If you think
·Women’s Rights
·Civil Rights
·LGBTQ Rights
·Voting Rights
·Higher Wages
·Equal Pay
·Environmental Protections
·Consumer Protections
·Affordable Healthcare
·Saving Social Security
Here is @SenatorBurr's press release on the revocation of @JohnBrennan's security clearance.
I take issue with these words. I take issue with the senator from #NorthCarolina.
While I still have freedom of speech guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, I take issue. @SenatorBurr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is parroted by @realDonaldTrump
Now we all know where you stand Senator Burr #ResignBurr#ResignTraitor
Jul 17, 2018 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
#Resistance it's going to take Consistent, Unified Pressure to stop the nomination of #BrettKavanaugh~see Senate Judiciary (see list)
Even if you are NOT a constituent #CivilDisobedience
Phone numbers for Senate Judiciary
Jul 17, 2018 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
#NorthCarolina We have the 6 amendments to the Constitutional Amendments the Repugs in the #NCGA hastily put on the ballot.
Please vote NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, & NO
Let's not let them get away with this 💩
Are you with me? If so, re-tweet the hell out of it and tell your neighbors 2
Let me do further research on that one. It does seem to have substance.
However, I am livid about how the Republicans in the #NCGA have slammed us with 6 amendments. @WayneGoodwinNC can you elaborate more on #VictimsRights amendment?
Jul 17, 2018 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Email I received today from @drkyle4congress , Democratic candidate for #NC07 {Short thread}
"Hi Friends,
My commitment to serve our great nation in Congress is based in my love of this country and an understanding of our history... 1/6
"Multiple generations of my family have served in the Armed Forces, from World War II to the present. Growing up near Wright Patterson Air Force Base, I spent countless hours at the United States Air Force Museum learning about the history of our nation’s military... 2/6
Jul 16, 2018 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This has been a day. I have chosen not to dwell in the negativity of it and I hope this helps you too. 1/5
From Thich Nhat Hanh: "The Buddha advises us to create the feeling of joy and happiness in order to nourish ourselves before we deal with the painful feelings..."
Jul 12, 2018 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
After listening to @maddow last evening, July 11th, I am highly interested in hearing whtat Peter Strzok has to say. Let's tune in 👂
Apparently, the Trump Congress, @SenateGOP thinks it's going to cut him a new one. But I have a feeling it's going to backfire on those old farts.
Let us take a moment to remember Peter Wang, 15. Let us each pledge to help students everywhere be safe. #NotOneMore#NEVERAGAIN
Let us take a moment to remember Carmen Shentrup, 16. Let us each pledge to help students everywhere be safe. #NotOneMore#NEVERAGAIN
Mar 13, 2018 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid & comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason & shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned..." 18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid & comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason & shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned..." 18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason
Re: #GOPTaxScam Word is out that these representatives could be flipped. Quoting here: From Action Together NE Ohio
If 11 GOP House Reps change their votes, the horrific tax bill can be defeated. Here is the list of HR1-yes-voting reps most susceptible to pressure 1/
(because they're in Dem-leaning districts). If you're a voter in any of these districts, call, write, visit their offices, ring their doorbells, give them no rest. Ask yourself if you know anyone who might live in one of these districts. If so, urge them to call, write, etc. 2/
Oct 24, 2017 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
<Short Thread> 1/ @GOP@SenateGOP@HouseGOP@SpeakerRyan@SenatorBurr@SenThomTillis@RepDavidRouzer I want to tell you briefly about my day today. I am a retired school teacher/counselor in NC and deliver meals-on-wheels on Tuesdays. I was listening to NPR as I drove... 2/ When I heard a clip of @SpeakerRyan talking about the president's tweets. Paraphrasing here, but in essence he was saying to just disregard those words. Yes, DISREGARD the words of the president of the United States! I could not believe my own ears! The speaker of the HOUSE!