Jay Bullock, Tradwife-in-Training Profile picture
Other socials including 🧵&🟦&🐳&📫: @folkbum.
Aug 8, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
Many don't know the history, so a short🧵on how WI Republicans consistently scuttle legitimate elections oversight:

Republicans running for governor are short of specifics when it comes to overhauling Wisconsin elections jsonline.com/story/news/pol… via @journalsentinel @MollyBeck One of the most basic tenets of good governance is that those in government should not use government resources for campaigns, particularly partisan campaigns. A couple of decades ago, the legislative caucuses were found to be doing just that. madison.com/flashback-stat…
Aug 6, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
people out here just making shit up--this was NOT from last night in waukesha, you can see real pictures from real reporters @MollyBeck @AJBayatpour @patrickdmarley here twitter.com/MollyBeck/media
twitter.com/patrickdmarley… hey @PolitiFactWisc @snopes @GlennKesslerWP @APFactCheck can we get on this please?
Nov 15, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
The #Rittenhouse case goes to the jury today. It probably won't come back today; regardless, I just want to put some of my thoughts out there for the world today anyhow. A small thread. 2/ I did not watch every second of every day of the trial. But I tried to follow along with good reporters and smart commentators. Most of what I see is skepticism that Rittenhouse will spend even one more day in jail.
Sep 29, 2021 32 tweets 11 min read
1/ Today, the #Wisconsin Republican legislature proposed eliminating the Constitutional offices of State Superintendent, Secretary of State, & Treasurer. What follows is a longish 🧵 I've meant to write for some time, addressing the utter contempt today's @wisgop has for voters. 2/ What sparks it is this piece of flaming-hot horseshit from @shaesortwell, from the @jsonline story today by @mollybeck: jsonline.com/story/news/pol…
Jul 27, 2021 24 tweets 10 min read
1/24 Two reminders as we head into today. 1, the @wisgop attempt to do @WsconsinMC's bidding is based on a faulty premise and general dislike of The Poors, and 2, the GOP education budget is flat-out racist. 2/ We know the GOP is doing WMC's bidding, because WMC announced the agenda for today even before the Assembly leadership did. Great work here by @mellconklin: urbanmilwaukee.com/2021/07/26/gop…
Nov 7, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
1/12 Today, @DHSWI reported a record 7,065 new #COVID cases in #Wisconsin. The last five days have been the five highest reports. There are 57,985 active cases, a record. 68,590 cases reported in the last 14 days, a record. 121,300 in the last 30 days, yes--a record. Image 2/12 Here's an infographic. I thought maybe this would help people understand better what the deal is. Spread far and wide please. Image
Nov 7, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
1/10 Today, @DHSWI reported a record 6,141 new #COVID cases in #Wisconsin. The last four days have been the four highest reports. There are 55,684 active cases, a record. 65,586 cases reported in the last 14 days, a record. 117,367 in the last 30 days, a record. 2/10 So far in November, there have been 30,695 new cases reported. That's more cases than January, February, March, April, May *AND* June combined. Seriously people, in the last 6 days, we did as much as the first 6 months.
Nov 5, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
1/10 Today, @DHSWI reported 5,922 new #COVID cases in #Wisconsin, second only to yesterday's high. There are 54,326 active cases, a record high. 63,824 cases have been reported in the last 14 days. 40 weeks into this pandemic; 25.5% of all cases have been reported in the last 2. Image 2/10 So far in November, there have been 24,554 new cases reported. At that rate, we might hit 150,000 cases this month. In the last 30 days, we reported 113,545 cases, as many cases as were reported between January 29 and September 26, 241 days. Image
Sep 22, 2020 17 tweets 6 min read
1/ Allow me to interrupt your #doomscrolling with some #Wisconsin #COVID news from today's @DHSWI update.

tl;dr: Every @wisgop legislator who has said that COVID is not a real and present threat the health and life of tens of thousands of us is a liar and/or an ignorant fraud. 2/ While today's 1672 new cases do not break a record, it is a top-ten day. All ten of those days have been since colleges, universities, and schools reopened in late August and early September. Image
Sep 19, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ Today's handful of scary-ass #Wisconsin #COVID facts. Today was the third day in a row of more than 2000+ new cases reported (2283) by @DHSWI. 2/ On Aug 31, the 7-day average of reported new cases was 678.4. Today it is 1708.4, an increase of 252%.

