Dr. Sanjay Gupta Profile picture
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Emory University Hospital; CNN Chief Medical Correspondent
phal Profile picture Karen Salitis 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇲 Profile picture Jaymie & 🐾Vanilla Bean🐾 Profile picture 🥀Death By Trauma Profile picture Human. ❤️or RT meaning is contextual Profile picture 15 subscribed
May 13, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
For 2-year-old Baelyn Schwab, it started on April 22nd with an unusual rash all over her body. Within days, she became part of a medical mystery: a pediatric hepatitis outbreak that now spans the globe. Here is how things unfolded for Baelyn. cnn.com/2022/05/13/hea…
(1/13) When Baelyn’s mom, Kelsea, first noted the rash, she took her to the ER in Aberdeen, South Dakota, where they live. At the time, the rash was thought to be caused by a peanut allergy and she was given epinephrine. She seemed to get better (2/13).
Dec 24, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
As of today, we have two newly authorized treatments for early Covid-19 in high-risk patients — @pfizer 's Paxlovid and @Merck 's molnupiravir. (1/
cnn.com/2021/12/22/hea… Paxlovid is for ages 12+ at high risk of severe disease. It was found to lower the risk of hospitalization or death by about 88%. (2/
Jul 27, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
@CDC’s new guidance recommends #vaccinated people in areas of high or substantial transmission to mask when in indoor public spaces. Why? As the @CDCgov director explained new data finds vaccinated people with #Deltavariant can carry the same viral load as those not 💉 (1/7) Back on May 13, when @CDCgov first changed their guidance, #DeltaVariant made up about 1.4% of all reported cases. Now it makes up 83% of cases (2/7).
Mar 29, 2021 16 tweets 8 min read
While we are beginning to feel the light on our faces after this pandemic, part of me wonders if we will actually take away the lessons we learned this past year. We owe it to every life lost to make sure this never happens again. I hope you’ll be watching tonight. #CovidWar Dr. Fauci told me that this virus is evil...but also extraordinary. Where could something so dangerous really come from, and how was it so perfectly adapted to spread in human populations? Keep watching to find out. #CovidWar
Mar 8, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Having 3 authorized vaccines is an incredible scientific feat, but like I’ve said before: vaccines aren’t vaccinations. So, still have lingering vaccine questions?@CarlosdelRio7 @PreetiNMalani did the work for you and broke down what we know. 1/8 When it comes to which vaccine you should receive, they say get whatever is available. Eventually, when there's more supply, the mrRNA vaccines could provide an advantage for higher risk folks. J&J vaccine is great for people who wouldn’t be able to return for a 2nd dose. 2/8
Feb 18, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
It’s important to remember that coronaviruses mutate all the time. And, the more they spread, the more mutations can happen. That is why simply reducing transmission is the key to reducing new variants. (1/8) So far we have identified variants by calling them things like B.1.1.7 or B.1.351, or associating them with where they were first identified. (2/8)
Feb 18, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I know you may have concerns about the new variants and whether our current vaccines will work against them. Some good news: a new lab study shows @pfizer 's vaccine offers solid protection against the variant first seen in South Africa aka B.1.351. (1/7) Researchers tested an engineered version of the variant (B.1.351) against blood samples from people who had received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (2/7)
Feb 9, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
@CDCgov is expected to to release guidelines to reopen schools this week. So what do we know about keeping safe? One study found that over a 13 week period - schools in a Wisconsin district had a 37% lower incidence of infections relative to the surrounding community. 1/10 The report found that among the 191 cases detected in the schools - only 7 were from in-school spread. This is evidence that schools can be safe if (and this is an important if…) they have the resources to do it. 2/10
Feb 4, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
@JNJNews has officially submitted for emergency use authorization with the FDA. Last week we got the results for its Phase 3 Covid-19 vaccine trial. Here’s a thread on what we know about this vaccine. (1/13)
jnj.com/johnson-johnso… Globally, here are the results for this single-shot vaccine.
