Mohamad Al Shami محمد الشامي 🇾🇪🇵🇸 Profile picture
Fulbright scholar from #Yemen, with #Palestine & all oppressed people, the trio of evil: zionist #US, #UK, #Israel; ppl are the victims. Peace & justice to all.
May 21 4 tweets 2 min read
1/3 MUST WATCH: Hamas's warnings before October 7th were ignored. Sinwar's message was clear: "Al-Aqsa and Quds are red lines. We will no longer tolerate settlers' attacks." 2/3 MUST WATCH: Hamas's warnings before October 7th were ignored. Sinwar's message was clear: "Al-Aqsa and Quds are red lines. We will no longer tolerate settlers' attacks."
Mar 16, 2021 7 tweets 8 min read
#US-#AlQaeda Unveiled (extremely import, pls read thro thread, 9/11th)

#Yemen authorities just disclosed v. imp phone call bet ex-#CIA Director George Tenet w/ex-Yemen President (Traitor) Saleh Afash, former asking 2 release an extremely important & dangerous #AlQaeda person. 2
#AlQaeda person was in the Yemeni Security Prison! ex-#CIA Director, Tenet, asked traitor ex-president to hand the terrorist to DCI's ppl on ground, he didnt even want #FBI investigators to know bout this, described as, my own personal problem & favor!
Aug 26, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
New scenes, massive sweep op against #AlQaeda / #AQAP & #ISIS in AlBayda, by Yemeni armed forces & Ansarallah (#Houthis). MSM will never report such true victory on extremist; they seem to prefer the fiction action version of it! 2/3
New scenes, massive sweep op against #AlQaeda / #AQAP & #ISIS in AlBayda, by Yemeni armed forces & Ansarallah (#Houthis). MSM will never report such true victory on extremist; they seem to prefer the fiction action version of it!