Following the heat, fires, and other weather-induced events that are happening all over, I wanted to write a thread about adaptation and address the question: Can we adapt to these extreme events? Actually no - but we can still do a lot to make adaptation better. 🧵 1/
First, after listening to @GeorgeMonbiot's comments that most action now is 'pissing around the margins of the problem', I started asking myself, Could adaptation also be pissing around the margins? Obviously, the adaptation deficit is still huge, esp in the Global South. 2/
Jun 7, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Did you know that only 1% of global climate finance is reaching communities directly? This is why Locally-led adaptation is being embraced - but can solve the problem?
Read our open-access paper on interrogating promises, pitfalls and possibilities of LLA…
The paper discusses how local actors can take over the design, implementation and management of adaptation.
Sep 22, 2022 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
🧨🧨Part III of the soon-to-end thread: Why is adaptation more than risk management & climate proofing? Why are measuring approaches such as indicators not going to capture progress?
TLDR: What is implemented as 'adaptation' is not going to help people adapt to cc.
Part II ended ▶️ vulnerability was not the focus of most adaptation projects by the mid/late 2000s. Karen @cCHANGE_OBrien et al's paper on Contextual vs Outcome Vulnerability helped demonstrate the consequences of these different views on vulnerability 2/…
Sep 20, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
📢PART II: Why is adaptation more than risk management & climate proofing? Why are measuring approaches such as indicators not going to capture progress?
A 🧵 on adaptation and development, in several instalments (bare with me).
We left Part I at *additionality*. One 1st policy milestone for adaptation came with the 2001 LDC Fund, which covered the costs of writing a National Adaptation Programme of Action. While some of these NAPAs were country-driven many were an outcome of parachute consultancies 2/
Sep 19, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Why is adaptation more than risk management and climate proofing? Why are measuring approaches such as indicators not going to capture progress?
A 🧵 on adaptation and development over the years, digging deep back to the 1990s through to current scholarship. (Part I for now)
Adaptation has been described as the black sheep of climate policy, because people thought that talking about adaptation was tantamount to admitting that climate change was really occurring, said Sarewitz & Pielke (2000) & Burton (1994). For background… 2/
Sep 18, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Have you watched this? Allan Lavell and Andrew Maskrey - megaheavies in #DRR talking about the history of thinking on risk and vulnerability, interviewed by Bruno Haghebaert ...
'Disasters as the epitome of failed development' says Allan. And of course it's this perspective that has inspired so many of us working on social vulnerability. Climate change impacts are also the epitome of failed development. So why do we even continue with BAU??
May 16, 2022 • 27 tweets • 15 min read
What does gender equity have to do with climate change? A lot - according to science. It sits within the larger issue of #climatejustice.
A brief thread on Gender in the #IPCC#WGII and #WGIII reports. TL;DR: Discourse has shifted from women as victims to agents of change. 🧵🧵
Let's start with the #WGII key message. Emphasis on 'for all' mine - but this is key. Climate action must be for everyone/ especially the most marginalised, like women often are. 'For all' comes from #SDGs in case you missed it.
Mar 5, 2022 • 19 tweets • 10 min read
I've been asked by many journalists about the concept of #maladaptation in the new #WGII#IPCC report out last week. Since this is a topic that I have been working on for a while, here comes a brief thread with a bit of history and some resources for further insights 🧵👇🏼
Unlike some claims, maladaptation is not a 'new' concept for the #IPCC. In fact, in my 2004 PhD I cite #WGII's Third Assessment Report - chapter 20 by Smit et al is the place to go for that background. Bob Kates and Tony Oliver-Smith are others who have written on #maladaptation
Mar 3, 2022 • 12 tweets • 8 min read
'Where are the numbers in the new #IPCC#WGII report??'
Irate journalists demanded to know at a press briefing with some IPCC authors over the weekend. A brief thread on why this IPCC report may contain the most (and most robust) qualitative social science knowledge yet.
The #IPCC process has been critiqued for being positivist and reductionist - favouring messages with numbers over descriptive contextual knowledge. @NavrozDubash, @MulugettaYacob and I attempted to summarise this here last year:…
Mar 2, 2022 • 19 tweets • 11 min read
1. I am a Co-ordinating lead author of the #IPCC#WGII Chapter 18 on Climate resilient development (CRD) pathways, along with @AromarRevi and @bl_preston. CRD a foundational concept for the WGII report. But what is it? #ClimateReport#IPCC2. The key message of #IPCC#WGII#AR6 Ch 18 is: Every development choice now moves us toward or away from a climate resilient future. This means that more than before, we see the connection of #SustainableDevelopment and climate change.
Feb 28, 2022 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
Today the #IPCC#WGII report for #AR6 (6th Assessment Report) is released. But there seems to be much confusion about the report, and the document that was just negotiated by member countries during the last two weeks. A quick explainer thread🧵👇🏿👇🏼#ClimateReport
The full 'report' of #IPCC's Working Group II on 'Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability' contains 18 chapters and 7 cross-chapter papers. Chapters: 1 intro, 7 regional, 7 thematic/sectoral, 3 synthesis ch focussing on risk, adaptation and #climateresilientdevelopment.