very close working partnership with WHO and other international organizations responding to #ncov, as well as engagement, interaction and financial support from national governments. (3/3)
Read 3 tweets

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