How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the steps in Stam's Stable Fluids paper, let's split our original problem into smaller ones. Basically, we solve the momentum equation (apply forces, advect velocity and diffuse it) and after that we force that computed velocity to be divergence-free using the pressure.'s suppose we have a scratch pad like the one in the first picture. As we know, this scratch pad runs for every cell in the Grid2D. But, what is it exactly "running"? do this, we're going to create a new Niagara system in world space that renders a single sprite, parallel to the ground, with a material that reads a texture (with the trace) created in Niagara. It's the perfect effect to learn a few things. Let's create a scratch pad in the Simulation Stage. In this one, we are going to use the node "Execution Index", that assigns an integer for each cell, and set as the value of the cell. Previously, we normalize it using the dimensions of our Grid2D.