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Feb 3rd 2022

#HearstCorp (#StevenSwartz - CEO)
- Fitch Ratings (Finance)
- First Databank (Health Care)
- A&E Networks (with #Disney including: History Channel)
- ESPN (with #Disney)

#APNews - "Non-profit" cooperative (#StevenSwartz - CEO)
Content: #Disney
. CBS Dream Team (5 hours)
. The More You Know (3 hours Kids)
. Weekend Adventure (3 hours Kids)
. One Magnificent Morning (5 hours teens)

They OWN your children.
How do we let a for-profit CEO also be CEO of a non-profit that "regulates" themselves (#APFactCheck).

Non-Profits are great places to dump undisclosed #expenses and pay #salaries.

#theft. #fraud
Read 10 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
1/Impt work by @WSJ showing depth of financial conflicts among fed judges. This is not new as 20 years ago my client (now defunct) sought to annually create online access to these disclosure filings, something still missing.…
2/We literally sued every sitting Fed judge to obtain access to their then current financial disclosure records. Many, not surprisingly, were unhappy with our legal efforts. The @WSJ article shows why.…
3/It was an unprecedented lawsuit that needed to be filed. These records should ALWAYS be available online, so long as proper security exists to protect safety of judges & their families (i.e., delete identifying info that could be used to dox).…
Read 6 tweets

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