Nate Thayer Profile picture
Freelance journalist making people with guns, power, money nervous. Author Sympathy for the Devil: A Journalist's Memoir From Inside Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge
sbchristian Profile picture 🐼Susie Queue 🏴‍☠️🇺🇦🇺🇸 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Feb 5, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
All 3 #NSM Nazis arrested in FL have long violent criminal histories. Jason Brown, 46, a former jail guard fired for forcing oral sex on an inmate & arrested for "Felony Domestic Battery by Strangulation" in 2020, is also the east coast head of the Nazi Goyim Defense League 1/

#NSM & Goyim Defense League Nazi has 50 + arrests; 10+ aggravated assaults; Terroristic threats-threaten imminent death; threaten to kill another; stalking;man & dist heroin & cocaine; unlawful poss of weapon; criminal restraint--severe bodily injury; involuntary servitude...2/

Jan 14, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
How the FBI located #Oathkeepers head Stewart Rhodes to arrest him for seditious conspiracy. Rhodes was living in Granbury, Texas, but quietly moved out months ago, opened a PO Box, and his physical whereabouts were unclear for weeks. Until he started selling his guns online.../1 Image Rhodes bought $22,500 in guns & gun equipment btwn Dec 30 & Jan 4 as he travelled to D.C. Btwn Jan 10-19, he spent another $17,500 in guns & gun parts & equipment, totaling $40,000 in the days immediately prior & after Jan 6. These transactions were recorded by the feds...1/
Nov 11, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
A virulent anti-Semitic member of the Goyim Defense League is arrested for torching an Austin, TX synagogue. Eighteen-year-old Franklin Barrett Sechriest of San Marcos, TX is being held on $100,000 bond b/c of the good work of the Austin, TX fire dept Arson Investigation Unit 1/ Schriest was identified b/c the bonehead drove his own car Halloween night, carrying a gas canister to the house of worship & his car tag # was captured on surveillance video
Nov 9, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Racist domestic terrorist Beau Merryman plead guilty today to plotting to blow up a federal building. His arrest was b/c the good people & elected officials of the tiny city of Atlanta, Texas launched a Jihad against him after he plastered their city w/ racist literature 1/ Merryman was arrested in March of 2019 in Atlanta, TX (Motto: The 2cd Biggest Atlanta in America), pop. under 5000, between Houston and Dallas, for plastering the town with more than 100 white supremacist stickers./2
Apr 29, 2021 8 tweets 7 min read
1/A #WilkinsonCounty Georgia cop was leader of White Supremacist terror group; called for bomb & assassination spree; made illegal silencers & guns "found in his patrol vehicle"; "intentionally beat black suspect in custody"; & "recruited" other cops, court docs show..more 2/ 2/ #WilkinsonCounty GA Dep Sheriff Cody Griggers headed East Coast branch of CA Nazi group "Shadow Moses." On 10/19/20, FBI found a machine gun “w/ obliterated serial number in his patrol car...between (his) residence & duty vehicle, officers found 11 illegal firearms” 2/
Apr 27, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ “Happy Mushroom” founder & Syracuse NY #ProudBoy Matthew Greene, charged w/ conspiracy at #CapitolRiots said #Trump was “accelerant” who “preyed” & “incited” to assault cops w/ “incendiary” calls to “fight like hell” to thwart peaceful transition after elections 1/ 2/ But govt cited #ProudBoys Greene buying “arsenal” AFTER returning to NY-1000’s of ammo rounds, war gear, gas masks, respirators, 1560 AK-47 rounds, & illegal AK-47 “Mr. Greene equipped himself for heightened violence” after the #CapitolRiots, the govt said Monday in court. 2/
Apr 21, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Among the tales of intrigue from Jan 6 is what was Ukrainian Serhiy Dubynin (Russian sp: Sergei Dybynyn), a member of the neo-Nazi Ukranian paramilitary 'The Right Sector', doing at the #CapitolRiots seen in a Happy Snap w/ Jake ‘The Shaman’ Angeli? #CapitolHunters See below 1/ Image 2/ Sergei Dybynyn in a 2014 photo at Russian occupied Donetsk airport. Anti-Putin pundits claim he was an "infowarrior for Inter TV, owned by fugitive oligarch Firtash but beneficially owned by Putin pal Medvedchuk," proving the dark hand of Russia was behind the #CapitolRiots 2/ Image
Apr 11, 2021 5 tweets 8 min read
#BeanieGiant is ID'd as #ProudBoy Gregory Kevin Mullin of Roscoe, NY, who assaulted police barricades at #CapitolRiots & vowed to kill Biden "You won’t be laughing when We the People hang Biden & Harris in the streets...then we will come for Soros and the media" #SeditionHunters 2/ "January 6 is our D-Day...we can clean house...all federal politicians massive hangings and heads on pikes" Mullin, who also has ties to #OathKeepers, wrote on Dec 15 on his Parler account #SeditionHunters #ProudBoys #BeanieGiant 2/
Mar 5, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
NEW: State Dept Trump appointee Frederico Klein's arrest for assault on a cop at #CapitolRiots has a ten page rap sheet of previous arrests: assault 2 x's; theft 2 x's; robbery; & other charges in NC, VA, & MD. Here they are: #seditionHunters #CapitolHunters ImageImageImageImage 2/ Here are more criminal charges & arrests of Trump State Dept appointee Freddie Klein #seditionHunters #CapitolHunters @InsurgentHunter /2 ImageImageImageImage