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Ce qui s’est réellement passé dans le laboratoire de #Wuhan quelques semaines avant que la #Covid n’éclate,De nouvelles preuves tirées de dossiers confidentiels révèlent que des scientifiques chinois ont fusionné des agents pathogènes mortels peu avant la pandémie. Image
Des scientifiques de #Wuhan travaillant aux côtés de l’armée chinoise ont combiné les #coronavirus les plus mortels du monde pour créer un nouveau #virus mutant juste au moment où la pandémie a commencé. Image
Read 60 tweets
Une longue et surprenante enquête du Times sur les origines du #Covid19 qui va à contre-courant de la censure.

Les révélations proviennent de fichiers confidentiels de #Wuhan.

Amis complotistes, vous aviez vu juste. Mais c’est pire. C'est parti ⤵️ 1/ Image
En nov. 2002, des travailleurs de la province chinoise de Guangdong tombent malades et meurent d’un grave virus respiratoire, un Sars identifié comme un coronavirus.
Auparavant le Sars ne donnait que des symptômes bénins. 2/
En recherchant les origines de ce Sars, Le Dr Shi Zhengli effectue des prélèvements dans les grottes de chauves-souris (les origines de la fable).

C’est alors qu’elle est rejoint par Peter Daszak, zoologiste américain et Président d'Ecohealth Alliance. 3/
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Speaker Vicky Whittemore from NIH, status of research : overview at NIH #mecfs and #LongCovid research
#NIH trans NIH #MECFS research institute - to sign up for alerts to watch quarterly briefings.
goals: foster communication between federal agencies on issues related to mecfs. funding for mecfs started to raise in 2016, there is a dip in 2022 because the 3 research centers not funded that year, expected to be funded in 2024
Read 14 tweets
1 🧵Outrage & confusion has the the constant & current state of anyone paying attention-outrage at politicians & policies which have failed so many of us. Despite being a researcher focused on #C19, I again have been shocked at more damning evidence...
2🧵For most people, late 2019 was the last months that held some semblance of normalcy. In December 2019, the first samples of C19 were collected in China, then called a cluster of "pneumonia's."…
3🧵The official #narrative that was forced on the public denied the possibility of a lab leak origin. They vehemently claimed the outbreak was most likely caused by a "spillover event." Today, multiple agencies claim the lab leak is valid.…
Read 17 tweets
THREAD🧵The @NIH has reinstated a grant that had been terminated by President Trump in April 2020.

However, a document first obtained by the House Oversight Committee reveals that the #NIH’s conditions for reinstatement have not been met.…
The grant, titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,” was originally awarded in 2014 by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID.

Under the terms of the grant, @EcoHealthNYC, a government-funded nonprofit that purportedly engages in research to prevent pandemics, was awarded……
In May 2016, the grant was suspended after Erik Stemmy, a NIAID program officer, noticed that federal government funds may have been used for prohibited #GainOfFunction experiments at the #WuhanLab in #China.

At the time, the Obama administration had put……
Read 21 tweets
Brilliant, unbelievably well sourced, evidenced micro level detail of how SARS-COV-2 was engineered, manipulated, funded and spread. Includes emails between culprits like #Fauci #Dazsak #Baric #Andersen NIH DARPA NISAID EHA WIV CCP #Shizengli #virologists…
Incredible academic work by Dr Valentin Bruttel @VBruttel which gives such an elegant and irrefutable walk through of everything and everyone who came together in orchestrating this horrendous and completely preventable #COVID19 pandemic saga #genocide #WHO #NIH
And before these are censored or deleted.... ImageImageImageImage
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Diese Studie liefert konvergente Belege dafür, dass eine frühere #SARS-CoV-2-Infektion mit Beeinträchtigungen der
⁃anhaltenden #Aufmerksamkeit,
⁃der #Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit,
⁃der selbstberichteten #Müdigkeit und
⁃der #Konzentration einhergeht.
#COVID-Gruppen im Vergleich zu den No-COVID-Gruppen wissen mehr
#emotionale #Kontrollstörungen,
#Schlafstörungen und
#kognitive #Dysfunktion auf
Die COVID-Teilnehmer zeigten im Vergleich zu den Nicht-COVID-Kontrollen schlechtere Leistungen bei
⁃Neun-Loch-Tafel und
⁃auditiven verbalen #Lerntests.
Read 5 tweets
@RobertKennedyJr erzählt @jimmy_dore, dass Dr. Anthony #Fauci seit 2002 für die Entwicklung von Biowaffen für das Pentagon zuständig ist und 2014 drei #Viren aus #USLaboren entwichen, so dass er seine #Biowaffenforschung in das Labor in #Wuhan verlegte:
"Sie nahmen das Geld, das #Cheney ihnen [aus dem Patriot Act] gab, 2,2 Milliarden Dollar, und leiteten es durch das #NIH, und alles lief über Anthony #Fauci. Ab 2002 bekam Anthony Fauci also eine 68%ige Erhöhung vom #Pentagon für die Entwicklung von Biowaffen, …