This was from one month following the shot. (2/13)
Feb 4, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
We’ve been talking a lot about masks this past year. We know they protect us by reducing transmission of Covid-19, but when you buy a mask, do you know how much protection it offers? (1/6) Here’s the @CDCgov guidance on masks. They still note that “Medical masks and N-95 respirators should not be used because they should be conserved for healthcare personnel.” (2/6) Source: CDC
Jan 15, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
President-elect @JoeBiden is about to present his $1.9 trillion #COVID19 relief plan. Let’s look at some of the key points: (1/12)
cnn.com/2021/01/14/pol… 1. Mount a national vaccination program - we all know it’s not going as quickly as planned. He wants to invest $20 billion in a national program that would include community vaccination centers and mobile vaccination units. (2/12)
Dec 18, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
My worlds collided today. While most of you know me as a reporter for CNN, my 'day job' is still: neurosurgeon. (1/11) As a healthcare worker, it was my turn to get vaccinated today. And, I didn’t hesitate. (2/11)
Dec 17, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
Today the @FDA’s vaccine advisory committee is meeting again:this time to consider @moderna_tx’s #vaccine. By the end of the day, the US could be on their way to authorizing a 2nd vaccine. It can’t come soon enough. #Covid19 kills more than 2 ppl, on avg, in the US every minute. @FDA’s Dr. Doran Fink says they are working with CDC and Alaskan authorities to investigate the cases of 2 adverse reactions to @pfizer's vaccine administered to health care workers.
Dec 6, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
While I have been tweeting a lot about the pandemic, vaccines and the virus, I am getting more and more (very funny!) comments about my hair. So, here is a decidedly unserious response. This is how I’m used to my hair looking. (1/12) It wasn’t always this way. I’ve gone for a more clean cut look after med school. (2/12)
Dec 2, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
With Pfizer’s vaccine being granted authorization in the UK and the prospect of a Covid-19 vaccine EUA here in the US, I wanted to take a moment to answer some of the most common questions surrounding these vaccines. (1/16) Image “Why is it so tricky to distribute these vaccines?” It’s in large part because the two vaccines currently under EUA review have to be stored at super cold temperatures. (2/16)
Nov 12, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
We’ve reached another sad milestone in this pandemic.
The US has surpassed a record of more than 60k Covid-19 hospitalizations for the 2nd consecutive day. (1/12) But there is some glimmer of hope - a smaller percentage of people are dying now from Covid-19 than in the spring. (2/12)
Nov 9, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
I want to take a moment to explain the big vaccine news today. #Pfizer is reporting early data showing their vaccine is “more than 90%” effective in preventing COVID-19. I spoke with #Pfizer’s CEO @AlbertBourla today, as the news broke early this morning (1/10) Remember – this is an early read from a group of independent experts, not #Pfizer itself. Who are these experts? They’re known as the data safety monitoring board. (2/10)
Oct 5, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
DAY #4 President Trump hospitalization. There's still a number of unanswered questions about the president's health. Here's what Trump's doctors have told us so far. (1/20)
cnn.com/2020/10/03/pol… Image Dr. Sean Conley read a prepared statement Saturday morning saying Trump was diagnosed 72 hours ago, meaning Wednesday morning. Dr. Conley later changed the timeline to say the diagnosis was Thursday night. (2/20) Image
Oct 3, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
After announcing a positive Covid-19 test early Friday morning, President Trump ended the day at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where we are told he’ll remain for “the next few days.” (1/12) The White House said this was being done out of an “abundance of caution.” We know, however, that he developed progressive symptoms over the day, including a fever and fatigue. Mild symptoms can turn severe quickly, especially in a vulnerable individual. (2/12)
Sep 13, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
Most people on the planet want a vaccine right now and we got some news this week that the process is speeding along. Getting a vaccine approved (or authorized) quickly will be critical, but how fast is too fast? Let’s take a look.(1/20)
cnn.com/2020/09/13/hea… Remember EUA - stands for Emergency Use Authorization - and permits the FDA to allow the use of unapproved drugs and products to manage a public health emergency. These terms are important. These products would be “authorized” but not yet “approved.”(2/20)
Aug 25, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
I spoke to FDA head @SteveFDA about the decision to issue an EUA (emergency use authorization) for convalescent plasma to treat those currently infected. While promising, it’s been controversial because many say the data is inadequate. (1/11)
cnn.com/2020/08/23/hea… Dr. Hahn told me “he should have better explained the data.” Here’s what he (incorrectly) said on Sunday night: Use of convalescent plasma reduced the risk of death by 35% and that meant if 100 people got coronavirus, 35 would survive. (2/11)