xClaude⚡ Profile picture
I like baking waffles & golf. I don't like scam DMs. helping @ftm1337 . working in cyber-security.
Feb 3, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
I've got quite the list of projects I'm pondering to look at, so today I will present you @OnChainSmokers in this little thread and tell you what I think🧵🚬🔮: /1 #MultiversX #NFTs First of all their website is a beautiful one-page design that covers a lot of important aspects and has a link to their spark paper, an entertaining PowerPoint-style PDF pitch./2
Nov 11, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
As the Twitter Space on #MultiversX and #XDay fell short, here's a short thread on what I think about what I heard and read /1 : There's some interviews, clips and notes about the XDay I can suggest you to look at, mainly @beniaminmincu 's tweets but also @EntityFinance did nice recaps of every day /2
Sep 3, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
My first few impressions with regards to Inspire.art #NFTs #ElrondNFTs #ElrondNFTMarket #ElrondNetwork /1 So, what are we actually looking at? In the roadmaps it was pretty much touted as a "Marketplace", so most people - including me - expected something like @opensea or @Coinbase_NFT /2
May 29, 2022 38 tweets 166 min read
So let's start with some updates (first 10 for now) #ElrondNFTs #ElrondNetwork #ClaudeReviews (see docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… ) /1 The @ElrondHunters are still active and developing their project as the main #NFT project of VitalDAO. Latest EVO looks pretty cool. Rating remains unchanged. /2
May 21, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
I just took a bit of time to look at the recent @karithaio announcements, especially the adjusted staking awards and the new tokenomics and I want to do some math with you in this 🧵 /1 #ElrondNFTs #ElrondNetwork #P2E #NFTs #Pixelverse @Karithaio Creating such a complex tokenomics is surely no easy thing, so adjustments will and have to be made at some stages, it's a bit trial and error. /2
Apr 28, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Today I have a new category for you #ClaudeAsks10Questions, basically a quick and dirty AMA. The first project taking part is @hellrond_nft . Let's do the🧵 #ElrondNFTs #ElrondNetwork #ElrondAMAs #TradingCardGames /1 @hellrond_nft 1Q: How did you come up with the idea for Hellrond? /2
Mar 18, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
I know you guys love threads so I'm going to do one that's more of a monologue than anything else but I would appreciate any thoughts : #NFTs #ElrondNFTs #Zeitgeist /1 What is art? What is the value of a jpg? Or even more controversial what is the value of an ownership token for a cloud hosted image that can be downloaded and copied? /2
Nov 12, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
What I like to see in a good #NFT project on Elrond $EGLD #Elrond these days... (Thread)⬇️ 1) Professional Presentation: Good website, social media presences and active community management. EX @SpaceRobotsNFT @BossBeezNFT