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Jun 11, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/4 On 14 June, the Council will announce its position on #GDPR Procedurals.
We asked the Council to enhance legal certainty & prevent actions undermining GDPR enforcement effectiveness & trust.
🧵Here's what they got right & where they fell short: edri.org/our-work/counc… 2/4 The Council's agreement on #GDPR Procedurals tackles crucial issues like:
🔸Setting deadlines to prevent long processes
🔸Limiting the excessive leeway of certain DPAs & empowering others
🔸Acknowledging varying case complexities
🔸Considering the rights of the parties
Oct 3, 2023 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
1/12 At EDRi, we hear from people whose life depends on their digital safety every day.
✊These are journalists, land defenders, women activists, sex workers & ordinary people who value their privacy.
2/12 1⃣ It's impossible for technology to fix deep societal issues.
@EPFL_en's @carmelatroncoso pointed out that policymakers who drafted the CSA Regulation #CSAR imagined technology that does not exist & will never do.
🚨An extremely wide range of experts have warned against the misguided & dangerous measures in the @EU_Commission's Child Sexual Abuse Material Regulation #CSAR. See the summary below. ↩️
Like this thread and pass it on!🧵
🚨Survivors-representative group @MOGiS_en warns that the proposal will harm survivors & other young people. ⬇️
'Emotion recognition' technologies are built on a chilling history of racism.
Along with biometric categorisation, these segregationist systems are the hidden face of #BiometricMassSurveillance. 2/4 MEPs need to prohibit systems from detecting or inferring emotion on the basic data about our appearance or behaviour.
🙅🏾♀️These systems are based on racist pseudo-science & should not be allowed.
🇨🇮 Breaking news from Ireland: @ICCLtweet latest investigation shows no one can be protected by making the internet less secure.
Data supports EDRi’s new position paper, denouncing #CSAR proposal as having naïve faith in tech as a silver bullet.
edri.org/our-work/break…2/ In 2020, from all referrals of #CSAM the US NCMEC sent to the Irish police ⚠️ just 20% were actually CSAM & less than 10% were actionable. Nevertheless, the Irish police❗️kept the data on people wrongfully accused.
@EU_Commission Prüm II proposal threatens to create an EU-wide facial recognition system providing NO safeguards for people from state overreach & #MassSurveillance. 2/5 What happens if @EUCouncil gets their way?
👮👀For you to own a car & drive, you have to agree that your face & info are used for policing purposes across the EU. Your data will be added to a system that's supposed to be for suspects of serious crimes, like terrorism.
Sep 6, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
1/4 In 2021, millions engaged with EDRi’s campaigns. 💪🏾
Through coalition building, social media, mailings, training webinars & press releases, we successfully mobilised against biometric mass surveillance & for a #TrackingFreeAds internet.
Read more: edri.org/annual-report-…2/4 @ReclaimYourFace campaign covered 18 EU countries while coordinating one of the most politically powerful #ECIs. With national wins in Italy, Portugal, Germany & Serbia, we set the political agenda & mobilised for a ban on biometric mass surveillance.
1/8 Yesterday, @edri member @laquadrature pled at the @EUCourtPress against the French system that puts the internet under #MassSurveillance to fight against the sharing of copyrighted content. The #CJUEHadopi case is important for several #DigitalRights debates at the EU level. 2/8 #HADOPI was created in 2009 to sanction users suspected of sharing protected content without authorisation. It collects IP addresses shared by rightsholders & requests civil identity data (name, postal & email addresses) from telecom operators to identify & contact suspects.
Jul 5, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1/5 @Europarl_EN approved the #DigitalServicesAct with 539 votes in favour. EDRi welcomes DSA’s attempt to enable a real transformation of online advertising industry, away from cheating & spying on users & towards a safer, privacy-respecting ad ecosystem. edri.org/our-work/the-d…2/5 “The DSA offers the much-needed tools to enforce platform accountability, but we will continue to call and work for regulatory alternatives to address the currently dominant surveillance business model,” says @edri's @sebabecks. edri.org/our-work/the-d…
Jul 5, 2022 • 7 tweets • 6 min read
1/7 2021 was the year of resilience, collective & victorious work for our digital rights network. As we launch the @EDRi Annual Report, join us in reflecting on last year’s biggest achievements. 🔎🧵👇🏿
edri.org/our-work/take-…2/7 Last year we had to brace ourselves against numerous infringements against our #DigitalRights: predatory privacy policies, freedom of speech limitations, state surveillance & more. But these obstacles only made our network more powerful & united. 💪🏿🦸🏿
1/4 🚨Times of crisis must NOT be an excuse for undermining human rights!
