Jeff Smith on Air Pollution ( Profile picture
Sr Adv for Global Clean Air at @EllaRobertaFdn; Left; US Army Vet; Monitoring air quality since our child was hospitalized in 2008. #CitizenScience #BLM; he/him
Jeff Smith on Air Pollution ( Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 15, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
@kprather88 I can share what I've been told so often over the years about why =>N95/FFP2 respirators/masks😷& filters may not "significantly" reduce⬇️ #AirPollution health risk. Some= valid points to consider:
1- health effects of varying concentrations of PM2.5 exposures aren't linear.
@kprather88 cont...
2- they share poorly-designed studies in which too little filter surface area/efficiency/air flow rate is installed to provide enough cycles (i.e., air changes) per hour through filters for the space. When this is pointed out, they reply "solutions must be affordable" 2/
Oct 30, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
@WHO highlights how important #Ventilation is for #HealthyBuildings in order to help reduce the risk of indoor transmission of #COVID19! "This has to be one intervention part of a package of interventions to prevent" #SARSCoV2 transmission. @j_g_allen "In settings like schools or working places ...what we are recommending is to increase the rate of air change; increase the rate of ventilation by natural ways or mechanical ones, always trying to avoid the recirculation of the air." 2/
@ShellyMBoulder @linseymarr @CorsIAQ
Aug 20, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Current scenario enabled by wishful scientists that dont understand the dynamics of policy & governance:

1- policymakers & polluters say 'show me the data'
2- we show them the data & they reply 'the data is not good enough';
3- finance 'experts' provide p-hacked forecasts 2/
3- of weak models based on mega incomplete data!
4- scientists know that we always need more data... agree & ask for funding to collect more data.
5- policymakers promise to fund research but never do because the media stories are enough to make it appear they are acting.
Jul 11, 2020 8 tweets 10 min read
@jesse_kroll @linseymarr @dylanhmorris @DrNeeltje As with anything, more knowledge is better. When we study #airborne contagions or #AirPollution many disciplines are required. Clinical, forensic, environmental, social, & occupational epidemiology all must be informed by all science. 1/ @jesse_kroll @linseymarr @dylanhmorris @DrNeeltje The preference of 1 observational association vs a 2nd (but 'newer') observational association (both being classified 'low level' evidence until dozens of associations are collected) when confronted with a novel #CoronaVirus or any other contagion is not
#ScienceBased. 2/
Mar 30, 2020 6 tweets 7 min read
@VRiffault @jljcolorado @WHO @DrMariaNeira Devil's advocate now... Unknown risk associated with lack of evidence when the volume of observations is high should provoke the precautionary principle if no harm is clear.
We dont know if an infectious dose is possible via micro droplets. But, they could be. What's the harm? 2/ @VRiffault @jljcolorado @WHO @DrMariaNeira There's a shortage of masks for medical workers. Full stop. That's the key message. We can & should make our own masks or use the reusuable pollution respirators with silocone seals that medical workers are not using. WHO recommends masks for asymptomatic influenza outbreaks.