Mousa Zidane Profile picture
Captain #Syria... Views my own. Fighting the good fight..
Feb 22, 2023 10 tweets 8 min read
1- The heinous Syrian regime and its allies are taking advantage of the tragedy of the Syrian #earthquake in the most appalling manner possible, with the intention of gaining international sympathy and burying its crimes against the #Syrian people. I will share some stories. ImageImage 2- A Syrian singer named Nassif Zeitoun recently released a song supposedly sympathizing with the earthquake victims, but used a great deal of lies and propaganda, presenting footage from northwestern Syria and attributing it to areas controlled by the regime. ImageImage
Feb 21, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1- Every day, I feel the magnitude of our tragedy more and more, with every story you hear, you feel the enormous disappointment they have as #Syrians, as they telling you that they heard the last voices of their loved ones under the rubble and could not do anything for them. 2- Today, a White Helmet friend was telling me his story, he lost his mother, brother, six nephews, and several other relatives.. "We dug with our bare hands for hours and saved many people, but we gradually stopped hearing the voices of survivors under the rubble.
Feb 19, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
1- In most hospitals in northern #Syria, hundreds of children lie alone, after being the only survivors of their families, following the devastating #earthquake that hit #Syria & #Turkey. No one has the heart to tell them yet that they have lost their entire family. ImageImage 2- Our story today is about three-year-old Tariq Haidar. We rescued him from under the rubble after 42 hours from the earthquake in #Jenderes City in #Aleppo. He lost his parents and three brothers, and his left leg was amputated. Image
Feb 4, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
On this day in 2018, the Assad regime launched a #ChemicAlattack in #Saraqib City, #Syria. At least 12 people suffocated, according to UN reports. Despite an #OPCW investigation that proved the regime's responsibility, no accountability has been sought to date. The #Saraqib attack was one of three chemical attacks for which the Assad regime was found responsible by the #OPCW, with the others occurring in #Lataminah (March 2017) and #Douma (April 2018). 43 people suffocated to death in the Douma attack alone.