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May 30th 2021
#AatmaNirbharBharat is not just about Vocal for Local,but creating ecosystem that welcomes global investors&while in 1991,India had to pledge 47 tonnes of Gold,to raise $400mn,under @narendramodi govt,our #ForexReserves are $590bn,3rd highest globally


My Thread👇
The Modi Govt ’s most important work has been in domain of women empowerment--From banning commercial surrogacy,to amending Medical Terminal of Pregnancy Act,to Menstrual protocol, strengthening POCSO&banning instant #TripleTalaq💪

#7yearsofModigovt #7YearsOfSeva Image
Farmer welfare is top priority for The Modi Govt;From sowing to selling& insurance,#FarmLaws give Farmers freedom to sell at price they wish to&at place of their choosing

Over Rs 1.35 lakh Cr credited directly to bank accounts of Farmers via #PMKisan

#7yearsofmodi #7YearsOfSeva Image
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May 30th 2021
Enterprise is the lifeblood of the economy and PM Modi understands that.India’s historic rise in Ease of Doing Business is based on policies that have replaced the red tape with a red carpet..The Modi Govt saw #EODB rise by a massive 79 points+ 💪

#7YearsOfSeva #7yearsofModigovt
When govt enables people's aspirations rather than being an obstacle, Ease of Living is achieved. Ease of process in citizen govt interfaces,ease of doing business &push to digital India are transforming India.

DBT has transferred over 13 Lakh Cr
#7YearsOfSeva #7yearsofModigovt
PM Modi has led a historic battle against corruption.Honesty is honoured&transparency is the norm.From getting British national Christian Michel extradited from UAE,to Vijay Mallya losing appeal in UK Supreme Court,thx to watertight case by Modi Govt,to now,nailing Mehul Choksi💪
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