I write essays. Tech stuff. Vet stuff. Sci-fi and Baseball. Special Needs Dad….
Nov 27, 2020 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
There are two large non-denominational #churches in my #SanDiego suburb. One is taking a cautious approach to services, the other is not and adding in political advocacy to that end as well. I am an active member of the former. #covid19
Without adding to the piling on of either side of this debate, the way I think about things on this is pretty clear. People and organizations are not equal partners in #pandemic response. Pandemics are systems of numbers and scale.
Nov 18, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I guess there's no rules so why not...The nature of what I did as a Naval Officer often put me at the intersection between DOD and other gov agencies of the intelligence community. In my interactions with them I grew to deeply appreciate their service and sacrifices they made.
Wherever I was, they were there too...without the cool gear or the uniform. Without the parades or holidays or parking spaces. But they were there, often giving up years of their lives away from loved ones. Giving up their personal freedom while a constant vetting process....
Oct 13, 2020 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Thread 1/12 Here's a short video (sound on) that my wife & I made teaching our special needs son some of the things that he would be learning if in person learning were available for special day classes in r public middle school. #COVID19#specialneeds#schoolsreopening
2/12 We made this video yesterday, because I was off from work and therefore able to help with the lesson. As you can see from the video, teaching Aidan takes more than one person. Most days I can't help. And so this doesn't happen. #SpecialEducation
Oct 13, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
@AmyMcGrathKY was two years ahead of me at Annapolis. I didn't know her...but I knew of her. That's how things work at a school with 92% men. Her reputation was as a tough upper class who had high standards and was a 4.0 'er. #Election2020
I don't know if she's ready to be a US Senator...But to be fair, no one is...until they are. I do know a few things worth sharing though. What I know is that at one point in our lives we did the same thing. It was harder for her because it was hard being a woman at Annapolis....
Oct 12, 2020 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: Today is 20 years since the USS Cole was attacked by Al Qaeda in the port of Aden in Yemen. It's really difficult to overstate the change that ensued for those of us that served during that time. #USSCole
2/Most of us think of 9/11. And some point out that the Cole was the canary in the coal mine. But neither are true. The attack was more akin to reminding us that there was a coal mine...and all there were actual dangers. Which means what's really more remarkable...
Sep 11, 2019 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
1-After listening to @tylercowen recent podcast with Hollis Robbins I was motivated to read Uncle Tom's Cabin, a book I was probably supposed to read at some point but never did. subtext...too much of what I read is suggested by Cowen...but that's another thread.
2-At the risk of sounding dramatic, my take away is that it's probably the most important work of American literature ever written. And I would not have said that 10 years ago. That something a 175 years old gains relevance over time is part of the point.