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Jun 29th 2020
With hate-crimes law in Georgia's books, a repeal of citizen’s arrest might be next up: House lawmakers to hold hearings about nixing the statute, which was initially used to justify #Ahmaud Arbery's death. #gapol…
State Rep. Chuck Efstration, R-Dacula, will hold hearings starting in early July on the repeal of the citizen’s arrest law, a statute dating to the Civil War that was initially cited by a prosecutor to justify the killing of #AhmaudArbery. #gapol…
“We must act decisively. No parent should live in fear for the safety of her child every time he leaves home. We have been called to do much more, and the time to act is now.” #gapol…
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May 8th 2020
Yes. #RunningwhileBlack should not be a death sentence. Maybe it’s a good moment to share some insight into being black and male. I haven’t run alone for years out of this concern; but there are other things black men do to decrease their chances of being killed 1/
One night I was on call in the ICU and had to come in for a dire emergency. I hopped in my car and started to floor it. But then realized I was a black man, alone in a speeding car, late at night. It’s a setup for badness. I slowed down for my safety. 2/
Also speaking of cars, this is a “don’t shoot me” sticker. Every car I’ve ever owned has had some sort of sticker like this. It’s not a desire to advertise my cred, but an effort to assign me #human value when it may not be assumed if I’m pulled over. 3/
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May 6th 2020
#AhmaudArbery, I pause as I write this unsure what to say. Your name should have never been added to the list of those like #TrayvonMartin, #PhilandoCastile, #TamirRice. Haven’t we marched enough, cried enough, screamed enough. Don’t they see your worth?
I have a nephew your age. When I look into your eyes, I see him. And what a beautiful soul he is, and I hesitate to say, you were. My heart literally breaks for you. For your family, your mom. But hearts breaking is not enough. It won’t bring you back. And that’s what cuts deep.
It takes more than the black community to scream out for recognition of our humanity. We can’t march to fix a problem we ourselves did not create. So allies of all races and ethnicities, I need you to find your voice like YESTERDAY. Speak up! At your dinner tables, Speak up.
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