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Aug 17th 2020

If any parent wants to home school their children but also has to work ETC, There is a group of parents in YYC who are willing and wanting to help other parents in YYC.
Ex: if you want to homeschool your child, but dont have the time, this group of parents will work out an “education schedule” in which your child would still be able to complete the necessary school work while still being able to socialize safely with other kids in the group.
If childcare is an issue this group of parents are willing to work out a childcare schedule as well.

If you would like to know more, please feel free to DM me and I will connect you to a group that is helping coordinate everything.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 28th 2020
If you were to Look at any school in Alberta.....any school in Canada for that would see a teacher working for free!!! On a daily basis too!!!
Go by any school parking lot any time in the morning, afternoon or evening and even on some weekends too...and you will see them!!!
No overtime, No bonuses or promotions either. You see them doing it all for their students!!!
Read 5 tweets

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