Mark W Tebbutt Profile picture
IT professional. 0 carbon /air pollution home 2011 to 2015. Electric car driver since March 2011. 0 direct fossil fuel use Apr 2011-Feb 2015. Opinions my own.
Sep 3, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
Returned home & opened a few windows to let the heat out after a warm day & I was greeted by the smell of wood smoke. 🤦‍♂️

We need an urgent public health campaign that burning wood is neither a green, clean or healthy thing to do & it’s downright antisocial 2do in towns. #Chorley Image It’s amazing the response this one little tweet / post has generated. It’s like hundreds of toddlers have all thrown their toys out of the pram at once because they love burning shit🔥 😆
Jun 2, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
.@BBCr4today The significant reduction in road transport #AirPollution and its associated #health impacts that #ElectricCars enable should reduce #NHS demand lowering government spending that will partly offset lost fuel duty revenue. #r4today ImageImageImageImage .@BBCr4today #r4today
Sep 3, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
So they are resulting to bribing people to accept #fracking in their communities. 25% of your energy bill but kids might develop #leukaemia, grandparents lives might be cut short and then there is #CimateChange & health damaging NO2 #AirPollution from just burning gas. Children living near oil and gas fracking have higher risk of leukaemia, study finds…