Justin ❤️'s Democracy Profile picture
Defending 250 years of American Democracy is 'moderate'. Founder @DemocracyWeekUS & @CivicInnoHQ1 Follow @jstnwill for startups/investing and innovation.
Jun 28 11 tweets 2 min read
Don't Freak Out... this debate was timed to handle a Biden trainwreck. It sucks that he looked so bad. It's kinda brilliant, actually.

A thread: 🧵 Nine months ago, Biden handled a long, live press conference effortlessly, but no one saw it. I did, and I was *certain* he was going to be solid. Now I see there's an obvious issue Dems must deal with. That *really* sucks, but...
Aug 12, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
Trying to slowly dismantle secular institutions like pubic education and inturn install Christian systems, is a move towards an authoritarian nation.

Evangelicals, please just come out and say it, so we can decide if that's what we want. But understand, secularism is not indoctrination into atheism. It's the absence of indoctrination into atheism, Christianity, or any religion. It's a system that maximizes individual liberty & also protects religious freedom by...
Aug 9, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
I've been saying for 3+ years that a new civil war is a very serious possibility. There is a lot of denial happening by reasonable people from all sides, left, center and right about the moment we are facing. We can't pretend that the worst is not possible, simply because we see ourselves as reasonable people and we can't fathom the unreasonable.

It's happening right now. As we speak.
Apr 25, 2022 26 tweets 25 min read
#ElonMusk isn't evil, BUT
👇A thread 🧵

His #libertarian ideology can be cartoonishly evil, bcs its amoral. That makes him a threat to #liberty, #prosperity & 250 years of American #democracy

#Twitter #ElonMuskTwitter #ElonMuskBuyTwitter #DemocracyUnderThreat
1/?? There are a few dots to connect, so stick with me...

1️⃣ #PeterThiel wants a #Monarchy
2️⃣ The #KochBrothers are creating an #Oligarchy
3️⃣ #Putin's Russia is the grand vision
4️⃣ #Libertarians are amoral
5️⃣ #Ideology is blindingly dangerous