On Aug 31, the 14-day average of of reported new cases was 671.9. Today it is 1375.9, an increase of 205%.

In 19 days.
Sep 18, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ A few more scary #Covid_19 #Wisconsin graphs because HAPPY FRIDAY. Let's start with how we are in really uncharted new-cases-per-day territory. Image 2/ Many people, rightly, blame the UW system for bringing back in-person learning. Dane Co, which accounts for just 9% of the state population, has 14% of its infections this month. Milwaukee, which has 16% of the population, has 11%: UW-Milwaukee is virtual.
Sep 17, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ I haven't been posting about #Covid_19 in #Wisconsin lately because it is terrible. But just a handful of tweets today. 2/ This graph should panic everyone. I know @DHSWI testing data are somewhat skewed as they don't report repeated negative tests of the same individual as new tests, especially if those are negative. Still. This is terrifying. Image
Sep 1, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
1/ The @DHSWI reported 981 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from 11,844 tests, and 8 new deaths. The 14-day average of reported tests, 8,434, is in low territory we haven't seen since the end of May, when things were awful. Image 2/ The 7-day average of reported new cases (727.4) and the 14-day average (696.7) are roughly where they've been for almost a month. Today's report is the 9th-highest of the pandemic and the first top-10 report since August 14. ImageImage
Aug 28, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
1/ The @DHSWI reported 843 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from 9,156 tests, and 2 new deaths. The 14-day average number of tests (8,711) fell to its lowest number since June 2. Image 2/ The 7-day average of reported new cases (703.1) rose a bit but the 14-day average (696.7) fell a bit today. It's been 14 days since the state reported 1000 or more new cases in a single day. ImageImage
Aug 27, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ The @DHSWI reported 878 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from 10,791 tests, and 11 new deaths. The 14-day average number of tests (8,802) fell to its lowest number since June 2. Image 2/ The 7-day average of reported new cases (700.7) rose a bit but the 14-day average (709.4) fell a bit today. It's been 13 days since the state reported 1000 or more new cases in a single day. ImageImage
Aug 26, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ It's hard to feel like any of this matters today, but the @DHSWI reported 768 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from 10,378 tests, and 6 new deaths. The 14-day average number of tests (8,918) rose for the first time in over two weeks. Image 2/ Both the 7-day average of reported new cases (681.0) and the 14-day average (714.1) rose today. ImageImage
Aug 25, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
1/ Today @DHSWI reported 638 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from 9,987 tests, and 13 new deaths. The 14-day average number of tests (8,886) fell to its lowest since June 2, falling 16 days in a row. We've had 160 deaths in August--we had only 150 in all of July. Image 2/ The 7-day average of reported new cases (a worrisome? satanic? 666.0) rose a little today, but the 14-day average (693.4, lowest since July 15) fell. ImageImage
Aug 22, 2020 13 tweets 6 min read
1/ Today @DHSWI reported 950 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from a scant 8,700 tests, and 13 new deaths. The 14-day average number of tests (9,566) fell to its lowest since July 9, 12 days in a row. We've had 147 deaths in August--we had only 150 in all of July. Image 2/ The 7-day average of reported new cases (707.6) rose a little today, but the 14-day average (719.7, lowest since July 16) fell. Today's new-case number is the 13th highest ever, and the highest since August 14. ImageImage
Aug 21, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
1/ Today @DHSWI reported 826 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from 10,570 tests, and 1 new death. The 14-day average number of tests (9,884) fell to its lowest since July 10. Image 2/ The 7-day average of reported new cases (690.3, lowest since July 11) fell today, as did the 14-day average (735.1, lowest since July 17). ImageImage
Aug 20, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
1/ Today @DHSWI reported 740 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from just 9,871 tests, and 7 new deaths. The 14-day average number of tests (10,136) fell to its lowest since July 13. Image 2/ The 7-day average of reported new cases (747.1) rose a little but the 14-day average (753.8) fell a little. Both numbers have been floating in a narrow range for the last week. ImageImage
Aug 19, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
1/ Today @DHSWI reported 663 #COVID19 cases in #Wisconsin, from just 9,429 tests, and 8 new deaths. The 14-day average number of tests (10,695) fell to its lowest since July 18. THIS GRAPH PISSES ME OFF. (And has me worried. See tweet #7 below.) Image 2/ The 7-day average of reported new cases (747.1) rose a little but the 14-day average (753.8) fell a little. Both numbers have been floating in a narrow range for the last week. ImageImage