Stefanie Glinski Profile picture
Turkey/Middle East correspondent. @foreignpolicy, sometimes others. Formerly in Afghanistan, occasionally in Ukraine. EN/DE/FR/فارسی/& learning Turkish
Oct 10, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: 1/10
I lived & worked in #Afghanistan for 4 years.
I travelled to most provinces; made dear friends; learned the language.
Right now,I can’t go back. Here’s why:
Over the past years, journos working in AF have largely been operating freely.This has drastically changed. 2/10
The Taliban contacted me regarding my work.I was told that “relevant [Taliban] departments have a few concerns” & that they want “details.”I was also accused of making allegations when I had clearly stated that it's others making these allegations;I was simply reporting.
Oct 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Thread 1/4:Spoke to a visiting male journalist who was bragging how easy it was to work throughout #Afghanistan;that he had full access to the Taliban,that they were always welcoming,etc
I objected&made clear that if he walked away like this he was only getting half of the story. 2/4: Of/c he’s having an easier time as a male Pakistani journalist,no question.
In the past wks throughout Afgh,I've been denied access to certain offices,I've been yelled at for not wearing a burqa,I had to sit with my back turned to some Talibs who didn’t want to see my face.
Aug 10, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5 Today I met several #Afghans working in #Istanbul,sorting and collecting garbage.They arrived recently,via #Pakistan and #Iran,after dozens of days of walking. In Turkey, they hold no residence permits&live in constant fear for being arrested.They can’t even get a bus pass... 2/5 ...certainly no rental contract and they can’t enter many shops as this requires a passport-linked barcode these days due to Covid - which they can’t register for because they are “illegal”, they tell me. “Illegal”, a term usually attributed to an action, but to a human?
Feb 22, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
A thread on security:
1/6: Barely a day goes by without several explosions and targeted killings here in #Kabul. The atmosphere on the streets has changed; you can now see sheer panic in people’s faces. 2/6: Stuck in traffic recently,ppl in an armoured car next to me suddenly jumped out frantically,inspecting the doors,checking if an IED had been attached.I hoped no such bomb would explode;it didn’t.Seconds later,they resumed their trip,but the moment of naked fear lingered on.