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Apr 5th 2021
I reached out to @MumbaiPolice @pmo @cmo @AmitShah @PawarSpeaks @NCWIndia & every politician of every party on #sanjayraut harassment issue. Nobody helped me. I won’t die like #SSR I won’t give up.I will fight.Join my fight.This hashtag is my identity #myrightmyfight Please RT. ImageImageImage
#MaharashtraGovernment is now used to murders being documented as suicides. I have already made it clear in my letter. I’m very strong. If I’m dead, it can only be a murder. #SSR was killed. He did not get a chance to say this, so I have stated my point much before the event.
I filed a writ in #HighCourt hoping that the judicial system will help. But the court does not find this issue emergency so does not come on board. If I was an actress, It would be easy. The only way left now is to fight alone with the help of public of India #myrightmyfight
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