…und er bekam eine Erhöhung von Milliarden von Dollar pro Jahr, und dann begann er mit all diesen Funktionsgewinnen.
Im Jahr 2014 entkamen 3 dieser #Keime in öffentlichkeitswirksamen Ausbrüchen aus verschiedenen Labors in den #USA. Der Kongress veranstaltete Anhörungen dazu
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Building call for the #FauciFiles

Please Mr Musk @elonmusk

...can we have some more? 🙏

@stillgray @WarClandestine
COVID-19 🦠 “most likely arose from a LAB LEAK” according to 🇺🇸 Energy Department...

...where have you been for the last 3 years?

#FauciFiles #FrankPlummer

@WSJ @elonmusk @stillgray @WarClandestine
Read 16 tweets
At the beginning of February 2022, #Biden warned that "if #Russia invades #Ukraine with tanks and troops, then there will be no more #NordStream2"
#ItsDone #NordStream: Fourth leak found as Russia and West trade blame over alleged sabotage of gas pipeline | Sep 29
- #EU and #US have stopped to directly accusing Russia, a #Kremlin official was rebuked after hinting that #Washington was #responsible.
Read 42 tweets
#Moderna is quadrupling the cost of #covid #vaccines, from $26/dose to $110-130. CEO Stephane Bancel calls the price hike "consistent with the value" of the #MRNA vaccines. Moderna's costs are $2.85/dose, for a 4,460% markup on every dose:… 1/ Moderna headquarters in Cambridge, Mass. On the left side of
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Now, obviously the manufacturing costs are only part of the cost of making a vaccine: there's also all the high-risk capital that goes into doing the basic research. 3/
Read 25 tweets
Als bijna niemand dood gaat aan #covid19 kun je nooit bewijzen dat #coronamaatregelen werken of dat #coronavaccins werken. Wel dat die #oversterfte veroorzaken.
Simpel hè ?

⬇️… ImageImageImageImage
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連邦緊急事務管理局がワクチン犠牲者家族を買収しようとした (1/2)


連邦緊急事務管理局がワクチン犠牲者家族を買収しようとした (2/2)


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The exchange between Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Why was this research done? Was it gain-of-function research? #NIH #SARSCoV2 #CSpan

The complete video can be found at

Thank you, for your time.
"...I am fully in favor of any further investigation of what went on in China..." Anthony Fauci.

Yes, I do recommend that the C-Span video be seen. It's only about 7 minutes long. #GoF

This is one of the quite interesting discussions I came across a couple of weeks ago.

Uncovering the Origins of COVID-19: A Scientific Discussion
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One last thing.🙂

I am just curious, how this tweet and the responses end up after a while?


I've witnessed this happen hundreds of times before. This is not a platform for nuance, in-depth research, or for insights. Treat it accordingly.

What did I tell you?🙂
And, here's that page that few, if any, would bother to visit. #NIH #Ivermectin
Read 5 tweets
I am fortunate to have an #NIH #K25 award.

In this 🧵, I will share advice about K25 awards. These opinions are my own, based on my experience, and do not represent the NIH.

Hope this helps anyone preparing a K25!

#careerdev #nihgrants #funding #statstwitter #epitwitter 1/
Who should apply for a K25 award?

K25s are for quantitative experts seeking training in a new clinical area. These are perfect for (bio)statisticians starting in a faculty role pivoting to a new area that aligns with their institution.

K25s cover 75% FTE for up to 5 years. 2/
⭐️Most important advice in this thread⭐️

Include a figure connecting your career goals, proposed training, mentor expertise, and research aims.

The next career step should be submitting an R01 and becoming an independent scientist in the new clinical field. 3/
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Excerpts from The Forbidden Debate (Del Bigtree host). Guests incl. Jessica Rose, Robert Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche, Bret Weinstein
-elimination of childhood diseases
-safety of childhood #vaccine schedule
-eliminating control group
-what can #COVID vaccinees do?
Elimination of childhood diseases
"it was more concurrent with implementation of modern public health & water sanitation practices than it was with implementation of #vaccines
"industry has taught me & many of us that it was a causal relationship when in fact it was correlation"
RFK, Jr. has asked for #vaccine #safety & efficacy data

Malone agrees: "We need to revisit & if the data aren't there, I think we have to be conservative in the sense of don't subject our children to products that the safety & effectiveness has not been adequately demonstrated."
Read 18 tweets
This is generally a good article, but I would like to note this statement about Euro formulas "the safety standards are arguably higher. (European formulas cannot contain corn syrup, for example, and require higher levels of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA.)/1
I'll leave the corn syrup issue for others, except to note that there is no strong reason to believe this is actually a safety issue for infants, rather lets look at the DHA part of it /2
First, DHA is not mandated in formulas in the US at all. There is no RDA for DHA and the evidence for benefit is mixed in full-term infants. DHA was first added as a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) additive by the FDA in infant formula 20 years ago /3
Read 11 tweets
Fernando Polack un héro pour #Pfizer
Le miracle, en 3 semaines Fernando Polack va parvenir à recruter 4500 volontaires pour les essais #Pfizer là où une grande université comme Stanford par exemple, peine à recruter un volontaire par jour en moyenne..
A terme nous ne sommes plus qu'à une semaine de l'échéance des essais #Pfizer.
Fernando Polack est professeur de pédiatrie au centre médical universitaire Vanderbilt et consultant pour la #FDA. Lors d'une de ces interventions voilà sa déclaration d'intérêt 👇
En creusant un peu voilà ce que j'ai trouvé. Fernando Polack a par le passé été financé par la fondation Bill & Melinda Gates et le #NIH d'Anthony Fauci
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1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on parenteral #antiplatelet therapy in #neurovascular interventions. Our expert author is Fawaz Al-Mufti MD @almuftifawaz, interventional #neurologist Interventional Neurologist @NYMedcollege @WestchesterMed @neurocritical @svinsociety
2) This program is intended for #healthcare providers & is accredited for 0.5h CE/#CME for #physicians #PhysicianAssociate #nursepractitioner #nurse #pharmacists and is supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, and Chiesi.
3) Be sure to see prior tweetorials on #antiplatelet management, still available for credit, at…. Faculty disclosures are listed at
Read 41 tweets
.@WHCOVIDResponse briefing coming up at 10:30amET with someone different today: #HHS @SecBecerra, who's joining @CDCDirector Walensky, #NIH Fauci, Jeff Zients to discuss a roadmap to enable US to move forward safely & sustain/build on progress #COVID19😷
.@WHCOVIDResponse #COVID19 briefing seems to be running a bit late to get started.

#COVID19vaccines #MaskUp #HHS #NIH #CDC
#HHS @SecBecerra, @CDCDirector Walensky, #NIH Fauci & Jeff Zients together in same room today at #COVID19 briefing! That's a change, too!

#MaskUp #COVID19vaccines 😷💉😷
Read 36 tweets
"Throughout our history we’ve learned this lesson – when dictators do not pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos. They keep moving. And, the costs & threats to America & the world keep rising.

Excerpt from @POTUS @JoeBiden #SOTU address.

#Ukraine #Russia #Putin
"American diplomacy matters."

Excerpt from @POTUS @JoeBiden #SOTU address.

#Ukraine #Russia #Putin
"#Putin’s war was premeditated & unprovoked. He rejected efforts at diplomacy. He thought the West & @NATO wouldn’t respond. And, he thought he could divide us here at home.
Putin was wrong. We were ready."

Excerpt from @POTUS @JoeBiden's #SOTU address.

#Ukraine #Russia
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Just a friendly reminder @moderna_tx told the @SECGov that the @US_FDA defines #mRNA as gene therapy. And called it an unprecedented new category of #medicines tho they really want that #vaccine classification anyways for liability protections & fear the public wouldn’t take it.
They know the #COVID19 #vaccine isn’t a vaccine but human #gene #therapy.
The @US_FDA #fda reaffirmed their definition of modified viral #nucleic acid that alters #CELL Jan 30th 2020 #COVID ImageImageImageImage
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Republican House Oversight published new open letters with to some participants of the 1-4 February 2020 Covid Conference from Fauci for the Origin Investigation

They demand ALL emails/communication since 31/12/2019 for their further gov-investigation 🧵
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