@Paul1971EFC@thinkdefence Sure thing, meanwhile you can think where the idea came from, I can help..
Plans and preparation for such big sabotage to take Bout 1/2 y @Paul1971EFC@thinkdefence As you perhaps know BoJo visited the submarine base just before he left the office and left to 3 consecutive foreign holidays with family (Slovenia, Greece, Carribbean) ...well I suppose it was better to be out in case RU got idea for retaliation.
Well, Liz Truss who approved..
Nov 10, 2022 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
@AZgeopolitics Or perhaps to discuss the "gold problem"?
@AZgeopolitics Is the old-new London Gold Pool (LBMA) failing as old one did in 1967?
@Lv10noob@NavyLookout If there was a high chance it was RU navy, and some evidence seems to exists already, they would get a full blockade through DK straight for sabotage/ecological impact and #NS would get immediately revoked its permits.
A NATO member most likely did it, outside NATO structures.
@Lv10noob@NavyLookout And only a nuclear power could fit the suspect profile. So US, FRA and UK.
The USA has been warning Germans in early September about possible sabotage.
Public has no direct evidence but circumstantial evidence hints to UK.
- UK very anti Russian
- US hesitant to escalate
- EU compromising
The #NS - signal to allies: "We can not trade with Russia, pay them to wage war, we must Unite against them! Pipes sanctioned, unused anyway, cost small compared to our case"
After past experiences with power, remembering all the horrors, it fears itself.
The US is before bankruptcy, but can it restructures and get in shape? Would not ex-partner stand by and give hand?
Would EUROPE want the ex-greatest power, USA..
Oct 3, 2022 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
@CarloMazzone6@VictorTheClean3@garatupan@vtchakarova Yes. VitC used to have these great charts for Iraq, Libya which show oil production increase on background of wars. Each time they got to some level the external thing happened and excess was removed.
Once Another said that US is not in Gulf to steal the oil, it is there for ...
@CarloMazzone6@VictorTheClean3@garatupan@vtchakarova it to flow into the right hands under right conditions. They are there making sure the OIL PRICE DOES NOT DROP.
US foreclosed on SovietU once it pushed it into spending race, then lowered price down with KSA.
Inflexible centralised economy, non-floating ccy were deadly mix.
Oct 3, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Why did Russia not destroy own pipelines:
West tells a unified message: "sabotage on critical infrastructure".
Russia states: International terrorism and huge ecological disaster.
West says Russia DESTROYED own pipelines.
See the problem?
If yes ot not just follow... 1/n
Why is WEST/NATO not stating that Russia has caused HUGE ecological disaster? Why is Russia not blamed as a state terrorist actor?
West already tried to frame Russia as a country supporting terrorism. Now there would be excellent chance to top that and have a case why it is, no?
Why type of adversary has the balls and motive to do that?
There are 2 types - non/nuclear ones.
Only nukes provide cover..
Sep 30, 2022 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
@visitor_day@oyryeng The final decision is on consumers - do they want the gas or not?
I believe they do. That was the rational behind those pipeline in the first place.
It's simple RF has gas - EI needs gas. Build pipe and profit. Politicians handle state finances, board members handle profit.
@visitor_day@oyryeng So what is happening now is those politicians and EU energy companies calling in other frantically in a chaotic dance to coordinate the final commitment to the future deliveries.
This is a MAJOR strategic f*ckup of those who done the deed. This is why US has not approved the ...
Sep 17, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
@AZmilitary1 THIS geopolitical decision will have HUGE consequences for shaping of future of the whole 🌍
Let's 🪚 in it, shall we?
1️⃣ Economics trumps politics
2️⃣ All major surplus economies are located on Euro-Asia (🇪🇺🇨🇳🇷🇺🇮🇳🇸🇦...)
3️⃣ Two trader gates to EuroAsia (🇬🇧🇯🇵)
@AZmilitary1 4️⃣ The 🇺🇸 is the outside Island power, needs to ctrl seas.
5️⃣ The 🇺🇸 is the only debtor of international monetary reserves.
6️⃣ Africa, South America are ATM insignificant.
7️⃣ The biggest threat to 🇺🇸 is if EuroAsia integrates & unites.
8️⃣ The 🇺🇸 has imposed 🚧 roadblocks
Sep 15, 2022 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
A short monetary history trip to 1967's exploring the exchange between Karl Blessing #Bundesbank, and the then Chairman of the Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve System #FED, William Martin.
...keep reading the juice will be at the end..
May 11, 2022 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
It is 1975 and oil oil exporters and importers try to find solution for broken monetary system.
An interesting history 🧵🧵🧵
How could oil producing countries keep their purchasing power in times of turbulent seventies? #Gold#Oil#MonetaryAffairs#IMS
May 11, 2022 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Once Iraq´s Saddam Hussein said about oil management:
A small thread about oil politics: