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Jun 20th 2023
@naihhi @atBenBradbury…
sehr interessant. er hat sein recht zur konstruktiven kritik immer & überall genutzt, nur es gibt zu heute einen unterschied. in jedem staat sitzt eine weltweit operierende struktur drin, die sich in die bestehende struktur eingearbeitet hat.
nehmen wir 1)
@naihhi @atBenBradbury 2) das beispiel america. Sie haben schon genug zu kämpfen, das überall die #CIA #FBI drin sitzt & in firmen die #kpc . warum ist das so? weil eine gruppe von menschen das so will. sie haben nämlich ihre weltweite struktur in allen ländern und wollen, dass sie beschaftigt sind. 3) Image
@naihhi @atBenBradbury 3) deshalb hat Wolfgang #Eggert ein Leben mit Schreiben verbracht. Keiner will wahrhaben, dass seit 1990 Einnahmen Deutschlands über #Fed #USA nach #Israel fliessen.
Keiner traut sich zu reden, weil es keine Differenzierung zwischen Chassidismus, Khasaren-Satanismus und 4) Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 15th 2023

1. CPI #Inflation increased by 0.12% in May, surprising consensus expectations of 0.1%. This print contributed to a sequential deceleration in the quarterly trend relative to the yearly trend. Image
2. Above we show the monthly evolution of the data relative to its 12-monthly trend and consensus expectations.
3. At the subcomponent level, the primary drivers of this print were #Motor fuel (-0.2%), #Energy Services (-0.05%), Transportation Commodities Less Motor Fuel (0.11%), #Shelter (0.19%), & #Transportation Services (0.05%). Below, we show the top 10 drivers of the monthly change: Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
As was widely expected, the @federalreserve today halted the most aggressive policy rate #HikingCycle since 1980, leaving the Fed Funds range unchanged at 5.0% to 5.25%, a level that appears clear to us to be finally having an impact on the #economy.
We think today’s actions represent a “Hawkish skip,” which implies that #policy makers are seeking more #data before potentially hiking rates again in July, or September.
For our part, we think #ChairPowell’s comments at the press conference made it clear that the #FOMC is seeking to balance increasingly restrictive monetary policy with the high degree of uncertainty around the tightening of #CreditConditions
Read 15 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
La #FederalReserve sospende gli aumenti dei tassi di interesse, si rimane al 5,25% - 5,00%.

Cosa ci si può aspettare ora?

#FED #Bitcoin Image
Interessante il dato che viene fuori anche dai Dot Plots: la FED cambia le previsioni sulla recessione entro fine anno.

Migliori previsioni anche per quanto riguarda la disoccupazione 🤔 Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
Today’s #CPI report for May showed another very firm depiction of where #inflation currently resides in the U.S., with #coreCPI (excluding volatile food and energy components) printing at 0.44% month-over-month and 5.33% year-over-year.
Meanwhile, #headlineCPI data printed 0.12% month-over-month and came in just above 4% year-over-year, with declines in #energy components and some food prices being offset by gains in #shelter and used cars and trucks.
Overall, headline #inflation does appear to be moderating at a faster pace and we believe that the trend in inflation (despite the firmness of core measures in today’s report) is broadly heading in the right direction, relative to the @federalreserve’s inflation target.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 11th 2023

The Bear's Take:

•USA #recession is coming
•Bearish daily candlesticks on $SPX and $NDX
#NDX negative divergences with classic Indis
•Leaders are overextended and some are starting to break
#JPM collar will stop any #SPX advance at 4320


The Bulls' Take

•Breakout of 4200 confirmed
•Momentum is bullish
•Market breadth improved
• $SPX now in official bull market
•Dealers increased their long positions again
#Gamma is positive
- #CPI will be lower
- #Fed to pause

#ES #SPX $SPY #0dte #options

Our Take

• Markets are at strong resistance levels, we are expecting a pullback
• Volatile week ahead
• A likely visit to 4220
• Expecting 4320 to stop any $SPX advance
•Expecting #smallcaps to outperform
#CPI maybe higher, but downtrending

Read 4 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
In webcast “Dust in the Crevices,” Jeffrey Gundlach shares his macro and market views and makes the case for an imminent dust-up, “in the next few years,” in Washington’s decades-long use of debt finance to skirt hard fiscal decisions.

#macro #markets #Fed #inflation #rates
“Here we are in an economy that is supposedly growing, and yet we have 7.3% budget deficit as a % of GDP,” DoubleLine CEO and founder Jeffrey Gundlach says.

That figure is probably headed much higher, especially if the U.S. enters recession. Image
In the wake of hikes of 525 bps in the fed funds rate and 400 bps along many parts of the Treasury curve, DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach notes the burden of federal debt service has surged higher in dollar terms and as a percentage of GDP.

Watch: Image
Read 28 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
1/ Die #Inflation ist zuletzt global gefallen und in der letzten Woche in Europa sogar stärker als erwartet.
Dies wird nun teilweise als das Ende der Inflation gefeiert.

Ist das so?

Ein Thread 🧵der meine Sichtweise beschreiben soll. Image
2/ Die fallende Geldmenge ist definitiv ein Argument für eine weiter zurück kommende #Inflation in den kommenden Monaten.

@DiegoFassnacht hat das zuletzt mehrmals angesprochen und erklärt. Vielen Dank!

3/ Ein weiteres Argument sind die kontinuierlich fallenden Produzentenpreise, die gerne als Vorläufer für den #CPI dienen.

Diesen Zusammenhang verdeutlicht die Graphik von @AndreasSteno eindrucksvoll. Mange tak! Image
Read 21 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
We’ve seen the pace of #payroll gains decelerate to roughly the monthly trend pace from the last expansion; consensus has been waiting for this moment and expected a 195,000 job gain in May, but the data printed considerably stronger at 339,000 #jobs gained.
The three-month moving average of #nonfarm payrolls sits at 283,000, down from 334,000 jobs at the start of the year, but what the #LaborMarket imbalance needs is more supply and more slack.
The #unemployment rate ticked up to 3.65%, close to its 12-month average level, and average hourly #earnings (a volatile figure) gained 0.33% month-over-month and 4.3% on a year-over-year basis.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
May employment report came in mixed with both NFP and UR increasing.

Again, no Wall Street analyst came nowhere close to guessing the headline number with the highest estimate missing it by 129K.

What does that all mean for the #Fed?

A thread.

NFP rose for the 29th M in a row with +339K which is 149K above consensus (+190K).

Apr number was revised up by 41K from +253K to +294K.

Total gain in Apr and May is +633K, 190K higher than expected (+443K).


At the same time UR jumped from 3.4% (cycle low) to 3.7%, the highest since Feb 2022 and the same as in Aug and Oct 2022.


3/11 Image
Read 11 tweets
May 30th 2023
On Wages, Profits & Interest Expense

1. The current macroeconomic picture remains where heightened nominal demand continues to press against the economy's capacity constraints, creating heightened inflation. Image
2. We think these dynamics will
likely be resolved through the Fed's tightening cycle by raising interest burdens in the economy relative to incomes, creating pressure on profitability for companies, and leading to an eventual lay-off of
3. Therefore, the key to understanding whether the Fed's hiking cycle has been adequate is
whether profits will contract. This profit contraction will likely come from declining topline, sticky wages, and increasing debt service costs.
Read 8 tweets
May 26th 2023
2022 senesinde #FED dünyayı faiz söylemleri
ile faiz artışlarına zorladı.
Buradaki amaçla şu an yaptıkları farklıdır.
Bu sefer ki faiz söylemleri birilerini zorlamak değil de
aşağı çakılmaya müsait faizleri çakılmaktan kurtarmaktır.
Yani diyorlar ki; birileri yükselen faizlere
girmeye çalışıyor bunun önüne geçmeye çalışıyorum
dünyaya zaman kazandırmaya çalışıyorum.
Yoksa onlarda biliyorlar ki faiz söylemlerinin bir kıymeti
kalmadı. Yani derdim faiz değil bu konuyu ısıtıp masaya getirmemiş olsam faizler düşecektir.
Özet; faizlerin yukarı gitmesi ne kadar riskliyse
düşmesi de dünya için risklidir.
Bıraksalar aşağı geliyor.
Bunu size #DXY üstünden anlatmıştım.

