guyfelicella Profile picture
I support both harm reduction & recovery. Overcame decades of homelessness & addiction. ADHD is my gift🎁 Inspirational Speaker. Opinions are my own.
Jan 27 5 tweets 1 min read
A person who accessed recovery addiction treatment through the court system reached out to me recently to share his story and ask for advice.🧵1/5 He had been committing crimes to support his drug addiction and had been in-and-out of jail for a few years. He was facing 18 months in prison and was given the choice of going into addiction treatment or going to jail. 2/5
Jan 3 9 tweets 2 min read
Canadians are being CONNED by @PierrePoilievre, and it’s heartbreaking to see it 💔 🧵1/9 What jumps out most to me about this interview he did with fawning right-wing extremist @jordanbpeterson: they clearly lay out the way they’re stirring up rage with “carefully calculated campaign slogans” & then capitalizing on people’s anger over it (especially young men’s) 2/9
Sep 29, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5) Overdoses are taking the lives of 6 people everyday in BC, more than any other time on record. In July, 184 people died because of our toxic drug supply. More than 1,200 people this year - gone.

(A thread) 2/5) We're losing people in the prime of their lives. In 2021, 72% of those dying were aged 30 to 59. Males accounted for 79% of deaths in 2021. An entire generation is being lost 💔
Apr 29, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6) In March 2021, there were 158 illicit drug toxicity deaths. This represents a 41% increase over the number of deaths occurring in March 2020 (112)

March 2021= 5.1 deaths per day. (a thread) #2) Carfentanil has been detected in 65 suspected illicit drug toxicity deaths in 2020 & 48 deaths in 2021 (18 in March)
Jul 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1/1: July 1st marks the anniversary of the British North America act of 1867 and the establishment of the Dominion of Canada. The signing of the act followed centuries of colonialism, oppression and genocide of Indigenous Peoples on these lands. (thread) 2/2: Colonialism and systemic racism in Canada are not just part of our past, but part of our present as well. There is a through line in our history connecting settlement to enslavement , head taxes, internment camps, immigration policies, and police brutality.
May 15, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
1/6: Talking to PWUD and prescribers over the past few weeks I've learned there's a huge disconnect between #safesupply and what we can call pandemic prescribing
(a thread) 2/6: Pandemic prescribing is providing pharmaceutical alternatives to street drugs to help reduce #overdose risk and let people isolate during #COVID. It's a life saving approach now, but it's not the long-term solution to the overdose crisis, #Safesupply is.
May 11, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Tweet 1: " Many people ask me why someone on opioid against #treatment (OAT) to manage their #addiction would still use heroin at the same time. It comes down to what fuels on individuals addiction (a thread)" Tweet 2: "2/ First, you have to understand why someone might start using #opioids or other drugs in the first place. For me, I started using heroin to deal with deep-rooted trauma that was causing me incredible emotional pain"