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Communication,Strategy,Coaching |Creator Communicate,Connect&Create |Current Focus Cognition&Communication |Personal Opinions.Don't address client business here
Oct 11, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
I recently watched some panelists debating on emerging social issues; Listen! just because one can outdebate another due to their mastery of the English language; especially in the Kenyan context does not mean their argument is better. Eloquence is no substitute for substance! I observed a new generation of Kenyan activists resorting to calling those holding opposing views "ignorant," Well, name calling is not persuasive in any way especially when you are proposing issues that require a comprehensive discourse geared towards Policy changes.
Sep 29, 2020 43 tweets 16 min read
Pres. Trump goes head to head in #Debate2020 with Dem. Challenger #VP Joe Biden; these debates are certainly going to generate lots of interest. I previously worked on a presidential campaign as debate Coach. Follow this thread as l share the rules of political debating on TV. In 2016 a record 80 Million watched the Televised debates between Dem. Hillary Clinton& Rep.Trump.Tonight’s debate may eclipse this number due to the #Covid-19 pandemic where many supporters of both candidates have largely kept away from large rallies #DebateTuesday #Debates2020
Sep 22, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
The transitory dimension of leadership is a key fact many leaders across all sectors in fledgling African democracies must constantly remind themselves. Acknowledging this will make one act in a Fair, Just and Right manner in their dealings! #1 #leadership I’am reminded of the time then US Pres.Obama visited Kenya and many “leaders “were lining up to meet with him. One leader who was denied the chance to meet by the Former US leader was a key figure in the previous Kenyan administration & due to their actions when in authority
Aug 31, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Reflecting about this country's history and the fight for human rights starting from the Seventies, Eighties,Nineties and the eventual fall of KANU in 2002. How is it that collectively we had to struggle so mightily for basic rights and respect as human beings? As a child of the Eighties, l observed more inequality than equality. It seemed the system of governance then was really about ethnic disenfranchisement and the resultant ills; but upon reflection it now seems to have been beyond mere tribalism. Let me explain....
Aug 11, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
#Malawi's new President Lazarus Chakwera, initiated a weekly radio address in which he seeks to communicate with citizens directly. His 3rd address last week focused on his promise to trim the powers of the presidency. #LeadershipCommunication #Africa He started thus "Fellow Malawians, I have noted with delight that there is much interest in my plans to trim the powers of the president. Because of that interest, I am confident that when this project is well underway, it will have your full support..." #Malawi
Aug 2, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
As we also talk about fighting corruption across all sectors in our society; can we also focus on the academy? Heart wrenching stories of young impressionable college girls/men being coerced into sex with professors in order to get good grades. @ODPP_KE @CREWcrew #NotoCorruption The young students are too terrified and intimidated to speak up and only get to talk many years after graduation. Crazy part is that these professors who abuse their power are known and continue to prey on successive generations of students. #NotoCorruption @CREWcrew
Jul 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Chilling reports of persons mistreated&robbed of their dignity while at their most vulnerable as they seek help in hospitals&health facilities.This must concern all of us. Today you read about it;tomorrow it could be you experiencing such dastardly treatment. #1 #HealthcareKE We have dehumanized healthcare; put profit first. The determination for priority in admission to the emergency department and treatment is not merely based on the patient’s condition; but the condition of your wallet. #2 #HealthcareKE
Apr 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Based on the latest update by the Health CS.I made the decision to buy a mask! I walk into this medical store&they are selling them for 200/= a piece.I mean 200/= f*^>k bob!That is equivalent to the daily wage of many informal sector workers!How will the majority get this things? In the course of his address I heard the CS appealing to those selling masks not to do so expensively! This is the problem with public policy being driven by the private sector! Nobody is going to listen to this plea; Government must enforce or find a way of giving out free masks
Oct 10, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
A generation lost the opportunity to fulfill its potential due to bad governance,ethnic discrimination&the skewed distribution of national resources.If you speak to Kenyans of a certain generation,you notice the pain of human potential lost&today they had nothing to celebrate. The state’s institutionalization of patronage&criminalization of merit ensured that these generation’s spirit was effectively broken.They knew that the system was fundamentally rigged against them&it did not matter what you did nor the effort you put.They did not celebrate today.