Hatırlarsanız ucuzlayan #DXY piyasalardan para çıkışına sebebiyet verir. Alıyorum yukarı diyor ama mecburum kafasındalar.
Read 5 tweets
May 19th 2023

Şimdi bir arkadaş mail atmış abi reef ne olur diye ?
32 den aldım 22 ye düştü. Arkadaşlar; teknik orada
enstrüman yalıyor mu kırmızı çizgiyi ? Tam Nisandan beri yalıyor. Önünü açmıyorlar ki, açacak ki enstrüman yürüsün. Yürüyemezse düşmek zorunda kalıyor. Image
Neden düşmek zorunda kalıyor ?
Enstrümana bazen teknik orta yol bırakmaz.
Der ki; ya düşeceksin, ya çıkacaksın. Bu bölgede fiyat olaraktan yatamazsın.
Enstrüman da yukarı kırmaya çalışıyor ama, negatif haber basıyorlar. BTC ETH boynunu büküyor.
Bunun elinden bir şey gelmez ki.
Elinden bir şey gelmeyince sürüne sürüne tutunmaya çalışıyor çaresiz. Bu sebeple bu işlere bulaşacaksanız riskinizi bileceksiniz. Bir önceki twette anlattım mal canın yongasıdır. Adam malını korumaya çalışıyor.
Teknik sıkıntıyı görüyor bunları kim koruyacak ?
Read 27 tweets
May 18th 2023
2021 senesinde Nisan Mayıs aylarında #SP500
4150 bölgesindeydi. #DOW 33.300 civarındaydı, #DAX 16.000 civarıydı
Bu üçü bu bölgedeler aylardır sabit bekliyorlar
Bunlardan ayrışan biri vardı #NASDAQ burası
2021 senesi Nisan Mayıs aylarında 14000 yakınıydı
Burayı da eşitlediler.
2021 Nisan Mayıs ayına gittiğimiz de Virüsün tam ortalarıydı. FED aşağıdan dünyayı kaldırmıştı ama coşku vermemişti. Coşkuyu ne zaman verdi?
2021 Nisandan sonra ve #coinleri devreye aldılar
#ETH de 2021 Nisan da 1800 civarıydı şu an aylardır buradadır. Tabela kriptoda da eşit
Tarihler 30 Mart 2021 gösteriyordu aşağıdaki tweti attım. #DAX hikaye bitti diyebilir. Bunu başka savaş
ile alakalı twetlerim de anlattım bu adamları sabitlediler piyasa olarak. Peki #FED bu sıkışıklığı
2021 Nisan Mayıs Haziran dönemin de nasıl aştı ?
#Kriptolarla aştılar. Image
Read 16 tweets
May 18th 2023
📈 Se la #recessione sarà dura come si comporterà il nostro amato #bitcoin? 📉

Abbiamo affrontato la questione nell'ultimo #CryptoPub insieme a @AlexOttaBTC 🍻

Qui il link per il Podcast👇…

Vediamo un po' di riflessioni a questo riguardo 🧵🔥
1/ La famiglia reale di Abu Dhabi è pesantemente short sull'azionario USA 🩸

@markets ha riportato la notizia che il fondo della Famiglia Reale è fortemente ribassista nei confronti del mercato USA.…
2/ Anche #JPMorgan avverte i mercati per un imminente tracollo economico 🚨

La verità è che i dati sono ancora estremamente ambigui. Alcuni settori dell'economia USA mostrano segni di resilienza ma l'aggressività delle politiche #FED potrebbe portare a risvolti inattesi. Image
Read 10 tweets
May 18th 2023
Rising volume in $XLK, $VTV, and good enough $SMH transparently prepared the ground for improving #ES market breadth – but the one factor that made me reconsider the requisites of the medium-term (bearish) outlook, was this.
2. Back when I took the MT bearish view (mid Mar), it was well justified as two significant #banks had fallen, $CS was getting back on the radar screen, #deposit outflows continued, and demand for the #Fed emergency programs was rising.
It was questionable whether $KRE and $XLF
3. would stabilize.
The incentives for #deposit outflows were still present (#Fed hadn‘t yielded to market pressures to ease, and still doesn‘t, short-term #yields kept solidly above 5%, #Fed balance sheet kept declining, #M2 and #margin debt shrinking while consumer #inflation
Read 17 tweets
May 17th 2023
a 🧵🪡


Update on our upgrade of Regional Banks "tactical buy" which we initiated on 5/7

- rationale on 5/7 was failure of $FRC created "temporary Fed put" for regional banks

- #Fed then paused


Technical picture for $KRE regional banks has since strengthened sharply

- Regional banks registered "13" buy setup on @DeMarkAnalytics daily and weekly charts

- flagged by @MarkNewtonCMT

- and yesterday, we got the necessary "price flip" higher on $KRE Image

As you can see, the Regional Bank "temporary Fed put" trade is outperforming the broader market

