Abdullah Bozkurt Profile picture
Director, Nordic Research & Monitoring Network, Journalist, abdullah.bozkurt@yahoo.com
Hakan Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 9, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1) The US appears to have decided to play a hard ball with #Turkey's Erdogan who has been dragging his feet in parliamentary approval of #Sweden and #Finland's NATO membership bids. Sanctioning Erdogan's close business associate Sitki Ayan is a powerful message. 2) The US and its key allies have reached to a conclusion that Erdogan has been using #Sweden and #Finlands as punching bags to send a message and is not really interested in the outcome of negotiations with Nordic states.
Jul 1, 2019 12 tweets 9 min read
The Libyan News Observatory AlMarsad claims it obtained the identities of senior Turkish military & intelligence team operating in #Libya, published passport copies of Turkish generals/diplomats. Unconfirmed reports that hostages kept by #Haftar are in fact members of this team. The team is led by Major-General Göksel Kahya, deputy undersecretary of Turkey's Ministry of National Defence. Turkish government reacted strongly to the detention of Turkish nationals in #Libya and did not disclose their IDs.