PhD Candidate @AUHistoryDept - Program Manager @IWPR MENA - @IMESatGWU Alumnus - Iranian-American - Suffering @BuffaloBills fan -
Oct 4, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Thread: Ali Khamenei, #Iran's Supreme Leader, led Friday prayers today in Tehran in order to set the tone for the country's approach going forward amid the ongoing clashes with #Israel. Some thoughts regarding his sermon: 1/9
He aimed to project power & strength while stating that what #Iran's "armed forces did was the least punishment they could do” against #Israel. He added that “what is logical and rational will be done at the right time & will be done again in the future if necessary.” 2/9
Oct 29, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: Students of the Music Department at Tehran's Art Uni. have written new words to the famous Chilean revolutionary ballad "El pueblo unido jamás será vencido." It's a powerful performance w/ captivating lyrics that I'll translate in this thread: 1/4 #Iran#IranProtests2022
Stand up!
For woman, life, freedom
In the name of woman, in the name of life
We'll be freed from collar of slavery
Our dark night will turn to dawn
All whips will turn to axes
So buds will turn to voices
You & I will become us again 2/4 #Iran#IranProtests2022
Oct 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: A beautiful dedication to #NikaShakarami by a street performer in #Iran. She asks passerby to sing along to her version of the song performed by Nika before she was killed. The original song is from a 1968 film called The Sultan of Hearts. 1/4 #IranProtests2022
The performer has re-written the original lyrics as an ode to Nika. The new words appear on a piece of paper across the sidewalk. The sign next to her reads, "Don't laugh at me, guys!" This is a reference to what Nika said out of shyness before she sang for her friends. 2/4 #Iran
Oct 23, 2022 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
Thread: Amid #IranProtests2022, Tehran University organized an emergency seminar for the institution's professors to discuss the reasons behind the unrest & potential ways out of the current crisis. I'll translate portions of sociologist Taghi Azadarmaki's statements: 1/10 #Iran
"It’s inappropriate to say that we're not knowledgeable, so we have to find interdisciplinary expertise. As a sociologist, I know what’s going on in this country and can provide a sociological analysis of the issue." 2/10 #Iran#IranProtests2022
Oct 1, 2021 • 10 tweets • 8 min read
A fun #Friday thread for Iranian millennials, those interested in childhood games, & street soccer. This is a plastic ball or "toop pelastiki." The object is a source of great joy for kids growing up in #Iran during the 1980s. 1/10
These plastic balls were cheap and ubiquitously available at almost all convenience stores across the country. The kids could easily buy them with their pocket money and set up small games of street soccer, which provided them with countless hours of entertainment. 2/10 #Iran
Jan 12, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: According to some analysts, certain portions of the Iranian population are "more Iranian" than others. They argue that Iranians who participated in #Soleimani's funeral processions were forced to do so & clearly do not represent all of #Iran. #IranProtests2020 1/6
Now, Iranians who are protesting the downing of Ukrainian plan, are the "real voice" of the entire nation & represent all of the country. It seems that they are just cherry-picking events that support whatever preconceived notions are held about #Iran. 2/6
Jan 5, 2020 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Thread: Amid #Soleimani's death, #Iran analysts are discussing the concept of nationalism especially within the context of sovereignty as a unifying force. Some historical context is needed to fully appreciate how nationalism & borders are interwoven w/ the Iranian identity. 1/13
Since the late 19th Century, territory has been a source of Iranian identity. As a cultural construct, land & exact boundaries are protected by both the state & Iranian intellectuals due to the fear of losing other sociopolitical & cultural products held within the borders. 2/13
Jan 3, 2020 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
Iran's state TV has interrupted its regular programing & various channels are playing documentaries on Qasem Soleimani, interviews with mothers of martyrs, & sermons on the value of martyrdom. #Iran#Iraq#Soleimani
A mosque seems to be already full w/ mourners over Soleimani's death. Footage is being broadcasted by state TV's channel 1. A cleric is signing his praises & talking about how his martyrdom will unite the regime. They may have followed morning prayers w/ a memorial ceremony #Iran
Nov 20, 2019 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Thread: A wonderful passage from a report by the reformist newspaper Mardom Salari that captures the frustration with the ongoing Internet shutdown in #Iran: "Internet is a living space for people & a part of their experiences are virtual. Like it or not,..." 1/7 #IranProtests
"...Internet is part of the daily shared experiences of citizens & access to it is not only a right, but an essential necessity of living in a modern world. Internet is a place of work & generating income; a place for entertainment; a place for receiving & publishing news..." 2/7
Sep 22, 2018 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
Thread: Major media outlets are painting an inaccurate pic of the targeted military parade in #Iran. They indicate that an elite group of IRGC members who are the custodians of the regime were attacked & killed. Of course a military parade in an enemy country has to be scary! 1/4
There is certainly a theatrical aspect to these gatherings were #Iran attempts to flaunt its military might w/ soldiers marching in determined strides & missiles in display. However, the atmosphere around it is not that different from a typical Memorial Day parade in the US. 2/4
May 8, 2018 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
Rouhani's live TV address to the nation just began. #Iran#IranDeal
Rouhani: Iran is a country that will always stay true to its commitments and America is a country that will never abide by it's promises. Our 40-year history demonstrates this fact. #Iran#IranDeal