- summary of trade ideas is below Image
Read 5 tweets
May 17th 2023
【宏观和投资思路:美联储 6 月 15 号加息预测】
6月15号将发布下一次的利率决议,目前观测器的数据显示,市场对美联储停止加息(当前利率为 5.25%)的概率为 77.5%,继续加息25个基点的概率为 22.5%。这个 thread 会写一下我的预测以及调仓的思路,不做投资建议。
#btc #crypto #trading #交易 #fed Image
1/4 5月美国 CPI 数据会在 6月13号公布,这当然会对 2 天后的利率决议产生影响,但我个人认为,此前美联储持续加息的影响已经逐步显现,目前美国已经出现了衰退迹象且会越来越明显,所以我判断 CPI 数据会持续走低。
2/4 CPI 的走低说明通货膨胀问题得到缓解,所以个人判断 6 月的美联储利率决议将会停止加息,对 crypto 来说是不错的消息。
Read 5 tweets
May 16th 2023
#ES close almost 4,149 resistance, $RSP $IWM improvements are key bullish achievements, but I doubt would be confirmed by rising #bonds.
Bit of a daily rotation into #cyclicals say that would be hard.
Key today - #retailsales
Quote from Sunday:
2. "I'm ooking for a meaningful undershoot on Tuesday, especially in core #retailsales turning even slightly negative".
Look at China's uneven recovery (18% vs 21% expected retail sales YoY), and compare then to situations when fiscal and monetary policy work in opposite ways.
3. Looking at the relative $XLY direction, I'm afraid #discretionaries are starting to lose their leading shine.
It's rather $XLC $XLV $XLU that are either leading or improving while $XLK deteriorates under the surface (also in terms of #NDX market breadth) just like $XLY.
Read 5 tweets
May 15th 2023
İkisine de bakıyor musunuz ? ikisi de Nasıl çıkıyor ?


Haftaya pozitif başlayalım diye #ETH yi kullanıyorlar. Image
ABD faizleri 3.50 dedi. Ne oldu ? Pozitif hava ile yukarı aldılar. Geçen hafta anlattığım olay..
Read 13 tweets
May 12th 2023
A short 🧵🪡

On why this plunge in #FINRA margin debt matters more you one realizes

- margin debt tanked -35% off peak and -$330 billion
- greater than GFC peak to trough
- and 1.59% (% market cap) lowest since dot-com low

2023 equity market has been a game of “inches” but bullish case has gained #anygivensunday

- this week’s soft side inflation readings strengthened case for #Fed pause

- and a “pause” reduces risk of a hard landing

So that’s a good thing


At some point, some “tie breaker” data will emerge:

- either “soft” or “hard” landing

Here is the thing, investor positioning clearly “hard” landing as #FINRA margin shows

- if our base case of “soft” landing plays out
- expect a #stampede into equities

Positioning 🤔
Read 4 tweets
May 10th 2023
Today’s #CPI report continues to depict #inflation that is just too high for most people’s good, especially the @federalreserve’s.
In fact, the report showed that #inflation remains remarkably sticky, which doesn’t correspond to virtually any practical thinker’s timeline of when it might be expected to start to come down further.
These elevated levels of inflation continue to be remarkably high relative to the many months with which the #economy has now operated with persistently higher #InterestRates.
Read 17 tweets
May 8th 2023
Since the recent event with arguably the largest echo was the #FOMC decision, it's called - what else- "The Pause That Refreshes"
#FederalReserve Image
The first thing to notice is that goods prices have broadly stabilised and volumes are fairly flat - in other words, #NGDP has ceased its torrid pace of increase. Service prices are still elevated but #payroll cost increase is slowing.
2/n Image
The #ISM #PMI showed an uptick but is still below 50 which implies that revenue growth is NOT about to accelerate again. Again, slower #inflation & flatline volume = an end to the boom, but not yet a bust.
3/n Image
Read 15 tweets
May 4th 2023
回顾 #Fed 2022-23年十次加息会议周的一些机会——以一个在web3基金又稍微喜欢一点宏观的 #degen 打工人视角出发。
🧵本周FED完成了2022-23年度第十次加息,并且暗示本轮加息周期已达到一个相对阶段,市场随机预测最早的降息可能于今年9月开始,相较于20-21年度的狂暴大牛市,过去的一年半无疑是一个相对低迷的bear market,然而市场仍然以每个月2-3个的速度产生一些有意思的 #ALPHA 热点。
Read 16 tweets

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