Andrej Novak 🇪🇺 Profile picture
About a strong Europe, whole, free and at peace / Expert on Eastern Europe / European Cosmopolitan Consulting
Mar 8, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
A thread on how lots of people waking up to #RussianAggression on 24 February and seeing the Kremlin for what it is for the first time:A regime of war criminals and kleptocrats which threatens peace in Europe and worldwide.

And asking: How could we have known? Who knew?

Well... There is plenty of people who knew and have been warning about #Putin and his regime since the 90s or early 2000s, including myself.

I will not reiterate all the evidence here once again, but just show some lesser known bits of telling media of previous years:
May 28, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read

#Habeck und Waffenlieferungen an die #Ukraine - Kontext: Was tut Russland?

Seit 2014 gab es hunderte Expertenberichte über russische Waffen und Waffenlieferungen in den #Donbas im großen Stil. Der bekannteste Fall ist der der abgeschossenen Boeing #MH17.

(1/6) In jüngster Zeit haben 2 investigative Recherchen das Bild weiter vervollständigt:

Erstens ein Bericht über die Zugladungen voller Waffen und Munition, die Anfang 2015 während heftiger Kämpfe von Russland in den #Donbas gingen.
