Dez Blanchfield ( ) Profile picture
We deliver consistent thought leadership globally, through digital & social marketing and communications, working exclusively with the best brands in the world.
Nov 10, 2021 4 tweets 7 min read
#sciinfluencer #sponsored

Welcome, thanks for joining us for our Sustainable Supply Chain Twitter chat - please introduce yourselves and say where you’re joining from today ;-)

#SociaallChats #Supplychain #Sustainability #WMS #OMS #Cloud #SaaS #Retail #COP26 Image looking forward to a fantastic "hour of power" talking about #Sustainability, #Retail and #Supplychain's ..

Dez here tuning in from sunny old #Sydney

#SociaallChats #Supplychain #Sustainability #WMS #OMS #Cloud #SaaS #Retail #COP26 Image
Nov 3, 2021 78 tweets 194 min read
#sciinfluencer #sponsored

Join us for a 1 hr Twitter Chat focused on:

"Sustainability in Retail Supply Chain"

sponsored by @SCIDigitalMag

November 10th, 2021

+ 9am Singapore
+ 10am Tokyo/Hong Kong
+ 12noon Sydney/Melbourne
+ 2pm Auckland

join via the #SociaallChats hashtag Image hi folks, we'd love you to join us for our #Sustainability in #Retail #SupplyChain twitter chat on Nov 10th ;-)

Apr 19, 2019 23 tweets 41 min read
@CraigMinns @MathsParty_MPA @kcarruthers @stratphy @TheFatSplatCat @chrispeers19 @margaret_tmsinc @WhistlingWhist 1/ ah yes.. Rabbits.. natures natural "living fractal", oh how they iterate and multiply, chaos theory in practice ;-) @CraigMinns @MathsParty_MPA @kcarruthers @stratphy @TheFatSplatCat @chrispeers19 @margaret_tmsinc @WhistlingWhist 2/ did you know our latest estimation indicates there are as many as 10 billion feral rabbits in Australia.. imagine if we converted them into a natural food source, we could literally feed every homeless person in Australia for a million years !!