European Movement UK (on BlueSky) Profile picture
Founded 1949. Campaigning ever since for closer ties between the UK and EU. As vital now as we were then. Join us:
Apr 24, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Today at 4:30 PM, a parliamentary debate will be held on the consequences of Brexit. #BrexitInquiry

The debate comes after a petition calling for an inquiry into the handling of Brexit negotiations received over 175,000 signatures. An online poll by Omnisis last week showed that 59% of 1,340 voters thought an inquiry should “probably” or “definitely” be launched, with just 25% against.

This shows that there is a clear demand from the public for answers on how Brexit negotiations were handled.
Jan 31, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
1/15: Brexit has had a significant impact on the UK. From trade deals to “taking back control”, the effects have been far-reaching and entirely negative.

So where are we just 3 years on?

A🧵 2/15: The pound has plummeted, leading to rising inflation and a decrease in purchasing power for consumers. The UK is set to have the worst-performing economy in the entire G20 in 2023, bar Russia… the Elephant in the room is Brexit.…
Jun 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Help us pass this lot and address the social media imbalance between us and the Brexit elite.

The European Movement is the UK's fastest growing and largest Pro-EU organisation, and we're holding this government to account over its disastrous Brexit policies. Image The truth is, the leave campaign, both official and unofficial, lied and deceived the public.

They used enormous platforms on social media to amplify their divisive and outright false claims about immigration, law and the economy.
Feb 1, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Today marks the anniversary of the withdrawal agreement.

Two years on from this and there is no denying that Brexit has been a historic mistake.

We were promised sunlit uplands but instead we are far worse off.

Thread 👇 We have been left with:

✅Empty shelves
✅ Empty pumps
✅ Empty pockets

...and a heap of unfulfilled, empty promises.…
Dec 20, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
🇦🇺🇬🇧The government has signed its first (from scratch) trade deal post-Brexit.
And it is every bit as damaging as warned.

It fails to protect our farmers long-term and allows imports of food produced at lower standards.

[The Australia Deal: A thread]

1… The free trade agreement with Australia would allow Australian food to be imported that's been produced at lower environmental & animal welfare standards.

Whilst UK standards of food are by no means perfect they differ significantly from Australia. Here are just a few e.g.s:

May 17, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
We can't let ministers put a hard border around musicians:… It's been revealed that ministers misled the public at least five times – telling them that visa-free tours for musicians like me were impossible, when the opposite is true #Brexit #BrexitReality The government’s refusal to strike a deal to rescue visa-free touring of the EU leaves performers facing prohibitive costs and a mountain of red tape – despite it being legally possible for them to have reached such an agreement. #Brexit
Mar 8, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
On #InternationalWomensDay, here's a look at how #Brexit will affect women more:… #IWD #IWD2021 Women will bear the economic brunt of Brexit – 86% of austerity cuts came at women's expense, who will also shoulder the majority of Brexit costs to households of £850-6,400 per year…