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Jun 6th 2023
Sobre o futuro plantel #FCPorto.
🧵 N° 2
Convém começar pelo + importante. A manutenção do treinador. E acerca disto, 1 pequena reflexão. O modus operandi dum clube não pode ficar cristalizado e preso ao passado +/- recente, por mt boa q tenha sido a estratégia nessa altura (1/n)
Se alturas houve em q o Scout assegurava o reforço da equipa c/ jovens promessas e em q o treinador apenas os encaminhava (sendo este apenas + uma peça da engrenagem), hoje em dia, pelo aparecimento dos Clubes-Grupo, esse modelo tende a ser mais complicado de implementar (2/n)
Os Clubes-Grupo são redes de clubes, c/ liderança centralizada (empresas e/ou milionários) e estrutura em escada, q permitem a captação de talentos ainda mt jovens e desenvolvimento dentro do mm ecossistema, internalizando o papel embrionário que o Porto assumia (3/n)
Read 26 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
🧵I stopped the trial to go back and watch Alex the night of the murders and it's bothering me. Bottom left, is Paul's body. Then Alex crosses to the right and walks right past Maggie's body calmly. Then stands back in the dark. #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
🧵 Then Alex says he can tell the officer the exact time he left, and offers to show the officer his phone. What did he mean? What was he going to show on his phone to show where he was? Was this a slip and a quick divert? #MurdaughTrial
🧵 Then Alex starts the lies. Says he was with Paul (note he does not say Paul Paul like he is now) for 2 hours. Says he was gone for an hour and a half for his moms (20 minutes he was there) Says he saw them 45 minutes before that. #Murdaugh #MurdaughTrial
Read 17 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
'4. However, when it came time for the hospital to initiate the transfusion the doctors and nurses claimed they were unable to locate the #unvaccinated donors #blood the parents had #procured. So without the parents #consent they took blood from the hospitals general #stockpile.'
9. Now the# SacredHeart Childrens Hospital, claims there's no #record of Baby #Alex being at the hospital-despite ample #evidence, including pictures, medical bills, and his #DeathCertificate.
- What is going on here?
Read 4 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
- #Alex Jones
- Trial has reached jury
- #AlexJones
- After more than three days of deliberations, the jury has reached a verdict.
- #AlexJones
- Judge Barbara Bellis returns to courtroom
- Judge Bellis says the jury have reached a unanimous verdict.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 15th 2021
A group from #RebuildSA in #Alex helping the community clean up. Abigail Javier is there.
The army is seen patrolling #Alex. #RebuildSA
Streets quickly getting cleaned up as more people join in. #Alex #RebuildSA
Read 9 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
#CaptainFuture's Neujahrsvorsätze: #MichaelBruendel startete 2020 einen #Querdenken Partyprotest quer durchs Land; die #FreedomParade. Alle 3 Verfahren gegen ihn seien eingestellt worden. Am Samstag um 14 Uhr soll auf dem #Alex in #Berlin wieder gefeiert werden. @polizeiberlin
#CaptainFuture aka. #MichaelBruendel ruft zum erneuten Partyprotest der #FreedomParade auf. Am Samstag, 09.01. soll um 14:00 Uhr auf dem #Alexanderplatz in #Berlin protestiert werden. Wie wäre es mal mit konsequentem Handeln @polizeiberlin? Lief letztes Mal nicht so gut! #B0901 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Oct 2nd 2020
Paré à partir en reportage ☔️💨#AlerteRouge @Nice_Matin #Nice06 #Alex
A Beaulieu sur Mer, je profite d’une belle 😻 accalmie dans des pluies déjà denses, pour quelques secondes de vidéo. Ne vous fiez pas au calme, 3 à 4 m de vagues sont attendues ici. Ce catamaran mouillé dans la baie des Fourmis est imprudent avec la houle sud attendue #Alex06
Une première lame de pluie est tombée vers 8h30 sur le bord de mer de #Nice06. Accalmie en ce moment. Castel plage démonte ses installations en prévision de la houle #Alex06
Read 27 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
A continuación el hilo con la historia de #AlexSaab: Alex Nain Saab Morán, asistido en Caracas por su abogado Amir Nassar Tayupe, logró la “prohibición de salida del país” contra cuatro periodistas de @armandoinfo: @Ewalds6 @jopoliszuk @robertodeniz y @alfredomeza
@ArmandoInfo @Ewalds6 @jopoliszuk @alfredomeza 2.#AlexSaab y su abogado Amir Nassar también han pedido al tribunal que nos impida en @armandoinfo seguir investigando sus negocios con el Gobierno venezolano. Acá les resumo lo que hasta ahora hemos publicado desde 2017 relacionado con los #CLAP
@ArmandoInfo @Ewalds6 @jopoliszuk @alfredomeza 3.Desde el comienzo estaba claro que el objetivo de la demanda era silenciarnos. Como no lo logró aumentado la presión judicial en contra nuestra
Read 23 tweets
Jan 29th 2018
So I’ve been wanting to be play this game..Finally going to do it... Image
1. (#Damon & #Elena) #Delena |You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger..#TVD
2. (#Liam & #Steffy) #STEAM | No one can stop us. You know why? Because we are written in the damn stars.
Read 140 tweets

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