In the closed-door #DigitalServicesAct negotiations, the @EU_Commission proposed a “crisis response mechanism” that would give itself the powers to unilaterally declare an EU-wide state of emergency. 2/4 In that state of emergency, the Commission would be able to force online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to interfere with the right to free expression and the dissemination of information online. Hardly any checks and balances, no time limits.
Apr 12, 2022 • 9 tweets • 9 min read
[1] European Parliament negotiators call for a prohibition on predictive policing!🔥
1/4 📢 Today, @EDRi, @fairtrials & 40+ civil society organisations urge the EU to ❌ BAN AI predictive & profiling systems in law enforcement & criminal justice in the #AIAct.
Check out our statement & spread the message 🔃 edri.org/our-work/civil…2/4 AI systems are used to profile people & areas, predict crime & assess the likely ‘risk’ of criminality.
This leads to undemocratic practices like surveillance, stop & search, fines, questioning, arrest, detention, prosecution & civil punishments like denial of welfare.
Many Muslims are subject to discrimination, oppression & abuse because of anti-terrorist & surveillance policies in Europe, disproportionately targeting them as a threat to security. 2/5 ❌ The EU's 2020 Counter-Terrorism Agenda uses a flawed narrative that more surveillance is needed to guarantee security. This will only increase the over-policing of Muslims through data-sharing & biometric mass surveillance.
Sep 21, 2021 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
1/8 🙅♀️ Debiasing AI is not a silver bullet! 🙅🏾♂️
EDRi's latest report by @AggieBalayn & @sedyst from @tudelft shows that EU policymakers must STOP framing AI harms as technical flaws in the design of the AI systems, which can be fixed by using tech or "debiasing" solutions. 2/8 The report explains why AI inequalities are a much more complicated problem than just a system design issue.
🔥To make a real difference to the experience of marginalised groups, lawmakers need to view AI in the wider context of structural discrimination, inequality & power.
Apr 21, 2021 • 32 tweets • 11 min read
📢Today @sarahchander and @ellajakubowska1 takeover the @edri twitter account to give you their first impressions of the #EUAI Regulation as soon as it is out! Stay tuned for the latest impressions from civil society.
We're here! We'll be watching the press conference here and sharing our thoughts:
📢 It’s time to debunk narratives that the #TERREG will effectively fight terrorist content. In reality, it wouldn’t protect anyone from terrorism & it would censor marginalised groups.
Its proponents are making these false claims to support its adoption in the @Europarl_EN ⬇️
"Member States are free to determine their competent authority, as long as it acts independently and in a non-discriminatory manner."
❌Lack of mandatory judicial authorization & review of orders by national authorities to remove content online means erosion of the rule of law👇
Jan 12, 2021 • 5 tweets • 11 min read
1/5📢📅 Today 62 organisations demand #AIRedlines for applications of #ArtificialIntelligence that threaten fundamental #HumanRights in an @edri open letter to the @EU_Commission. 👇🏿👇🏿 edri.org/our-work/civil…2/5 Ahead of the EU AI proposal, we call for regulatory limits on:
🔶uses of AI at the border & in migration control
🔶social scoring & AI systems determining access to social rights and benefits
🔶predictive policing
🔶& more
1/4 Tomorrow the @EUCouncil will discuss #TERREG new draft with the aim to reach a final compromise with @EP_Justice during Thursday’s trilogue
2/4 The proposal was already subject to criticism by @fra, @edps and three UN Special Rapporteurs in 2018-19. Yet again, EU plans to counter online terrorist propaganda are under fire from @Irenekhan and @NiAolainF
1/8 👂 WHEN THEY HEAR US: After a majority of respondents called on the EU to ban biometric identification in the #AIWhitePaper consultation, the @EU_Commission says a ban is still being considered. #BanThisBS#FacialRecognition#MassSurveillance#DemocracyInAction#PeoplePower2/8 What is at stake with biometric surveillance? Our reality as we know it! We must protect our democratic public spaces– and with them, our freedoms to speak, to assemble, to protest and to express ourselves.